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He's a predator Amal, so it's because of evolution. Ta da! It explains everything.

Chorale covered the scratch as much as she could with one hand, then punched Concerto in the gut. It did absolutely nothing. Well, actually it made him even more angry, so it didn't do nothing, reflected Chorale as she shuffled backward away from Concerto, who loomed angrily over her.

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The settlement's marketplace bustled with a sense of fear and anticipation that seemed to have been stoked into burning hotter, excellent. Although very little had changed in the marketplace itself for years, it was what had happened last night that seemed to push the people to give their attention to the speaker. The speaker himself wasn't new, he had been there for nearly a month. But even though in the past the general public ignored him, he had their attention now. Only one thing had changed about the speaker himself, and that was not what he said, but where he spoke. While he had consistently demanded change, he normally had done so on street corners and near shops, but now he stood in front of the Mayor's house, speaking a challenge to the authority that he held.

The speaker looked to be a youth, but he spoke of things beyond his apparent years. As he spoke of the need for change, his eyes seemed to burn with a passion that could rival the hottest inferno, and he had the people transfixed onto him. He spoke long and hard, as he himself was quite expressive with both his words and actions, often punctuating his points with gestures by his hands. As he spoke, his burning eyes looked off into the distance with a loathing hatred.

"Who are they to kill us, but not honorably, I doubt that they know that the word exists. They strike at night, like the beasts that they worship. They move to kill us and any who challenge their ways by not following their pagan beliefs. They attack at night so that they can kill us in cold blood, or simply burn us in our houses! You think that you're safe? You think that just because you haven't spoken out against them, or fought against them, or even mistreated them that they will leave you alone while the rest us of burn? You saw for yourselves, the Craddocks's house was burned to the ground last night as they attacked our settlement again. We all know the Craddocks, they never turned anyone away, not even if you were one of those cursed and forsaken beasts, and where did that leave them?! They have lost their mother and two sons along with their entire livelihood! Ask yourself again, if people who help and support the beasts are murdered and burned in the night, what about you? Will you be spared because you choose to not act? They will murder us all if given the chance, they have shown us this, and the mayor is more than happy to give them that chance!

While we live here with only the underdeveloped guards of the walls to protect us, the precious Mayor sits in his manor, surrounded by seemingly legions of guards who stand there at his whims instead of fighting to protect the people! He hires a single Clean Eyes to deal with this, and we find that she was taken last night to be desecrated in one of the beast's barbarous sacrifices no less, in their pagan rituals in a fruitless attempt to kill the Crystal Mother! The Mayor calls one mercenary and decides that all will be well, then she fails and the Mayor returns to his old habits. he stands by as we suffer and offers no help. I say that this needs to change! We shouldn't have our Mayor be a man who serves himself, we need someone who will serve and protect the people! We need security! We need change! We need Action!"

A man stood near a local store as the crowd seemed to grow, with their anxiety and fear growing, the youth carried on speaking. They were thinking about it, and that's what was needed. The man didn't like dealing with such zealous people, but it had to be done when it was beneficial. For it was the zealous who stirred the moderate to action, but if only they were more predictable. The man could feel the zealous fire in the youth as he encouraged the embers that filled the crowd to burn hotter. Of course this had been going on for a while, they just needed more fuel, otherwise the coals just couldn't heat up enough, that fuel came from last night. It would not be long before these fires pushed the people to action, anyone could sense that, some snapped last night, others would snap soon. The man smiled to himself. Things couldn't really go wrong now, and then he'd have another in his pocket. He couldn't remember why he had worried himself so much over that sister, even if she came back, she couldn't make much of a difference if she wanted to.

The man's smile faded. But what would happen to her, and more importantly, what effect would she have on the plans. Her connection to Concerto both made her valuable and dangerous. If only the man knew if it would be better to have her killed or not, that would make things easier. Until his contacts got back to him, he could only hope that she wouldn't muck all of this up somehow, and that made him uneasy. Why couldn't things just remained how he wanted them? The man decided to continue to watch the youth try to light a burning blaze in the hearts of the people, he tried to distract himself by turning his thoughts to his other companion's and their tasks. He failed. Things were going too well for him to risk letting anyone mess this up. A scowl crept it's way onto the man's face. He needed to deal with this sister, and all of the effects that she would have that he didn't like, now if only he could answer how.


Again, not offended that you don't read through this massive word block. although I am slightly disturbed by the fact that these seem to be getting longer.


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4 hours ago, TheWard'sGuard said:


The settlement's marketplace bustled with a sense of fear and anticipation that seemed to have been stoked into burning hotter, excellent. Although very little had changed in the marketplace itself for years, it was what had happened last night that seemed to push the people to give their attention to the speaker. The speaker himself wasn't new, he had been there for nearly a month. But even though in the past the general public ignored him, he had their attention now. Only one thing had changed about the speaker himself, and that was not what he said, but where he spoke. While he had consistently demanded change, he normally had done so on street corners and near shops, but now he stood in front of the Mayor's house, speaking a challenge to the authority that he held.

