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8 hours ago, I Am A Fish said:

"Give them to Chorale and I'll kill her!" A lot of the calm was gone from his voice. Everything was falling apart. He needed this, he needed to do it for Tiira.

@Condensation @Vapor @Experience @Channelknight Fadran

3 hours ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade leaped up, over Aerith, then turned and slammed into his back, and smashed his face into the earth.

@Condensation @Channelknight Fadran



Depends on if you're using them or not. If you're not using them, 12-24 hours, if you're using them, depends on the rate that you're using them at.

Okay, who votes that Concerto brought other Amal and everyone gets captured? I mean, it's a possiblity, but he could also have just brought like a cart or something.

Chorale searched for something she could use as a weapon, but she couldn't see anything. She leapt toward Kade, but a hand, moving with blurring speed, caught her collar and left her hanging in the air. It was Concerto. He examined her, shaking his head slightly. "Leaving so soon, little sister? That's a shame." Raising his voice a little, he called to Kade. "Kade, we'll talk about this later. For now, I'll help you clean up this mess." Then he twisted Chorale's arm sharply and dropped her to the ground. "Stay there," he said in a condescending voice. Chorale glared up at him, rubbing her arm, then reached out her leg and tripped him as he walked by. He ran a couple of steps to recover, then turned back to her with a dark expression on his face. "Do I need to do something worse?" Chorale, holding eye contact, stood up and raised her fists. The message was clear: She would fight until she couldn't any more.

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6 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale searched for something she could use as a weapon, but she couldn't see anything. She leapt toward Kade, but a hand, moving with blurring speed, caught her collar and left her hanging in the air. It was Concerto. He examined her, shaking his head slightly. "Leaving so soon, little sister? That's a shame." Raising his voice a little, he called to Kade. "Kade, we'll talk about this later. For now, I'll help you clean up this mess." Then he twisted Chorale's arm sharply and dropped her to the ground. "Stay there," he said in a condescending voice. Chorale glared up at him, rubbing her arm, then reached out her leg and tripped him as he walked by. He ran a couple of steps to recover, then turned back to her with a dark expression on his face. "Do I need to do something worse?" Chorale, holding eye contact, stood up and raised her fists. The message was clear: She would fight until she couldn't any more.

Kade slammed into Aerith, no longer intending to injure. This time he was going to kill.

@Channelknight Fadran

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10 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale searched for something she could use as a weapon, but she couldn't see anything. She leapt toward Kade, but a hand, moving with blurring speed, caught her collar and left her hanging in the air. It was Concerto. He examined her, shaking his head slightly. "Leaving so soon, little sister? That's a shame." Raising his voice a little, he called to Kade. "Kade, we'll talk about this later. For now, I'll help you clean up this mess." Then he twisted Chorale's arm sharply and dropped her to the ground. "Stay there," he said in a condescending voice. Chorale glared up at him, rubbing her arm, then reached out her leg and tripped him as he walked by. He ran a couple of steps to recover, then turned back to her with a dark expression on his face. "Do I need to do something worse?" Chorale, holding eye contact, stood up and raised her fists. The message was clear: She would fight until she couldn't any more.

2 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade slammed into Aerith, no longer intending to injure. This time he was going to kill.

@Channelknight Fadran

Aerith tries to throw a fireball at Concerto, but Kade sent his fire wild by tackling him to the floor. His strength was gone, and his crystals near depleted.

"You can kill my body, but you're not stopping my soul." Aerith groaned.

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Krait woke up and tried to remember where she was. And why her neck hurt so much. Making sure to stay still she looked around. When she saw Kade tackle Aerith, she quickly transformed into a Viper and sped forward hoping she could put the leopard to sleep once more. 

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13 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith tries to throw a fireball at Concerto, but Kade sent his fire wild by tackling him to the floor. His strength was gone, and his crystals near depleted.

"You can kill my body, but you're not stopping my soul." Aerith groaned.

Kade smashed a paw into Aerith's face. Then leaped upwards.

He twisted in time to see Krait speeding towards him. He leapt past her, landing a ways back, then transformed into a human.

"You wanna go traitor? Let's do this."


Kade doesn't wanna risk Krait biting him


Edited by I Am A Fish
I'm a fish, not a god...
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Did you know that cheetahs can go from 0 to 100 kph in 3 seconds? At that speed, you can travel 146.3 feet in a second. Granted, Concerto has just run a long distance and he won't be able to keep it up for long, but Chorale's unarmed.

Concerto charged at Chorale, his speed startling even when you had just seen and experienced it. Chorale barely had time to step out of the way before he zoomed past her, and that was because she had anticipated it. Concerto slid to a stop and charged back the other way. Chorale didn't dodge out of the way fast enough and he clipped her, sending her to the ground. She rubbed her shoulder, that had hurt. Then she charged at Concerto, who easily stepped out of the way of her punch. By now, Chorale was growing worried about how she could fight him, but she knew he had to get tired eventually.

Edited by Condensation
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4 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade smashed a paw into Aerith's face. Then leaped upwards.

He twisted in time to see Krait speeding towards him. He leapt past her, landing a ways back, then transformed into a human.

"You wanna go traitor? Let's do this."

Krait transforms and throws her last two poisoned  knives, one to each side of Kade, then transforms back into a Viper and strikes forward. 

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Concerto sped up to Chorale, who had been charging at him. He levelled his fists and punched her in the gut, then she collapsed again. She tried to talk, but couldn't draw enough breath and put her head down, still gasping. Concerto, satisfied that Chorale couldn't do much for the moment, sped over to the brash red-eyed one and pulled the bag away. "Uh-uh-uh!" he said in a sing-song voice, then sped back to Chorale, who was getting to her feet. He tripped her and chuckled as she fell face-first to the ground.

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18 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

He's in a different area then Kade.


Oh, whoops...


29 minutes ago, Enter a username said:

A harpoon dropped right in front of Aerith. A bag was tied to the end of the shaft, containing more red crystals.

Aerith hesitated, but grabbed one of the crystals and just about swallowed it whole. Power restored, he threw a few fireballs at Kade.

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Fish, I just realized(we talked about this earlier): Amal are generally able to get stronger and do get stronger than ordinary people or magicians.

Chorale banged her head on the ground and winced, rubbing it. Then she tried a different tactic: she ran to help the others. Concerto was surprised, but easily caught up to her and blocked her. "Nope. Not that either." Chorale kicked at him and he caught it, shoving it back down as he smiled with feral glee and raked his claws down her leg.

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