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Just now, Condensation said:

The bear turned toward Aerith, giving Chorale the chance to kick it soundly in the face. The crocodile fell backwards down the stairs, and the hyena dodged the punch, returning it two-fold.

Aerith took the hits like the storming champ he was, kicking the hyena in the [redacted].

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith stumbled a little, then jumped up, hooked his leg around the hyena's neck, and yanked her to the ground.


Well, I'm sorry, but I can't change the picture in my head. I think your post was the one to make it awkward.

She hit hard, crashing her head against the floor. Chorale made sure that the bear was unconscious, then she ran down the stairs, checking on the crocodile as she went.

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"No time to check them, let's go!" Aerith kept running.



Okay! I should actually probably go to bed soon as well, but I'll be on at like 7 tomorrow(after swim team).

I'll go to bed soon.

Chorale sprinted after him. "Well, we certainly can't have them tripping us or something as we go by!"

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Eyes both on the ground and ahead. Spontaneous decisions. No thinking, just do."

Chorale rolled her eyes slightly, but took the advice. As they came up to the door out of the building, they encountered five more Amal: a cobra, three wolves, and a poison dart frog. "Don't touch the frog!"

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8 hours ago, Experience said:

"Well, for one thing, it will confuse the Amal that has been following me for a few days. Bur more importantly, in the chaos created from his death, it will make the town look vulnerable. At least in the eyes of the Amal, because there is no leader. They are therefore more likely to attack this settlement, which is what I need to happen." 


8 hours ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

Kuno pondered on the answer before he shared his thoughts.

"I'm not sure that direct action is the best answer right now my good friend, that is if I'm reading this town correctly."

"I bring this up due to this being an incredibly delicate situation from my understanding, and my understanding is quite firm in this town. The stress in this town is very much like that of a bow string being drawn back. If it is stressed to hard, then it will snap and hurt everyone close to it. However, if it is properly used and cared for, one can use it to launch an arrow towards an intended and specific target. If you want then mayor dead and chaos to consume the town, then I think that the best option is to wait. All this town needs is another nudge, another little bit, before it will crack forward, and I believe that if another small scale Amal attack happens and is successful, then the anger will be released at it's current target, the mayor. Killing the mayor now would only make things far worst than they could possibly get if the mayor lives."

Kuno looks behind Krait to be sure that there's no one there out of habit.

"I honestly can't say what would happen if the mayor was suddenly killed. It could be blamed on the Amal, and using this grounds, another person could take his place with relatively no infighting, or there could be death and carnage everywhere. I don't know about you, but I'm not fond of not knowing which it'll be out of the many options. Right now, I know what the most likely outcome is, and that's the mayor being overthrown and a brief time of chaos to follow before someone can amass enough support to take charge. In short, if you decide to take on the mayor, I won't stop you, but I also won't support you. The Amal are bound to attack again soon, even with their current preoccupation, when that happens, everything will go down, and then the opportunity will appear."

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8 hours ago, Condensation said:

Chorale rolled her eyes slightly, but took the advice. As they came up to the door out of the building, they encountered five more Amal: a cobra, three wolves, and a poison dart frog. "Don't touch the frog!"

Aerith lights his gloved hand aflame and punched the frog with it; any poison on his gloves would be burned away.

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5 hours ago, TheWard'sGuard said:


"I bring this up due to this being an incredibly delicate situation from my understanding, and my understanding is quite firm in this town. The stress in this town is very much like that of a bow string being drawn back. If it is stressed to hard, then it will snap and hurt everyone close to it. However, if it is properly used and cared for, one can use it to launch an arrow towards an intended and specific target. If you want then mayor dead and chaos to consume the town, then I think that the best option is to wait. All this town needs is another nudge, another little bit, before it will crack forward, and I believe that if another small scale Amal attack happens and is successful, then the anger will be released at it's current target, the mayor. Killing the mayor now would only make things far worst than they could possibly get if the mayor lives."

Kuno looks behind Krait to be sure that there's no one there out of habit.

"I honestly can't say what would happen if the mayor was suddenly killed. It could be blamed on the Amal, and using this grounds, another person could take his place with relatively no infighting, or there could be death and carnage everywhere. I don't know about you, but I'm not fond of not knowing which it'll be out of the many options. Right now, I know what the most likely outcome is, and that's the mayor being overthrown and a brief time of chaos to follow before someone can amass enough support to take charge. In short, if you decide to take on the mayor, I won't stop you, but I also won't support you. The Amal are bound to attack again soon, even with their current preoccupation, when that happens, everything will go down, and then the opportunity will appear."

"Of course they are bound to attack soon. There is something that you don't know, though. Something very important about the mayor. He is also an Amal, and he works directly with those that attack the settlement. The Amal that attack plunder, and the mayor gets a portion of what they take." 

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2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith lights his gloved hand aflame and punched the frog with it; any poison on his gloves would be burned away.

