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4 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale fought, slowly being overcome by the Amal. She had no weapon, no powers, and no one else to help her, but she fought with all of her strength and determination. After a little while, the Amal pulled back a little bit. She stood in the center of the army, huffing heavily. "Well? I was just getting started!" The first wave of Amal crashed against her and she fought, mind only on what she was doing.

Concerto watched as his twin sister fought against his army. It was futile, yet he saw beauty in her movements, fighting against an unbeatable foe. As the army fell upon her, he turned away. Soon she would be subdued and his plans would continue. For now, he needed to find his second-in-command and make sure he understood that this would never happen again.

Aerith, despite his fall towards the ground, caught a glimpse of Chorale fighting off an entire army of Amals.

Scudding kid's gonna get herself killed, he told himself.

The ground sped closer, and the panic of death caught in his throat. I'm not dying today! He sent out a blast of fire towards the ground to try and slow his fall. It worked; to an extent. He smashed into the ground, not far from where Chorale stood.

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith, despite his fall towards the ground, caught a glimpse of Chorale fighting off an entire army of Amals.

Scudding kid's gonna get herself killed, he told himself.

The ground sped closer, and the panic of death caught in his throat. I'm not dying today! He sent out a blast of fire towards the ground to try and slow his fall. It worked; to an extent. He smashed into the ground, not far from where Chorale stood.


"Well, hello, there. Nice of you to drop in! I'd help you up, but I'm just a little busy." *planning Condensation noises* See, there's a whole lot of Amal, and there's only 3 2 of us(just assume that Valerie left), so...

Yes, Emi, you should read it and join. We have a lot of fun here. :) At least, I do.

1 hour ago, Emi said:


Chorale looked over at the sudden burst of flame. It was Aerith, and he told her to... what? Duck? She ducked quickly, tripping an Amal near to her.

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

Chorale looked over at the sudden burst of flame. It was Aerith, and he told her to... what? Duck? She ducked quickly, tripping an Amal near to her.

Aerith concrentrated for a second, then released an enormous wave of fire that swept through the amal ranks, incinerating any who hadn't enough time to dodge.

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4 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Most of them dodged, but a few unlucky ones were incinerated as they turned to look at the fire rapidly making its way toward them. Chorale ran over to Aerith, obviously he shouldn't move. "Can you fight?" she asked as the Amal moved in.

Kade grinned, then pounced on Chorale.

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9 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Most of them dodged, but a few unlucky ones were incinerated as they turned to look at the fire rapidly making its way toward them. Chorale ran over to Aerith, obviously he shouldn't move. "Can you fight?" she asked as the Amal moved in.

5 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade grinned, then pounced on Chorale.

"Probably no--look out!"

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9 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale kicked violently at the Amal who had just landed on her, then caught a glimpse of who it was. It was Kade, the snow leopard Amal who had it out for her because she did her job.

Kade grunted as he was kicked in the chest, but largely ignored the pain. He protracted his claws, then raked them across Chorale's face.

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1 minute ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade lifted a paw up, ready to deliver a killing blow, but restrained himself. Instead he placed a paw on her throat. 

"One move, and I won't hesitate to end your life." 

Chorale paused, then relaxed. She had known that she wasn't going to escape this time, that was why she had attacked the Amal army. She raised her hands. "It's all right, I'm not going to do any more."

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Have you no shame?"

Kade grimaced. "Shame's dead, along with my wife."


^ I storming love that line. :P 


1 minute ago, Condensation said:

Chorale paused, then relaxed. She had known that she wasn't going to escape this time, that was why she had attacked the Amal army. She raised her hands. "It's all right, I'm not going to do any more."

Kade smiled darkly. "Concerto will see about that..."

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Chorale looked around, she couldn't see Concerto.

Concerto slunk out of the cave, ears forward. There had been four of them, including Chorale. How many had been captured? He walked over to the Amal he had brought with him, they were gathered near the base of a cliff.

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Revenge is never a noble cause."

Kade stared at Aerith. "That's what she said. Shame she's not around to argue your case."

2 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale looked around, she couldn't see Concerto.

Kade turned into a human, pulled out a dagger, and held it to Chorale's neck. "Get up. Now."

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