The speaker looked to be a youth, but he spoke of things beyond his apparent years. As he spoke of the need for change, his eyes seemed to burn with a passion that could rival the hottest inferno, and he had the people transfixed onto him. He spoke long and hard, as he himself was quite expressive with both his words and actions, often punctuating his points with gestures by his hands. As he spoke, his burning eyes looked off into the distance with a loathing hatred.

"Who are they to kill us, but not honorably, I doubt that they know that the word exists. They strike at night, like the beasts that they worship. They move to kill us and any who challenge their ways by not following their pagan beliefs. They attack at night so that they can kill us in cold blood, or simply burn us in our houses! You think that you're safe? You think that just because you haven't spoken out against them, or fought against them, or even mistreated them that they will leave you alone while the rest us of burn? You saw for yourselves, the Craddocks's house was burned to the ground last night as they attacked our settlement again. We all know the Craddocks, they never turned anyone away, not even if you were one of those cursed and forsaken beasts, and where did that leave them?! They have lost their mother and two sons along with their entire livelihood! Ask yourself again, if people who help and support the beasts are murdered and burned in the night, what about you? Will you be spared because you choose to not act? They will murder us all if given the chance, they have shown us this, and the mayor is more than happy to give them that chance!

While we live here with only the underdeveloped guards of the walls to protect us, the precious Mayor sits in his manor, surrounded by seemingly legions of guards who stand there at his whims instead of fighting to protect the people! He hires a single Clean Eyes to deal with this, and we find that she was taken last night to be desecrated in one of the beast's barbarous sacrifices no less, in their pagan rituals in a fruitless attempt to kill the Crystal Mother! The Mayor calls one mercenary and decides that all will be well, then she fails and the Mayor returns to his old habits. he stands by as we suffer and offers no help. I say that this needs to change! We shouldn't have our Mayor be a man who serves himself, we need someone who will serve and protect the people! We need security! We need change! We need Action!"

A man stood near a local store as the crowd seemed to grow, with their anxiety and fear growing, the youth carried on speaking. They were thinking about it, and that's what was needed. The man didn't like dealing with such zealous people, but it had to be done when it was beneficial. For it was the zealous who stirred the moderate to action, but if only they were more predictable. The man could feel the zealous fire in the youth as he encouraged the embers that filled the crowd to burn hotter. Of course this had been going on for a while, they just needed more fuel, otherwise the coals just couldn't heat up enough, that fuel came from last night. It would not be long before these fires pushed the people to action, anyone could sense that, some snapped last night, others would snap soon. The man smiled to himself. Things couldn't really go wrong now, and then he'd have another in his pocket. He couldn't remember why he had worried himself so much over that sister, even if she came back, she couldn't make much of a difference if she wanted to.

The man's smile faded. But what would happen to her, and more importantly, what effect would she have on the plans. Her connection to Concerto both made her valuable and dangerous. If only the man knew if it would be better to have her killed or not, that would make things easier. Until his contacts got back to him, he could only hope that she wouldn't muck all of this up somehow, and that made him uneasy. Why couldn't things just remained how he wanted them? The man decided to continue to watch the youth try to light a burning blaze in the hearts of the people, he tried to distract himself by turning his thoughts to his other companion's and their tasks. He failed. Things were going too well for him to risk letting anyone mess this up. A scowl crept it's way onto the man's face. He needed to deal with this sister, and all of the effects that she would have that he didn't like, now if only he could answer how.


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Again, not offended that you don't read through this massive word block. although I am slightly disturbed by the fact that these seem to be getting longer.



^_^, I did


13 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith continued shooting fireballs at Kade.

Kade turned, and began hunting down Aerith.

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7 hours ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

While we live here with only the underdeveloped guards of the walls to protect us, the precious Mayor sits in his manor, surrounded by seemingly legions of guards who stand there at his whims instead of fighting to protect the people! He hires a single Clean Eyes to deal with this, and we find that she was taken last night to be desecrated in one of the beast's barbarous sacrifices no less, in their pagan rituals in a fruitless attempt to kill the Crystal Mother! The Mayor calls one mercenary and decides that all will be well, then she fails and the Mayor returns to his old habits. he stands by as we suffer and offers no help. I say that this needs to change! We shouldn't have our Mayor be a man who serves himself, we need someone who will serve and protect the people! We need security! We need change! We need Action!"

1 hour ago, I Am A Fish said:

Did concerto bring backup?


To be fair, there's only like one person he could have hired to take care of them, and she would've been fine except Krait interfered. Of course, the people don't care about that, they just listen to what is said to them.

Yes, but it's a little farther behind. Experience, Krait might want to escape while she still can.

