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The Person Below Me

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Nope! My two brothers are left handed, although one was too stubborn to admit it and used his right hand enough that he became ambidextrous.

TPBM prefers bar soap to liquid soap.

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Depends on my situation. If I'm on Roshar, then definitely. If I'm literally anywhere else, no. I'd rather have magic powers that I've got the resources to use, thank you very much. :) Also, I think it'd be awesome to be able to just Steelpush off cars on the highway to get where I need to go. Don't you?

On 3/8/2024 at 12:37 PM, Lunamor said:

I’m 5’7, three inches taller than average. So only a lil bit. *roaring noises*

TPBM has dyed their hair.

I know this is a wee bit farther back in the thread, but I'm excited to announce that I will soon be dying my hair! Well, dip-dying, in red Kool-Aid. I'd rather not have to use bleach. ;)

TPBM knows how to draw a dragon.

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No. I prefer to use cheap ballpoints and accept the fact that all mistakes have to be scribbled out.

TPBM shares my loathing of cheap pencils with crappy erasers that have the same problems as the aforementioned "erase-able" pens. (Seriously! Do you have any idea how much sheet music those things have ruined at this point? And that's not even mentioning the math homework...)

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