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1 hour ago, Experience said:

Krait sees anger in the eyes of the villagers, and wonders what could possibly lead peaceable folk like these to such strong emotions. There was a younger man giving a speech to a group of people, and Krait sensed even more anger and maybe even hatred oozing off of them. Krait wanders closer to better hear what he says.

As Krait approaches the young man, his words become clearer.

"This isn't all. You think that this is the first time a settlement has come under attack? I have talked with travellers who have told me about towns and settlements that have been completely overrun and destroyed by the beasts. They are gathering in larger numbers and are getting bolder in their attacks. Soon there will be hordes of them seeking some self proclaimed need for vengeance. If those filthy monsters swarm together to try to end us, then we need to stand as one against them, but the Mayor seems intent on standing on his own, then leave us all to fend for ourselves. That is no way to lead, and it will only bring us to ruin and death! We've seen what they're willing to do, they'll kill us all and burn down everything we love and hold dear."

The young man's eyes burn with an inferno of passion as he continues to speak. Those who surround him are transfixed by his words, seeming to share his anger.

Edited by TheWard'sGuard
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45 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

As Krait approaches the young man, his words become clearer.

"This isn't all. You think that this is the first time a settlement has come under attack? I have talked with travellers who have told me about towns and settlements that have been completely overrun and destroyed by the beasts. They are gathering in larger numbers and are getting bolder in their attacks. Soon there will be hordes of them seeking some self proclaimed need for vengeance. If those filthy monsters swarm together to try to end us, then we need to stand as one against them, but the Mayor seems intent on standing on his own, then leave us all to fend for ourselves. That is no way to lead, and it will only bring us to ruin and death! We've seen what they're willing to do, they'll kill us all and burn down everything we love and hold dear."

The young man's eyes burn with an inferno of passion as he continues to speak. Those who surround him are transfixed by his words, seeming to share his anger.

Krait decides that she will wait for the young man to finish his speech, and then try to talk to him. 

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1 minute ago, Experience said:

Krait decides that she will wait for the young man to finish his speech, and then try to talk to him. 

The young man shows no signs of slowing down, and the crowd around him only seems to grow as he grows in intensity. Long before the young man is done speaking, Krait feels someone watching her.

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Just now, TheWard'sGuard said:

The young man shows no signs of slowing down, and the crowd around him only seems to grow as he grows in intensity. Long before the young man is done speaking, Krait feels someone watching her.

Krait discreetly shifts her position and looks for whomever was focusing on her instead of the speech.

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1 hour ago, Experience said:

Krait discreetly shifts her position and looks for whomever was focusing on her instead of the speech.

A man is standing near a store front, he stands casually but he watches Krait rather intently. As Krait sees him, he redirects his attention to watch the rest of the crowd, but he always looks back at Krait eventually.

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1 hour ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

A man stands near a store front, he stands casually but he is watching Krait rather intently. As Krait sees him, he redirects his attention to watching the rest of the crowd, but he always looks back towards Krait eventually.

The man's eyes continue to land on Krait, so she decides to find out who he is. She slowly makes her way towards the man and waits to see what his reaction will be.

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1 minute ago, Experience said:

The man's eyes continue to land on Krait, so she decides to find out who he is. She slowly makes her way towards the man and waits to see what his reaction will be.

The man acts Disdainful of Krait's approach, he started to look interested at the crowd's reaction to the speaker.

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Just now, Experience said:

Krait stops next to the man and stands a little closer to him then one might normally stand. 

As Krait stopped near the man, a woman appeared on the other side of him, dressed in commoner's clothes, although her skin tone suggests that she's from the Eastern Deserts. She watches Krait with open suspicion. The man watches the crowd and doesn't turn to Krait when he speaks.

"I'd suggest not getting too close, she likes it when people respect my personal space."

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3 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

As Krait stopped near the man, a woman appeared on the other side of him, dressed in commoner's clothes, although her skin tone suggests that she's from the Eastern Deserts. She watches Krait with open suspicion. The man watches the crowd and doesn't turn to Krait when he speaks.

