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16 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"I don't know, but we may as well try. Since we're in the Jungle, there might be red crystals growing. Can you see any?"

"Umm... yeah. They're growing all over the place."


Scud, I forgot if there were crystals. Time to go check that PM again!

Edit: Edited! 


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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A knock sounded on the door to Kade's quarters.

Kade gingerly sat up, and walked to the door. Grunting as pain shot through his chest.

He opened it, and a weaselly looking


Get it? He's a weasel Amal. I'm so funny aren't I?

man stood in front of him. "What do you want?" Kade stared at the man.

Wordlessly the man handed him a letter, and looked at him, questioning. Kade looked over it.

"Sorry Daren, I'm not exactly in the best condition for this sort of thing." Kade sighed and began to close the door.

Daren stopped him, smiling. "Certain friend of ours," he tapped his left shoulder, then his right hip, "convinced Concerto to alleviate your sentence, if you complete this assignment well. If we are going to continue with our plans, or even are going to postpone the proceedings, I'd advise accepting this duty."

Daren turned and walked away.

Kade hesitated, then sighed, turned into a leopard, then slunk after Daren.

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24 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

*flashbacks to the chunks of text that I've posted previously*

This is gonna be good.

23 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

But did you catch the exposition?


Well, I've gotten a new theory. If you give people reputation for posting large chunks, they're more likely to post large chunks, right? So even if I occasionally forget(which I will), then they'll still continue to post large chunks. I like large chunks, it gives me more to read. I like posting large chunks, they're rather impressive and time-consuming. Yes, exposition is great! I can't wait to find out who it was that convinced Concerto...

FADRAN! I'm spotting some that's in my field of view(she can't move her head, remember) so you'll be able to reach it. You weren't here, so I made the decision of where it is for you.

Chorale caught sight of some red crystals growing behind a red flower and grinned. "Aerith, there's some just below your left arm." Concerto hadn't been thorough, and he was going to regret it.

@Channelknight Fadran

Edited by Condensation
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3 hours ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The man looks at the youth thoughtfully.

"Perhaps. I think that there are few things that unite people, and while people make rash decisions when they're angry, they are united as they do so. No doubt there will be chaos and possibly death. Perhaps they will be able to channel it to reduce the damage. Regardless, there's not much we can do that would defuse the crowd's tension. Although in chaos, there arises opportunities. So tell me Krait, what is it that you want, what opportunities do you seek?"

"If you do not know what I want, then you will not be given it freely. Just know that I do not want this settlement to be destroyed, but I am willing to have it happen if it helps my cause."

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11 minutes ago, Experience said:

"If you do not know what I want, then you will not be given it freely. Just know that I do not want this settlement to be destroyed, but I am willing to have it happen if it helps my cause."

The man smiles.

"You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you that I've heard that before. I prefer to know two things about a person, their goal, and why. So if you won't tell me what you're working towards, then would you humor me and tell me why?"

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1 hour ago, Condensation said:

Chorale caught sight of some red crystals growing behind a red flower and grinned. "Aerith, there's some just below your left arm." Concerto hadn't been thorough, and he was going to regret it.

@Channelknight Fadran

Aerith grabbed the crystal and popped it into his mouth. Seconds later, he was cutting through his bonds with some concentrated fire. He then started cutting through Chorale's bonds.

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7 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The man smiles.

"You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you that I've heard that before. I prefer to know two things about a person, their goal, and why. So if you won't tell me what you're working towards, then would you humor me and tell me why?"

"I work in behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. The down trodden and misunderstood. Anyone who is to weak to stand for what they believe."

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6 minutes ago, Experience said:

"I work in behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. The down trodden and misunderstood. Anyone who is to weak to stand for what they believe."

"A noble cause if I've ever heard one. Let me ask you, if your goal is to help the downtrodden, and this town gets destroyed, wouldn't that make them downtrodden?"

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6 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

"A noble cause if I've ever heard one. Let me ask you, if your goal is to help the downtrodden, and this town gets destroyed, wouldn't that make them downtrodden?"

"Indeed. But there is one thing about the downtrodden that they all have in common. They are all humble. Every single one of them. These people are full of pride. If they do not choose to humble themselves, then they may be forced to become humble, in which case I would too fall under those that I work to restore. But there is one problem with this world that needs to be changed. The Amal. Not the existence of them, but the way that they are viewed and in turn how they act. If the people of this world humbled themselves and worked along the Amal, there could be a end to war and a start of peace. Then, if the Amal continue to fight, then these people will have a reason to fight back. Some Amal attack the people, but they have a reason. Over centuries they have been trodden upon, and cast down and out of society. They feel like they can do nothing else. So. If these hot-headed people think that things need to chance, they should be changing how they act, not trying to change the actions of others."

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Kade lay motionless. Indistinguishable from the white granite behind him. 

He had positioned guards at strategic intersections, and was preparing for a worst case scenario. 

The scenario, where Tiira lay forgotten, and he'd failed. Then he'd opt for plan B.

But for now, he waited, patiently preparing to pounce. In multiple senses of the word.

