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Neon Reads The Wheel of Time


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5 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

I assume their identities will be made clear as I read? One tidbit given on their identities was that one helped make Trollocs, which I remember but not from where. 

I don't recall how much more attention is going to get brought to it, honestly.  knowing that Osan'gar made the trollocs is enough to 100% positively identify him - creating shadowspawn is the defining trait of one of the forsaken; there is only 1 person that can be.  Aran'gar is a little bit harder, but I think the information is already there for that too.  I can give you their identities if you want, I'm reasonably certain there are no spoilers attached to them

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22 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

One person that I will never be able to guess. I presume Aran'Gar is one of the two female Forsaken killed, so either Lanfear (assuming she is actually dead which I still am not convinced), or.... Semirhage? Was Semirhage killed? I don't even remember

hmm, maybe i'm wrong about having all the information.  I just reread the segment where they are introduced, and there is a bit less there than I had thought.  enough to identify Osan'gar, but less for Aran'gar. sooner or later you'll have all the information you need, but I guess it might be a little while yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/20/2021 at 8:54 AM, aneonfoxtribute said:

One person that I will never be able to guess. I presume Aran'Gar is one of the two female Forsaken killed, so either Lanfear (assuming she is actually dead which I still am not convinced), or.... Semirhage? Was Semirhage killed? I don't even remember

By the time Aran'Gar and Osan'Gar are brought back you have enough info to figure out who they are but it isn't plainly spelled out for quite a while.

Who they are and some some other Forsaken info as of the beginning of Lord Of Chaos: 


Osan'Gar is Aginor and Aran'Gar is Balthamel, the two Forsaken killed at the end of the Eye of The World. Here is a breakdown of dead Forksaken by the beginning of the Lord of Chaos; Aginor and Balthamel we're both killed by Rand at the Eye of the World. Be'lal was killed with Balefire by Moiraine at the Stone of Tear. Ishamael was killed by Rand at the Stone of Tear. Lanfear died fighting Moiraine when she was pushed through the Red Stone Doorway. Rahvin was killed by Rand using Balefire in the the Tel'Aran'rhiod version of Caemlyn. Asmodean is killed by ??? (you wont find out exactly what happened here until much later).

Edited by The Sovereign
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  • 2 weeks later...

Started the Forsaken chapter, read about half of it. As much as I've criticized the Forsaken, I still find their chapters very interesting. We learned of some new people from beyond the Aiel Waste, we learned that a past incarnation of the Dragon before Lews Therin was actually converted to the Dark One (how did the Wheel survive that I wonder), and we maybe learned that Mesaana is in the White Tower? I don't remember if that was said in the prologue. It probably was but dammit I can't keep anything straight

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I don't know that the books ever specify Aran'gar's former identity, been a while since I read the whole series, but you eventually get some sizable clues for it.  Mesaana is in the White Tower, I remember all the discussions that particular piece of info set off as to who it could be.  It eventually turned out someone had the right guess of course but it took a while for that to become evident.  As with most of WoT, lol. 


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Oh my god. A good Nynaeve chapter. She hasn't had a chapter in her POV where I didn't hate her since, like, book 2.

Learned some good things there. The Reds set Logain up, built him up as the false Dragon only to tear him down for glory or something. Thom isn't in Salidar anymore. And there's an emissary from the Tower in Salidar. 

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2 hours ago, Dunkum said:

the whitecloaks are pretty much all that guy

Nah, they're all like lawful stupid knight templars, but they're not as bad as that guy. Most every other Whitecloak have beliefs that make sense with some assumptions, like Aes Sedai all being evil and Rand working with them. They're biased but those are understandable. This guy, though, he's literally spouting off nonsense that even Pedron Niall finds absurd and is obviously not true. He literally says that the Stone of Tear was an inside job you can't make this stuff up.