Concerto reached out and grabbed Chorale's wrist. She tried to twist away, but she couldn't escape his strong grip with only one hand, the other one was still covering her thigh. "That's it," he growled, "You're coming with me. I'm tired of playing with you." He began walking toward the cave again, dragging her behind him, but Chorale steeled herself and pulled her hand away from her thigh. "No, I don't think I am." She dug her fingers into his wrist, forcing him to let go, then she ducked behind him, spun, and began running away. (Concerto's pretty tired, but his reinforcement's about to arrive, and he knows that.)

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10 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Concerto reached out and grabbed Chorale's wrist. She tried to twist away, but she couldn't escape his strong grip with only one hand, the other one was still covering her thigh. "That's it," he growled, "You're coming with me. I'm tired of playing with you." He began walking toward the cave again, dragging her behind him, but Chorale steeled herself and pulled her hand away from her thigh. "No, I don't think I am." She dug her fingers into his wrist, forcing him to let go, then she ducked behind him, spun, and began running away. (Concerto's pretty tired, but his reinforcement's about to arrive, and he knows that.)

Kade looks towards Krait, about to give chase, but he decides it is best not to. He turned to Aerith and tries to headbutt him again.

@Channelknight Fadran

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Just now, I Am A Fish said:

The fire hits Kade, but he rolls over and snuffs it out, he runs towards Aerith in an erratic pattern hoping to throw off his aim.

Aerith sends fireball after fireball in a barrage, his aim and ferocity unmatched. He grunts in exertion as he hurls dozens of fireballs at Kade, sweat beading on his brow.

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Just as Chorale reached the wall, she skidded to a stop. In front of her was an entire contingent(good word, right?) of Amal. There were lions, tigers, bears(sorry, but I have to say it- Oh my!), hawks, Komodo dragons, and many others she couldn't even identify! She might have been able to defend against them if she had crystals, but without crystals, it was hopeless. Chorale cocked her head, then grinned. She may as well take some of them out before she was captured. Surprising Concerto, she raced down the hill toward the army of Amal. She could barely feel the pain in her leg as she fell upon them, fighting with the urgency of someone who has nothing left to lose.

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3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith sends fireball after fireball in a barrage, his aim and ferocity unmatched. He grunts in exertion as he hurls dozens of fireballs at Kade, sweat beading on his brow.

Kade dodged and weaved, not gaining ground, and just barely staying ahead of the blasts of flame.


He's stalling


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3 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade dodged and weaved, not gaining ground, and just barely staying ahead of the blasts of flame.

Aerith continued his barrage, then watched Chorale running away. That had been the goal... perhaps it was time to stop his offense?

He hurled one last fireball at Kade and booked for the cave exit.

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2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith continued his barrage, then watched Chorale running away. That had been the goal... perhaps it was time to stop his offense?

He hurled one last fireball at Kade and booked for the cave exit.

When his back turned Kade charged. Covering ground as quickly as possible trying to tackle Aerith.

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Just now, I Am A Fish said:

When his back turned Kade charged. Covering ground as quickly as possible trying to tackle Aerith.

Aerith had anticipated this, and just before Kade managed to catch him, Aerith jumped up, spun around in a three-sixty, hurled a fireball, then landed facing forwards again and kept running.

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith had anticipated this, and just before Kade managed to catch him, Aerith jumped up, spun around in a three-sixty, hurled a fireball, then landed facing forwards again and kept running.


Someone got themselves gymnastics, also:


You may have outsmarted me, but i outsmarted your understanding Blank  Template - Imgflip


Kade turned human, the drop in weight allowing him to shoot forwards, narrowly avoiding the fireball, and sent him crashing into Aerith.

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1 minute ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade turned human, the drop in weight allowing him to shoot forwards, narrowly avoiding the fireball, and sent him crashing into Aerith.

Aerith grunted, and they both tumbled out of the cave and down the cliff.


I've always wanted to trip and fall off a mountain!


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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith grunted, and they both tumbled out of the cave and down the cliff.



I can't trip, I have no legs!

This is kind of perfect for my character, seeing as their animal falls off mountains all the time

Kade turned into a leopard, then spun around. Bracing for impact against the ground.

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Chorale fought, slowly being overcome by the Amal. She had no weapon, no powers, and no one else to help her, but she fought with all of her strength and determination. After a little while, the Amal pulled back a little bit. She stood in the center of the army, huffing heavily. "Well? I was just getting started!" The first wave of Amal crashed against her and she fought, mind only on what she was doing.

Concerto watched as his twin sister fought against his army. It was futile, yet he saw beauty in her movements, fighting against an unbeatable foe. As the army fell upon her, he turned away. Soon she would be subdued and his plans would continue. For now, he needed to find his second-in-command and make sure he understood that this would never happen again.

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