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Just now, I Am A Fish said:

Kade stared at Aerith. "That's what she said. Shame she's not around to argue your case."

Kade turned into a human, pulled out a dagger, and held it to Chorale's neck. "Get up. Now."

The moment Kade transformed into a human, Aerith whipped out his own dagger and pressed it to Kade's throat. "If you touch her, then I'll show you revenge."

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I thought you broke stuff?

"Okay. Aerith, it's fine." Chorale got up, then the Amal army parted as Concerto stalked up to them.

"Are these the only ones you captured?" Concerto asked. "There were four here."

Edited by Condensation
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3 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"Are these the only ones you captured?" Concerto asked. "There were four here."

"There were four." Kade affirmed. "The traitor bolted, and the other must have followed."

As if a passing thought he kicked Aerith in the stomach. "Next time we fight, you won't walk away from it with only broken ribs."

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1 minute ago, I Am A Fish said:

"There were four." Kade affirmed. "The traitor bolted, and the other must have followed."

As if a passing thought he kicked Aerith in the stomach. "Next time we fight, you won't walk away from it with only broken ribs."

Aerith grunted, collapsing completely. "You're right; next time, I'll be dead before I let you leave."

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"Just-- Will you let him go? He can't do much, and it's me you want." Chorale said in a rational tone of voice.

"No. Why would we let an obviously trained magician and soldier go? He could track us and try to rescue you, he could follow the path you took years ago and become an Amal hunter, he could do a lot. Secure them."

Chorale fell silent, knowing that there was nothing else she could do. She looked at Aerith, trying to convey apology, but she didn't have much experience with that.

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Just now, Condensation said:

"Just-- Will you let him go? He can't do much, and it's me you want." Chorale said in a rational tone of voice.

"No. Why would we let an obviously trained magician and soldier go? He could track us and try to rescue you, he could follow the path you took years ago and become an Amal hunter, he could do a lot. Secure them."

Chorale fell silent, knowing that there was nothing else she could do. She looked at Aerith, trying to convey apology, but she didn't have much experience with that.

Aerith groans at the pain as the amals bind him. "Don't worry, kid; I've gotten myself in--" he grunted, "in worse binds than this before."

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2 minutes ago, Condensation said:

The Amal only bind Chorale's hands behind her back, before long they'll secure her on the stone slab meant to hold her.


Mmm... Connie. Notting the bright of grammar?

The Amal only bind Chorale's hands behind her back; before long, they'd secure her on the stone slab meant to hold her.


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5 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale didn't try to escape as they attached her to the stone slab, that would have been unwise. As they began to leave, she lost consciousness, weary from exhaustion and blood loss.

Kade walked away from the scuffle, bloody, and burnt. He had completed his mission, but the last thing he felt was the satisfaction that was supposed to come with it. His underbelly, was scarred, and matted, bloody, clumps of fur covered his body. Chorale hadn't escaped though, maybe Tiira would get to be avenged after all. 

3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:





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1 minute ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade walked away from the scuffle, bloody, and burnt. He had completed his mission, but the last thing he felt was the satisfaction that was supposed to come with it. His underbelly, was scarred, and matted, bloody, clumps of fur covered his body. Chorale hadn't escaped though, maybe Tiira would get to be avenged after all. 


Seeing as how Connie isn't here...

They tied Aerith to the wall; it wasn't like he could go anywhere in his condition anyways. Blood slid down his face, and one of his eyes had swollen shut.

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23 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

They tied Aerith to the wall; it wasn't like he could go anywhere in his condition anyways. Blood slid down his face, and one of his eyes had swollen shut.


*thumbs up*

Sorry, sneaking some time real fast but I can't do much. 


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After a few hours of riding, Krait finally stopped at her hideout. She had taken appropriate measure to make her trail un-traceable, and was exhausted. Krait tied the reigns of her horse to a tree, then walked around a stone so she was out of view of the animal. In the boulder a small stone stuck out. Krait grasped it and pulled, then set it down on the ground nearby. Transforming into a snake she slithered into a small hole in the rock, slanting slightly downwards and curving around the edges of the rocks interior. After circling a few times she came out into a opened space, completely underground. Transforming into a human in a crouched position Krait lit a candle with a match and set it down on the side of the cramped area. 

Inside the hole there was only a quilt and a shelf holding some medicines and other items. The walls were coated with a cement-like substance. Sitting down on the quilt, Krait picked up some anesthetic in a clay jar and started to administer it to her wounds. She hissed at the sting but continued, knowing how important it was for her to stop any possibility of infection. 

Once she finished with the medicine, she picked up a medium sized stone and pushed it into the hole which she had entered, sealing her off from the rest of the world. 

Then, she blew out the candle, lay down on the quilt, and went to sleep.

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*insert time skip here*

Okay, describing where they are. This is a Jungle area, and there used to be a settlement here. The settlers were driven out by the Amal, and the plants and Amal reclaimed the area. The plants cover the walls(inside and outside) and the ground(just outside, although there are occasional vines and roots). There are red crystals growing in the room. I'll PM you some secrets.

Chorale woke up in a plant-covered room, completely secured yet again. About 5 feet across from her was Aerith, his hands and ankles connected to the wall by short chains. She was turned away from the door, and her thigh and cheek had been bandaged.

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14 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale woke up in a plant-covered room, completely secured yet again. About 5 feet across from her was Aerith, his hands and ankles connected to the wall by short chains. She was turned away from the door, and her thigh and cheek had been bandaged.

Aerith glanced up weakly. "Where are--" his voice caught as he started coughing; whatever he had done to himself during that fight was not good. "Where are we?"

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Krait rode through the gates of the settlement a few minutes after the sun rose. Dismounting, she leaves the horse and starts to walk down the main road. Sssomething isssn't right the voice in her head says. "I know, and we need to figure out what has changed," she whispers to herself. 


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As Krait enters the settlement, the inhabitants view her with suspicion that bordered on hostility. The market was only beginning to get set up, and yet the people were wide awake and active. When one looked into their eyes, one saw anger being contained that only intensified the closer one got towards the marketplace, and by association, the mayor's mansion. The tension in the air felt as if it was being drawn like the string of a bow that was preparing to launch an arrow. In the marketplace, one could see a young man with brown hair and round facial features despite looking as if he wasn't quite as large as he should be, talking rather animatedly with a group of people. The young man looks as if he's preparing to address a mass of people. Off to the side, a man watches, looking rather interested in the entire scene.

Edited by TheWard'sGuard
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8 hours ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

As Krait enters the settlement, the inhabitants view her with suspicion that bordered on hostility. The market was only beginning to get set up, and yet the people were wide awake and active. When one looked into their eyes, one saw anger being contained that only intensified the closer one got towards the marketplace, and by association, the mayor's mansion. The tension in the air felt as if it was being drawn like the string of a bow that was preparing to launch an arrow. In the marketplace, one could see a young man with brown hair and round facial features despite looking as if he wasn't quite as large as he should be, talking rather animatedly with a group of people. The young man looks as if he's preparing to address a mass of people. Off to the side, a man watches, looking rather interested in the entire scene.

Krait sees anger in the eyes of the villagers, and wonders what could possibly lead peaceable folk like these to such strong emotions. There was a younger man giving a speech to a group of people, and Krait sensed even more anger and maybe even hatred oozing off of them. Krait wanders closer to better hear what he says.

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