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8 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Nah, they're all like lawful stupid knight templars, but they're not as bad as that guy. Most every other Whitecloak have beliefs that make sense with some assumptions, like Aes Sedai all being evil and Rand working with them. They're biased but those are understandable. This guy, though, he's literally spouting off nonsense that even Pedron Niall finds absurd and is obviously not true. He literally says that the Stone of Tear was an inside job you can't make this stuff up.

oh, is that the spymaster guy? hes an idiot. but Eamon Valda and the younger Bornhold are both nearly as bad. and even Niall, a generally intelligent man, seems to believe some fairy contradictory things about Tar Valon. but yes, most of them really just don't examine their beliefs long enough to notice that they don't actually make sense.

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Yeah I mean the fake spymaster guy. All of the Whitecloaks have clearly flawed beliefs, but that's just because they're knight templars who are too caught up in their holy crusade of righteousness to actually consider giving anybody who crosses them the benefit of the doubt, let alone Channelers. Spymaster guy takes it to a whole new level.

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I read Chapter 10. Hoo boy what a chapter. Basically every Two Rivers girl is a Channeler (the almighty power of three Ta'veren, making basically an entire village Aes Sedai candidates), Rand met with Verin and Alanna, and Alanna bonded him (you can DO that against their will?). And then Rand got mad. 

The more I read this book, the more I realize that Fires of Heaven is probably my least favorite book so far. It had a lot of good things, and I can't say in good conscience that it's a bad book, or even that I disliked it. But it's where all of the bad parts of Wheel of Time were at their absolute worst so far. It was miserable to read even with all of the good things it had

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5 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

I read Chapter 10. Hoo boy what a chapter. Basically every Two Rivers girl is a Channeler (the almighty power of three Ta'veren, making basically an entire village Aes Sedai candidates), Rand met with Verin and Alanna, and Alanna bonded him (you can DO that against their will?). And then Rand got mad.

you CAN do it, you just aren't supposed to. it used to be more common before they decided it was unethical and banned it.

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5 hours ago, Mulk said:

Basically it took Aes Sedai a while to come around to the idea that it was equivalent to rape, but even worse because of the control a channeler has over their Warder if they so desire.

yea, its tantamount to Compulsion, which is also forbidden.

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Read chapter 14, and there are two things of note. First, I think Gawyn might be a Dreamwalker. This chapter Egwene is talking about how the Wise Ones could forcibly pull her into a dream and keep her there because they're far stronger than she is. Not five minutes later, she gets forcibly pulled into Gawyn's dream and can't leave. Plus Gawyn seemed to be controlling it, and resetting the dream when he said something he thought was dumb. 

Second, Nynaeve was thinking Anaiya was super suspicious at the end of the chapter. That's gonna play into something. I just don't know what. 

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Read chapter 15. First, the thing that happened to Egwene last chapter was just strong emotion. Alas, nothing more interesting than that. I guess Gawyn just has lucid dreams. 


I want to watch one of the meetings the Wise Ones have with the Aes Sedai. It sounds SO satisfying. The Aes Sedai need a bit of humbling and the Wise Ones do a fantastic job with that

To think that one angry sleep deprived rant at Aes Sedai about how they suck was enough to make me bring Nynaeve back up to C tier after her sorry showing in Fires of Heaven

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Reading chapter 16 and wow. Talk about a plot dump. 

So Rand is the son of the old Daughter Hair Tigraine. Taringail was her husband, and Galad his son. And Luc is Tigraine's brother. Why is Rand related to literally everybody. He is technically related to Moiraine (not really but Tigraine's old husband was Moiraine's.... Father? Brother? Cousin? I don't remember their relation, but close enough), he is Galad's half brother, and Luc is his uncle. 

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6 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Reading chapter 16 and wow. Talk about a plot dump. 

So Rand is the son of the old Daughter Hair Tigraine. Taringail was her husband, and Galad his son. And Luc is Tigraine's brother. Why is Rand related to literally everybody. He is technically related to Moiraine (not really but Tigraine's old husband was Moiraine's.... Father? Brother? Cousin? I don't remember their relation, but close enough), he is Galad's half brother, and Luc is his uncle. 

I had to look it up.  She is Taringail Damodred's half sister. so Rand is her Half Brother's ex-wife's son.

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