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21 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

Kuno laughed for only a second.

"I'm sorry for that outburst, although it's always good to receive new information. I think that I might have an interesting compromise. Since our mutual acquaintance happens to be one of the Amal, which also by chance happen to be a group who are being disliked rather specifically and intensely right now. That little nudge that I mentioned could have something to do with this intriguing information coming out. Although I can only suspect how you learned of it."

"I am sorry, but I must disagree. I do not wish for the mayor to be defamed. And I can not allow him to escape. He has evaded me for far too long. If someone else tries to kill him, they will fail, for they don't know his secret. I am sorry, but I must turn your little nudge into a full on shove. 

I would also prefer it if you do not tell anyone that he is an Amal. That rumor would spread instantly among the town, and there would be no way from keeping it from his ears. I am one of the only people that know of his secret, and if he hears that rumor, he will know that I am here."

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1 minute ago, Experience said:

"I am sorry, but I must disagree. I do not wish for the mayor to be defamed. And I can not allow him to escape. He has evaded me for far too long. If someone else tries to kill him, they will fail, for they don't know his secret. I am sorry, but I must turn your little nudge into a full on shove. 

I would also prefer it if you do not tell anyone that he is an Amal. That rumor would spread instantly among the town, and there would be no way from keeping it from his ears. I am one of the only people that know of his secret, and if he hears that rumor, he will know that I am here."

Kuno raised an eyebrow before responding.

"Let me ask you, how much do you know about Amal's? Specifically about how their transformation works."

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3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Thank goodness; I was worried that I'd have to respect you. Not that I don't, of course."


I think Fish was going to stop us eventually, but we totally could have passed his line of Amal... Y'know, since we're on the rooftops.

Chorale raised her eyebrows and turned to look across the settlement, still running. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw some Amal chasing them across the rooftops, and they were gaining.

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The Komodo made his way onto the roof, swing his head around and flipping his tongue in and out of his mouth, tasting the air. He could smell them, and they were close. Just as he was about to give up, the wind changed and blew their scent straight towards him. He looked towards the scent and saw the crystal munching humans running in his direction, being followed by a group of Amal. The Komodo smiled, and then he moved to place himself in the crystal cruncher's path.

Edited by TheWard'sGuard
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10 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

The Komodo made his way onto the roof, swing his head around and flipping his tongue in and out of his mouth, tasting the air. He could smell them, and they were close. Just as he was about to give up, the wind changed and blew their scent straight towards him. He looked towards the scent and saw the crystal munching humans running in his direction, being followed by a group of Amal. The Komodo smiled, and then he moved to place himself in the crystal cruncher's path.

Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Fair enough."

Chorale spotted the Komodo dragon Amal from earlier ahead of them and veered to the right. "I think we're going to have to jump!" she yelled.


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