Concerto may not have realized it, but his second in command had an agenda. 

And Concerto was not necessary, for it to be completed. 

Kade cleared the thoughts from his mind. Rebellion is not what you want, and would be difficult to achieve right now. 

So Kade waited, laying motionless. Indistinguishable from the white granite behind him.


:P Had far too much fun writing this


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4 minutes ago, Experience said:

"Indeed. But there is one thing about the downtrodden that they all have in common. They are all humble. Every single one of them. These people are full of pride. If they do not choose to humble themselves, then they may be forced to become humble, in which case I would too fall under those that I work to restore. But there is one problem with this world that needs to be changed. The Amal. Not the existence of them, but the way that they are viewed and in turn how they act. If the people of this world humbled themselves and worked along the Amal, there could be a end to war and a start of peace. Then, if the Amal continue to fight, then these people will have a reason to fight back. Some Amal attack the people, but they have a reason. Over centuries they have been trodden upon, and cast down and out of society. They feel like they can do nothing else. So. If these hot-headed people think that things need to chance, they should be changing how they act, not trying to change the actions of others."

The man nods.

"Is it possible that it's too late? I don't mean to discourage you my new friend, but I also want to be sure that you are sure of your ambitious goals. It really is a noble cause, one that I can respect."

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18 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The man nods.

"Is it possible that it's too late? I don't mean to discourage you my new friend, but I also want to be sure that you are sure of your ambitious goals. It really is a noble cause, one that I can respect."

"Nothing is too late. Even if it takes longer then my lifetime. I have taken almost my entire life to put in place a plan to right this world. It will work even if I perish."

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5 minutes ago, Experience said:

"Nothing is too late. Even if it takes longer then my lifetime. I have taken almost my entire life to put in place a plan to right this world. It will work even if I perish."

The man nodded once more.

"Bold words my friend, although I do advise that you be careful of the unexpected, as it can ruin everything."

The man pauses. Then shakes his head.

"Where are my manners? It should have been your turn for a question ages ago. Well, I'll let you have the next three, that ought to catch you up to speed."

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34 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The man nodded once more.

"Bold words my friend, although I do advise that you be careful of the unexpected, as it can ruin everything."

The man pauses. Then shakes his head.

"Where are my manners? It should have been your turn for a question ages ago. Well, I'll let you have the next three, that ought to catch you up to speed."

Krait pauses to think for a moment. "Why are you here? What are the colors of your eyes. Have they always been that color?"

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13 minutes ago, Experience said:

Krait pauses to think for a moment. "Why are you here? What are the colors of your eyes. Have they always been that color?"

The man shook his head, then he turned to look at Krait, making eye contact as he did so.

"To answer the first question, I'm here to achieve my goals, much like you. Although our goals might be different, I don't believe we have conflicting interests. My eyes are quite a full shade of grey, in fact, I've been told many times that there's no fuller shade than the one I have. Although since it's been with me since birth, I've gotten used to it. Now, my friend Krait, I believe that I have another question for you. Where do you come from?"

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1 minute ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The man shook his head, then he turned to look at Krait, making eye contact as he did so.

"To answer the first question, I'm here to achieve my goals, much like you. I believe that our goals might be different, I don't believe we will conflict with each other. My eyes are quite a full shade of grey, in fact, I've been told many times that there's no fuller shade than the one I have. Although since it's been with me since birth, I've gotten used to it. Now, my friend Krait, I believe that I have another question for you. Where do you come from?"

Memories tried to break through their prison, but Krait forced them down. The pain, the good; all of it. "I am from a place where no man lives. Not anymore. I... I do not wish to speak of my past, so I will not ask about yours. What do you know about that man?" she asks, gesturing towards the one giving the speech.

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15 minutes ago, Experience said:

Memories tried to break through their prison, but Krait forced them down. The pain, the good; all of it. "I am from a place where no man lives. Not anymore. I... I do not wish to speak of my past, so I will not ask about yours. What do you know about that man?" she asks, gesturing towards the one giving the speech.

The man redirects his attention to the speaker and the crowd.

"Enough. He's ambitious and holds a strength over crowds. He has some skill for persuasion, but his power comes from his passion, and his ability to share it. I appreciate your respect towards the past, it's quite a dangerous thing, although it is what drives us. I believe I have one last question for you my new friend."

The man turns to look Krait in the eyes once more, his own grey eyes looking quite intensely at Krait. For s brief moment it seemed as if his common traveller's clothes didn't quite suit him, but just as quickly as it comes, the moment passes.

"What's next?"

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4 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The man redirects his attention to the speaker and the crowd.

"Enough. He's ambitious and holds a strength over crowds. He has some skill for persuasion, but his power comes from his passion, and his ability to share it. I appreciate your respect towards the past, it's quite a dangerous thing, although it is what drives us. I believe I have one last question for you my new friend."

The man turns to look Krait in the eyes once more.

"What's next?"

"Well, after we get out of earshot of the four eavesdroppers in the crowd, maybe we can talk a little more."

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