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35 minutes ago, Robin Sedai said:

Nope! Though you have inspired me to look it up. The title makes me think of Bayern Munich. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_FC_Bayern_Munich

TPBM thinks that YYYY-MM-DD is the best date format.

To be fair, I think that was part of the point. If I recall correctly, Shannon Hale talks about researching her heritage for use in a story in the interview transcription at the end of the first book (hard copy; never read an ebook version). Bayern was somehow involved in that research, though whether it's a place or a sports team I don't recall.

8 minutes ago, Faerie Braids said:

Personally, I prefer MM-DD-YYYY, but YYYY-MM-DD is definitely better than DD-MM-YYYY.

TPBM, despite owning a bookshelf, has 30+ books sitting beside their bed, at various degrees of completion

No, but I would if a) I had more money to spend on books, and b) I hadn't packed most of my books away in boxes recently to clear up space on my shelf for Stormlight 5 and Just Stab Me Now (Look it up sometime; the author's name is Jill Bearup, and she has a YouTube channel with great videos on bad armor and TV fight analysis).

TPBM prefers wired earbuds over Bluetooth ones.

Edited by Ookla
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7 hours ago, Ookla said:

TPBM prefers wired earbuds over Bluetooth ones.

I’m not a monster I promise…but yes. I’m literally named the Destroyer of Headphones in my house and it almost became my username. Wired headphones you can chew on and they are harder to loose. They also make it so you can’t loose your phone while listening to music. 

TPBM likes tomatoes on their grilled cheese (I do! You should try it sometime)

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7 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I’m currently in the process of growing my hair longer, but it’s currently shortish medium.

TPBM sleeps with many stuffed animals despite their age.

….be quiet I’m definitely not hugging a stuffed animal from when I was four, nor am I surrounded by pillows cause I can’t sleep alone, nor am I petting a stuffed animal that my most favorite person in the whole world gave to me. Nope, not me.

TPBM is very particular about how they arrange their dinner plate 

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19 hours ago, Just a Silvereye said:


This was in my country 2 weeks ago. We don't really need more rain here now. (But I bet you we'll be desperate for it in a couple months).

TPBM doesn't drink enough.

Yay monsoon season, eh? I must admit, I am both slightly jealous and somewhat concerned. Hopefully everybody made it out the other side okay? At the same time, we could really use that much water where I live. 

4 hours ago, Just-A-Stick said:

I, on the contrary, strongly dislike puzzles.

TPBM WANTS @Shardwatcher01 TO COME BACK!!! 


I have not met this person yet, so I don't know.

TPBM thinks the performance arts are awesome. 

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1 hour ago, Ookla said:

Yay monsoon season, eh? I must admit, I am both slightly jealous and somewhat concerned. Hopefully everybody made it out the other side okay? At the same time, we could really use that much water where I live. 

This wasn't monsoon. Just a really big storm. I couldn't find about any casualty.

11 minutes ago, TwinSouls said:

TPBM is eating something right now.

Nope. But I soon will.

TPBM has a messy desk.

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