Chorale raised her eyebrows, bringing the branch she had carried with her around to knock the cobra on the head.

The frog reels back, then charges at Chorale. He runs into the cobra, who had been dazed by the blow. The cobra's scales protect it from the frog, but they both go down quickly. The three wolves form into a 'V' and charge at Chorale and Aerith.

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29 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale raised her eyebrows, bringing the branch she had carried with her around to knock the cobra on the head.

The frog reels back, then charges at Chorale. He runs into the cobra, who had been dazed by the blow. The cobra's scales protect it from the frog, but they both go down quickly. The three wolves form into a 'V' and charge at Chorale and Aerith.

Aerith shoves Chorale out of the way, then leaps over the wolves.

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith shoves Chorale out of the way, then leaps over the wolves.

Chorale hits the wall and springs back, kicking the wolf in front as he turns to face Aerith. The wolf growls something indecipherable to his companions, then he runs to attack Chorale. The other two attack Aerith, one of them charging while the other one waits to ensure that he doesn't try leaping over again. Chorale grinned. Obviously they judge Aerith to be the bigger threat, she thought, kicking the lead wolf back.

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31 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale hits the wall and springs back, kicking the wolf in front as he turns to face Aerith. The wolf growls something indecipherable to his companions, then he runs to attack Chorale. The other two attack Aerith, one of them charging while the other one waits to ensure that he doesn't try leaping over again. Chorale grinned. Obviously they judge Aerith to be the bigger threat, she thought, kicking the lead wolf back.

Aerith socks the first in the jaw, then grabs its leg and swings it at the other one.

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"I thought we were supposed to keep moving!" calls Chorale, dodging the lead wolf's next punch and retaliating with a kick that knocked it into the wall. It shook its head, dazed, and shook it again.

The first wolf fighting Aerith goes tight and pulls itself in far enough that the second one can dodge under, reaching out a leg and trying to trip Aerith.

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6 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"I thought we were supposed to keep moving!" calls Chorale, dodging the lead wolf's next punch and retaliating with a kick that knocked it into the wall. It shook its head, dazed, and shook it again.

The first wolf fighting Aerith goes tight and pulls itself in far enough that the second one can dodge under, reaching out a leg and trying to trip Aerith.

It succeeds, but to its own detriment. Aerith rolls the second he hits the ground, coming up to face both wolves and hitting either with a quick fireball. He gets to his feet, grabbing Chorale's arm, and pulls her along as he keeps running.

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Chorale pulls her arm away. "I can fight for myself, I don't need you to!" She runs out of the building and looks around briefly before turning left and running down the street. She picks an alleyway and darts down it, steadying herself with a hand touched to the building.

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Just now, Condensation said:

Chorale pulls her arm away. "I can fight for myself, I don't need you to!" She runs out of the building and looks around briefly before turning left and running down the street. She picks an alleyway and darts down it, steadying herself with a hand touched to the building.

Aerith follows her. "I'm well aware that you can fight for yourself, but that doesn't mean you should. Do you think we lost them?"

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith follows her. "I'm well aware that you can fight for yourself, but that doesn't mean you should. Do you think we lost them?"

"You don't think I should fight for myself? What does that even mean?"

Behind them, they can hear a howl.

"I don't think they know where we are, but they can find us easily enough."

@I Am A Fish

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

"You don't think I should fight for myself? What does that even mean?"

Behind them, they can hear a howl.

"I don't think they know where we are, but they can find us easily enough."

@I Am A Fish

“I mean you shouldn’t fight by yourself. Lets go.” Aerith starts scaling the back wall of the alleyway.

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3 hours ago, Experience said:

"Of course they are bound to attack soon. There is something that you don't know, though. Something very important about the mayor. He is also an Amal, and he works directly with those that attack the settlement. The Amal that attack plunder, and the mayor gets a portion of what they take." 

Kuno laughed for only a second.

"I'm sorry for that outburst, although it's always good to receive new information. I think that I might have an interesting compromise. Since our mutual acquaintance happens to be one of the Amal, which also by chance happen to be a group who are being disliked rather specifically and intensely right now. That little nudge that I mentioned could have something to do with this intriguing information coming out. Although I can only suspect how you learned of it."

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

“I mean you shouldn’t fight by yourself. Lets go.” Aerith starts scaling the back wall of the alleyway.

Chorale follows him, rolling over the edge and onto the plant-covered roof. "I wasn't fighting by myself, but you can be there to help me just in case without shoving me into the wall!"

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13 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale follows him, rolling over the edge and onto the plant-covered roof. "I wasn't fighting by myself, but you can be there to help me just in case without shoving me into the wall!"

“Remember what I said about spontaneous decisions? Every second you waste thinking is a second for the enemy to kill you dead.”

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

“Remember what I said about spontaneous decisions? Every second you waste thinking is a second for the enemy to kill you dead.”

"Just--" Chorale falls silent. "Let's just go." She takes off along the rooftops, jumping between them as she reaches the edges.

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