"I'd suggest not getting too close, she likes it when people respect my personal space."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I too close?", she asked in a sarcastic voice. Krait did not move. 

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2 minutes ago, Experience said:

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I too close?", she asked in a sarcastic voice. Krait did not move. 

The woman watches Krait with open hostility when she doesn't move. The man shrugs before speaking again. 

"Doesn't matter much to me. I guess it depends if you're comfortable being that close."


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1 minute ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The woman watches Krait with open hostility when she doesn't move. The man shrugs before speaking again. 

"Doesn't matter much to me. I guess it depends if you're comfortable being that close."

"If I wasn't comfortable with it, I wouldn't be doing it."

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10 minutes ago, Experience said:

Deciding to be a little blunt, Krait asks, "Who are you, why are you watching me, and what do you want?"

The man raises one of his eyebrows.

"Just shooting off the questions I see. How about we make this like a regular conversation. You ask one question, I answer it, and then I ask you one. If I recall, that's how conversations are meant to work."

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1 minute ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The man raises one of his eyebrows.

"Just shooting off the questions I see. How about we make this like a regular conversation. You ask one question, I answer it, and then then ask you one. If I recall, that's how conversations are meant to work."

"Fine. Who do you work for?"

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11 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

"No dancing around the topic I see. I work for myself, I'm not fond of being someone else's servant. I guess that means it's my turn. What is your name, or more accurately, what do people call you?"

"People do not call me, for they know not of me. My name, or rather what you may call me is, for now, Krait."

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5 minutes ago, Experience said:

"People do not call me, for they know not of me. My name, or rather what you may call me is, for now, Krait."

"Excellent, I believe that this is progress. I believe it's your turn to ask a question my good Krait. Will you make it a good one?"

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1 minute ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

"Excellent, I believe that this is progress. I believe it's your turn to ask a question my good Krait. Will you make it a good one?"

"What is the name of that women?" Krait asks, pointing to the women on the other side of the man.

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Kade lay on his cot, staring up at the vine-covered ceiling. It seemed it had been ages since the fight, but it had been less than forty-eight hours. 

His bandaged chest could attest to that. 

After the fight he had been taken back to the village, and put under guard. Though he was in no position to fight.

It wasn't like he wanted to escape.

The only thing he wanted was revenge.

Edited by I Am A Fish
Better punctuation
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Just now, Experience said:

"What is the name of that women?" Krait asks, pointing to the women on the other side of the man.

The man smiles as the woman watches Krait and the surroundings very thoroughly.

"You may call her Catorphia if you wish. She's rather fond of me being alive in case you're wondering. Now I believe it's my turn." The man gestures towards the youth who is still speaking. "What do you think of him?" 


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12 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The man smiles as the woman watches Krait and the surroundings very thoroughly.

"You may call her Catorphia if you wish. She's rather fond of me being alive in case you're wondering. Now I believe it's my turn." The man gestures towards the youth who is still speaking. "What do you think of him?" 

Krait snorts. "I think that he is stupid. He says he wants the people to unite in order to protect themselves, but that's just rubbish. As the become angry and hateful, they make stupid decisions that will just get everyone killed."


I won't be posting for a few hours probably, because I need to figure out something to do for my 1000th post.


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15 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith glanced up weakly. "Where are--" his voice caught as he started coughing; whatever he had done to himself during that fight was not good. "Where are we?"

Chorale looked at him. "I don't know, but I know two things. One, we're somewhere in a Jungle area; and two, we don't want to be here."

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4 minutes ago, Experience said:

Krait snorts. "I think that he is stupid. He says he wants the people to unite in order to protect themselves, but that's just rubbish. As the become angry and hateful, they make stupid decisions that will just get everyone killed."


The man looks at the youth thoughtfully.

"Perhaps. I think that there are few things that unite people, and while people make rash decisions when they're angry, they are united as they do so. No doubt there will be chaos and possibly death. Perhaps they will be able to channel it to reduce the damage. Regardless, there's not much we can do that would defuse the crowd's tension. Although in chaos, there arises opportunities. So tell me Krait, what is it that you want, what opportunities do you seek?"

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