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Neon Reads The Wheel of Time


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My memory of NS as I’ve said is hazy after all this time but I just took it as in the moment/passing time. I think Rafe made a bigger deal with it than needed esp since having the knowledge of Thom/Gareth in my head. 

WoP is certainly not WoT but it’s the only WoT we are ever likely going to get so I will continue to watch it though so far from S1 ep 8 to current it’s turned into a hate watch. It’s not a good adaptation at all.

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20 minutes ago, Ookla the Cheesy said:


Omg it's so bad. I hate it more than Rings of Power

It’s spoiler territory. Have you read all of the main books?

As for Rings of Prime yes that is bad to but I’ve yet to see any Prime series that is above meh lvl. I haven’t watched alot of their originals because of that yet.

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12 minutes ago, Ookla the Cheesy said:


Ok. Full series spoilers

I was referring to having Moriane with Thom and Siuan with Gareth. The Moriane with Siuan thing in WoP just based off a tiny fling/close/pillow friends bit from New Spring and never really touched on again in main books just becomes a “cause Rafe can” thing kinda like having old gal Dragons. It’s just strange to me I feel.

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I'm very happy I get more Verin before the end. This is the true reason I read this book last. Just so I could get Verin.

I will say, reading this after Towers of Midnight, Moiraine's test is incredibly tame compared to what Nynaeve went through. No wonder the first immediate reaction when it was over was "What under the Light was that"

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1 minute ago, Briar King said:

Towers is what I’m looking forward to..

At halfway point in 11. Elayne is getting to me a tad on this read with her mood. 

I figured you would have blown through NS fast as it’s on the smaller side.

I did too. I just haven't been reading too much. I expected to have read it all during my Thanksgiving trip. But it's fine, I'm not feeling rushed, I'm just taking my time

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That last post got me thinking about my very 1st read through and how much faster I used to be. It was Nov 04’ while I was a manager at Booksamillion I picked up NS and by May 19th 05 I was reading bk 7 when a gal I was seeing moved out of state.  By July 05’ I was done with bk 10 and eagerly awaiting 11 which I got in Texarkana as we were evacuated to Arkansas from hurricane Rita. I finished 11 in 9 days some of include being back home in Louisiana. I read the other 3 fairly quickly to after release even did a reread of 1-11 prior to 12 coming out.

Now here I am on this reread that I’ve been on since just a few days prior to WoP S1 airing in 2021. Still have a ways to go to. Yikes!

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Siuan POV jumpscare


"The sight of Moiraine always made her smile. Cetalia had been wrong in one particular. She was not a pretty little porcelain doll; she was a beautiful little porcelain doll"



"Siuan could have kissed her. In fact, she did."

JORDAN YOU ARE NOT CONVINCING ME THAT THESE WOMEN ARE STRAIGHT! I'm sad I didn't read this when I was supposed to because Moiraine and Siuan's straight romances would have been so fun to make fun of when this book paints them as the most gay ass gay couple to ever be gay together.

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Blue and Red opposed each other as a matter of course

Wow yeah there's no reason world parallels at all there. Not a one. No parallels exist there

Sheriam, one of the future heads of the Black Ajah, a gossip??? I don't believe it

Oh damn, it took half.the book for Tamra to die. I was starting to think her death would mark the beginning of the end of the book

Also, thought to myself "I remember this name but I can't pin who it belongs to". So I do a quick Google search..... for Ryma Galfrey. "Occupation: damane". And that's when I realized I just experienced a miniature slow moving train wreck 

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I like that you can actually see root words and translate certain words in the Wheel of Time language. For instance, you can easily tell what Aesdaishar means because you know both Aes Sedai and Tai'Daishar. Aes Sedai is Servant of All, and Tai'Daishar is Lord of Glory, so you can easily tell that Aesdaishar means "All Glory"

Oh hey there's Bulen. I KNEW he came from this book!

I only have two chapters left of New Spring, less than 30 pages. And much like the series itself, idk how we'll have time to wrap up everything needed to be done in that amount of time.

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Larelle is dead, isn't she? Merean wouldn't show up at this point in the plot if she wasn't going to throw a wrench in everything, and I think her being Black Ajah is the best bet for that

Oh yeah Merean is Black Ajah 100%, she's acting so suspicious

Bukama's dead and someone tried to kil Lan. Probably Merean. Merean probably killed Iselle too when they left. I wonder why she's just killing random people indiscriminately. Bukama probably because he was spying on her, but why kill Lan or Iselle (if i'm right)

Okay Iselle is alive

So Ryne is a Darkfriend, and they're trying to kill Brys and Diryk. For some reason.

Merean HOW did you allow Moiraine to kill you

Okay so Merean was quite literally killing at complete random on the off chance that the person she killed happened to be the Dragon. Wow


"Men who weren't there call it the Battle of the Shining Walls. Men who were, call it the Blood Snow."

That's a war quote if I've ever heard one. That one comes right from the experience.

