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The Person Below Me

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Yes, in 10 languages. I can actually speak 2 of those, and make simple sentences in a third one. For the other ones I just know a couple words (and one of those languages is dead anyway.)

Bonjour, hello, guten Tag, buenos dias, bom dia, buongiorno, salaam aleikum, ni hao, zdrazstvouitsié (or something), salve.

TPBM doesn't want to go in class.

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Short answer: yes. Long answer: I believe that the universe operates under logical, knowable laws that we may one day discover. What is once seen as 'magic' will at some point become understood and become science, like alchemy to chemistry and astrology to astronomy. BUT! If we look at Brandon Sanderson's magic systems, they also operate under laws and the study of them could indeed be considered science. So who's to say that chemistry and physics aren't magic systems, in a way?

I don't know if that makes ANY sense outside of my head.

TPBM likes Phineas and Ferb.

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Oh yeah. Probably the best show I've ever seen.

In reference to that last question, which I actually really like (spoilered for length):


Any science sufficiently advanced can be considered magic. Honestly, to people from some other universe with different rules, what we do can be considered magic. I mean, I can get two common ingredients from a drugstore and mix up incredibly effective explosives. We're communicating via putting words on a thinking machine and sending them to the entire world near instantaneously. Give me some liquid nitrogen and some YBCO (Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide) powder and I can make a magnet float on thin air. You and I would know that the magnet was floating due to supercold YBCO being a superconductor, but to people from the middle ages or from another universe it would seem to be magic.

Really, the only dividing line between science and magic is the ability for it to be replicated. If you can replicate something in proper conditions, then it's science. Otherwise, we call it magic and get mushy about it. If something can't be replicated in the proper conditions, it's normally a scam. If your definition of magic is "something that can't be replicated but still works," then my answer is no.


Just because something can be scientifically replicated doesn't exclude it from being magical. You can see a solar eclipse and still be blown away by the beauty of the world around you. Change your perspective and making ammonium triiodide is alchemy. It just happens to follow concrete rules that allow it to be replicated. Learning how formerly unexplained things work doesn't make them less magical: it just makes them scientific as well.

So I believe in magic, as in I think that knowing how something works scientifically doesn't make it any less magical. By that logic, the entire world is magic.

TL;DR I pretty much agree with @Soulbinder but I used a lot more words.

Wow, that was a huge rant. Sorry to all the people who have to read that wall of text.

ANYWAY, TPBM considers themselves good at making D&D homebrew.

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Adapting official lore and coming up with my own? Yes. Mechanical stuff? No. Not yet.

TPBM thinks it's dumb to ban certain subclasses and combos in D&D.

Edited by The cheeseman
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Sometimes. ._.


I haven’t played official DND with actual subclasses in a while so I don’t remember if they banned any cubclasses, I just play a highly edited and simplified version where you make a character and do pretty much whatever you want

TPBM hates silence

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2 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Sometimes. ._.

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I haven’t played official DND with actual subclasses in a while so I don’t remember if they banned any cubclasses, I just play a highly edited and simplified version where you make a character and do pretty much whatever you want

WotC doesn't ban things, but DM's will if they deem it broken or unfit for the setting.

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34 minutes ago, The cheeseman said:

WotC doesn't ban things, but DM's will if they deem it broken or unfit for the setting.

Yea I figured, but I meant can’t remember if the DM did, sorry for any confustion

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7 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Sometimes. ._.

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I haven’t played official DND with actual subclasses in a while so I don’t remember if they banned any cubclasses, I just play a highly edited and simplified version where you make a character and do pretty much whatever you want

TPBM hates silence


TPBM likes scavenger hunts.

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I have a mountain bike and sometimes ride on the giant hill behind my house, but haven’t been actually mountain biking (in the sense of riding on a trail or smth)

TPBM has been to New York City

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Despite having been to places like London and Rome as an American, I somehow haven’t been to New York yet.

TPBM is proficient in at least one programming language.

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