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Neon Reads The Wheel of Time


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Odd definition of how every romance should start

"I wish to purchase this man, woman who is sexually assaulting him"

"He's not for sale he's a free man even though I'm forcing him into sex"

"Oh okay *proceeds to pretend he doesn't exist whenever he is aware of her presence but basically stalk him because you know you're destined to be together*"

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59 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Odd definition of how every romance should start

"I wish to purchase this man, woman who is sexually assaulting him"

"He's not for sale he's a free man even though I'm forcing him into sex"

"Oh okay *proceeds to pretend he doesn't exist whenever he is aware of her presence but basically stalk him because you know you're destined to be together*"

I love to hate the Seanchan.

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2 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:


There was a lot happening in that scene that I feel like I didn't understand. How much of it should I not understand, and how much is stuff I forgot?

he is. not sure which scene you are talking about though

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8 minutes ago, Dunkum said:

he is. not sure which scene you are talking about though

The first scene with him in this book, at the end of ch 22. The stuff with Luca and Isam. Other points I was confused about, that I know I just don't remember, are the murder of two Aes Sedai in the Stone of Tear and the killing of a Gray Man in Tar Valon.

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Wow casual reveal that Elza is Black Ajah WH 35
Oof, Kumira and Eben died
Night fell. On the hilltop, the wind blew dust across the fragments of what had once been a ter'angreal. Below lay the tomb of Shadar Logoth, open to give the world hope. And on distant Tremalking, the word began to stread that the Time of Illusions was at an end
The End
of the Ninth Book of
The Wheel of Time
That is all
Two things I'm confused on: First, who did Verin meet? Moghedien didn't fight, Cyndane fought Alivia, and Aran'Gar fought Eben and the others. But that's every one of the women accounted for, isn't it? None of the other female Forsaken showed up, at least not that we were told. 
Second, where did Demandred vanish too? We saw him fighting Flinn, he backed off until Flinn got tired, and then we never heard from him again.
Edited by aneonfoxtribute
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Ah. I didn't realize because Jordan didn't mention that she was there. Makes sense that she would be though. My initial thought was that it was Aran'gar because I misread, and I was very confused because I was wondering how she would have got to Eben and the others. It said that Verin couldn't see the weaves, so I assumed it was Aran'gar because she would be channeling Saidin which Verin wouldn't be able to see. But it said that she was specifically channeling Saidar. 

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1 hour ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Ah. I didn't realize because Jordan didn't mention that she was there. Makes sense that she would be though. My initial thought was that it was Aran'gar because I misread, and I was very confused because I was wondering how she would have got to Eben and the others. It said that Verin couldn't see the weaves, so I assumed it was Aran'gar because she would be channeling Saidin which Verin wouldn't be able to see. But it said that she was specifically channeling Saidar. 

Yea, the Forsaken all know how to hide their weaves and the fact that they can channel at all.

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4 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Poor guy died before he even got to know what untainted Saidin felt like

Yeah. It was heartbreaking to read about Daigian sobbing as she held his body. Absolutely ruined my day.

RIP Eben Hopwill, Asha'man of the Black Tower.

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I have to wait for Barnes and Noble to ship my copy because they didn't have the version of the next book I wanted :(

Also, I was thinking about it, and the image of everyone else protecting Rand and Nynaeve splitting off into groups, and then Cyndane just running into Alivia on her own is incredibly menacing.

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