And that ends New Spring, the final text I have yet to read from The Wheel of Time. That was pretty good. I do wish I read it earlier, I think it would have enhanced some things in the final book, but regardless.

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Yep I just went ahead and read it 1st since it’s a prequel but all these years later with the addition of YouTube to the mix I hear a lot of people say to read it after bk 5. 

Had RJ not died when he did he was going to do another book called Outriggers dealing with Mat and Tuon going to retake Seanchan and I so would have loved that.

I don’t think I ever want anyone else to enter this world with more books which I believe has definitely been talked about especially now that Wheel of Prime is here.

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24 minutes ago, Briar King said:

How would you feel about someone else likely not having any of his notes diving in the world for more books?

It would very much depend. I would think on the surface that it's a bad idea, because nobody would be able to capture what Jordan would have wanted for it. But if someone somehow got the OK to write it, I would probably still check them out and hope they're good. I likely wouldn't see them as fully canon, but I would certainly give them a shot.

The biggest thing I would be afraid of for it is them capturing the Seanchan just right. Jordan had a very specific way with the Seanchan that Brandon messed up, and I don't know if very many people would be able to do what Jordan did with them properly. 

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2 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

The biggest thing I would be afraid of for it is them capturing the Seanchan just right. Jordan had a very specific way with the Seanchan that Brandon messed up, and I don't know if very many people would be able to do what Jordan did with them properly.

Can you elaborate on that? i don't remember feeling like Brandon didn't handle the Seanchan well when I read it at the time, but if it wasn't as glaring as his first few Mat chapters then I definitely could have missed it.

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9 hours ago, Dunkum said:

Can you elaborate on that? i don't remember feeling like Brandon didn't handle the Seanchan well when I read it at the time, but if it wasn't as glaring as his first few Mat chapters then I definitely could have missed it.

Its not as glaring as Mat, but it was still very noticeable to me. I mostly noticed it with Tuon. She feels ever so slightly off a lot of the time. Im not really sure how to describe it overall, but she feels like a worse person with Brandon writing her than Jordan. It's hard to tell how much of it is her taking the role she believes the Empress needs to take, though, which is mostly how I justify it to myself. There's also two scenes where I felt she said something that Jordan Tuon wouldn't (saying she enjoys seeing damane "broken", when with Jordan writing her she came off as more caring than that, and Bethamin implying that breaking them down to a certain extent is considered unfavorable; and her outright refusing Healing in the Last Battle despite saying explicitly that the people who are afraid of being Healed are idiots).

Other things are a bit hard to explain. It's not like Mat, where the differences are easy to describe. But I just got a different feel from the in the Sanderson books. I don't know how much of it is Brandon not having Seanchan characters other than Tuon and Egeanin, and how much of it is his (most certainly negatjve) perspective on the Seanchan coloring how he wrote them. I guess I could describe it best by saying that they felt a bit more sadistic, in Gathering Storm particularly? Like in Jordan's books, their actions were a matter of course. This is how it must be, so that is how it is. But during the raid on the Tower, they felt like they were taking more pleasure in it than in Jordan's books. Does that make sense?

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I ll have to try and remember that when once I get there but she is very forceful in 11 for the short time she has the 3 collared in her trailer.

I would probably have to take a pass on other people’s books if it ever comes to pass. Though I am curious if he had time to commit any notes towards Outriggers before he got to sick. Been awhile since I spoke with Terez, I ll have to ask her about that next time I see her on. Haven’t seen her elseNet since shortly before WoP 1st aired. Yikes. Ed:though she may not be allowed to answer this.

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3 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Its not as glaring as Mat, but it was still very noticeable to me. I mostly noticed it with Tuon. She feels ever so slightly off a lot of the time. Im not really sure how to describe it overall, but she feels like a worse person with Brandon writing her than Jordan. It's hard to tell how much of it is her taking the role she believes the Empress needs to take, though, which is mostly how I justify it to myself. There's also two scenes where I felt she said something that Jordan Tuon wouldn't (saying she enjoys seeing damane "broken", when with Jordan writing her she came off as more caring than that, and Bethamin implying that breaking them down to a certain extent is considered unfavorable; and her outright refusing Healing in the Last Battle despite saying explicitly that the people who are afraid of being Healed are idiots).

Other things are a bit hard to explain. It's not like Mat, where the differences are easy to describe. But I just got a different feel from the in the Sanderson books. I don't know how much of it is Brandon not having Seanchan characters other than Tuon and Egeanin, and how much of it is his (most certainly negatjve) perspective on the Seanchan coloring how he wrote them. I guess I could describe it best by saying that they felt a bit more sadistic, in Gathering Storm particularly? Like in Jordan's books, their actions were a matter of course. This is how it must be, so that is how it is. But during the raid on the Tower, they felt like they were taking more pleasure in it than in Jordan's books. Does that make sense?

it makes sense, though i'd have to reread a fair bit to see if I agree. part of the problem is that we do tend to get a very limited amount of Seanchan perspectives, so its harder to gauge how consistently they are written.

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