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The Person Below Me

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Yes. Very much so. She's highly entertaining, has great humor, and has an arc with plenty of hard stuff without making me miserable along with her the way Kaladin does. I love Kaladin, but Shallan is way more fun.

TPBM thinks Adolin would make a great spouse.

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3 hours ago, The cheeseman said:

Not a spouse to me, being a straight man, but yeah. He sure seems it in Rhythm of War, or whenever it is that Shallan and he are married.

TPBM has a significant other.

A girl can dream… ( @Just-A-Stick understands XD)

TPBM is dreaming about a significant other. 

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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

A girl can dream… ( @Just-A-Stick understands XD)

TPBM is dreaming about a significant other. 

Hheheheheheheheh I may have some.... additional info on that :ph34r:

1 hour ago, Faerie Braids said:

Yes, although it will likely stay as a dream for a long while.

TPBM loves reading poetry.


TPBM Has lots of siblings. 

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Yes! (Though I should say that I did not make it past the first 100 pages of Reckoners but have read the Alcatraz series three times, so this is not a fairly formed opinion)

TPBM has listened to the Kaladin book soundtrack by the Black Piper

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16 minutes ago, TwinSouls said:

Nope. (Should I?)

Yeah, it's pretty good.

16 minutes ago, TwinSouls said:

TPBM enjoys eating nachos


TPBM has seen at least three movies in theaters in the last year.

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2 hours ago, The cheeseman said:


TPBM thinks about writing more than they actually write.

😮😮 How did you know?! 😮😮 Bad habits. I really need to sit my rear down and squish some words onto paper more often than I do  

TPBM enjoys reading through this thread. 

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2 hours ago, Lunamor said:

I enjoy reading the new responses, if that counts.

TPBM has played Dungeons and Dragons.

Indeed. Best game on the planet!

TPBM likes to munch on whole, raw chili peppers. 

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