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4 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Two bird amals slammed into Chorale, and two others did the same to Aerith.

The army of Amals surged forwards.

@Channelknight Fadran

3 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale stumbled backward, then recovered and swung the branch at the head of one of the bird Amal.

Aerith creates a wall of fire around him and Chorale. "Run!"

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3 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale stumbled backward, then recovered and swung the branch at the head of one of the bird Amal.

The bird amals flew backwards, and over the wall of fire.

1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith creates a wall of fire around him and Chorale. "Run!"

The army stopped just in front of the fire. 

"We all know you'll run out of crystals eventually, so why not make this easy on everyone, and hand yourselves in. Maybe you'll even get another chance to escape."

The man smiled. 

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4 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

The bird amals flew backwards, and over the wall of fire.

The army stopped just in front of the fire. 

"We all know you'll run out of crystals eventually, so why not make this easy on everyone, and hand yourselves in. Maybe you'll even get another chance to escape."

The man smiled. 

3 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale's eyes narrowed. There was something just not right about this, but she couldn't put her finger on it...

Aerith starts running with the fire.

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Just now, Condensation said:

Chorale follows close behind, careful not to touch the fire. The hairs on her arms singe and she can smell it, so she opens her mouth slightly to breathe through it instead.

The army began to part.

1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith starts running with the fire.

A bird amal slammed into his head. pushing him into the ground.

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Valerie watched the fight from afar, struggling to control Dreri. I have to help them, she thought. At this, Dreri stopped, sending out a feeling of resignation. Valerie transformed and attacked from behind, aiming for the less powerful Amals.

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1 minute ago, Vapor said:

Valerie watched the fight from afar, struggling to control Dreri. I have to help them, she thought. At this, Dreri stopped, sending out a feeling of resignation. Valerie transformed and attacked from behind, aiming for the less powerful Amals.


We're in a hidden Amal settlement...


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8 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith collapsed with a grunt, extinguishing his flame and shooting a barrage of fireballs at the amals. He would run out of his crystal soon.

The fire grazes some amals, but none are seriously injured. 

The army runs at Chorale and Aerith.


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