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3 hours ago, Experience said:

"He won't try to leave until he finds out I am here. I am positive that after I am finished with him, he will be dead."

"Very well, if you can somehow get him alive but unable to escape, I would prefer that, but if you must kill him, then I won't stop you. Being a dull eyes myself, I don't imagine that I would be able to help much as you try to kill him."

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3 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

"Very well, if you can somehow get him alive but unable to escape, I would prefer that, but if you must kill him, then I won't stop you. Being a dull eyes myself, I don't imagine that I would be able to help much as you try to kill him."

"That is true." 

Krait pauses to think.

"But... you could be helpful after the deed is done. I would rather this town not be destroyed. I am guessing that this revelation to the people about their mayor will help to unite them. I could use your help to make sure they don't go on a killing spree, trying to kill everyone they think might be an amal."

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2 minutes ago, Experience said:

"That is true." 

Krait pauses to think.

"But... you could be helpful after the deed is done. I would rather this town not be destroyed. I am guessing that this revelation to the people about their mayor will help to unite them. I could use your help to make sure they don't go on a killing spree, trying to kill everyone they think might be an amal."

Kuno's face turned into a grin.

"I can deal with the settlement, although I can't guarantee that it'll be completely bloodless. When will you be doing your part?"

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2 minutes ago, Experience said:

"I have already started. He will be dead by tomorrow."

"Very good, I love a deadline. I believe that we will work well together my new friend. It seems that we both have a busy night ahead of us."

5 minutes ago, Experience said:

"I have already started." Then Krait stabs the man in the stomach. 

Now that would be an interesting twist.


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Just now, TheWard'sGuard said:

"Very good, I love a deadline. I believe that we will work well together my new friend. It seems that we both have a busy night ahead of us."



There were only two problems: 1. I didn't want to godmod too much, and 2. Krait wouldn't actually do that because it doesn't help her in any way and that women would probably attack her. Speaking of her, is she just standing there listening the whole time?


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Just now, Experience said:

There were only two problems: 1. I didn't want to godmod too much, and 2. Krait wouldn't actually do that because it doesn't help her in any way and that women would probably attack her. Speaking of her, is she just standing there listening the whole time?


Yes, although the reason I haven't mentioned her is because she's staying in the background and not doing much, for now. 

Let's just say that it would be an interesting encounter if you broke character and attacked.


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On 07/10/2020 at 5:47 AM, I Am A Fish said:


Kade waited, tail flicking from side to side. 

The test had gone flawlessly, Chorale, and the ex-soldier had gotten slightly under average.

High enough, Concerto wouldn't suspect she was faking.

Yet low enough, that they would have very little influence.

Daren had done his job well.

Kade needed to talk to the two of them, so he'd prepared an secluded area.

A knock on the door signaled the arrival of one of the prisoners.

Aerith was shoved, none too gently, into the room.

Kade rubbed his jaw, then turned to him. "I am going to ask you some questions, let us keep this civil and everything should be fine."

Chorale would be along shortly.

And Concerto would be none the wiser. 

Concerto was on a need to know basis, and he didn't need to know... 


Okay, here's Chorale's whatever. I just lost a bunch of paragraphs, so I apologize for the sloppy writing.

I'm going to make a big reveal: Concerto has figured out a way for Amal to keep their powers. This may seem like it came out of nowhere, but I've been planning it since I don't know when. Only Concerto knows this, he's been privately testing(his test subjects don't survive long). He discovered that if you bond with a magical animal that has amber eyes, then you keep the color of your eyes and therefore your power. The amber eyes are caused by a single recent mutation, and it's only happened in a few species. This is super rare! Not just anyone can have powers as an Amal, just so you know. The way that I'll keep Chorale from being too OP with both Amal enhancements and her ordinary powers is that she'll constantly be battling between good and evil. She might help Concerto for a while, but then she'll help Aerith and everyone, and other times she'll be totally paralyzed by indecision. I think her magic will also be lessened(at least for a while).

I promise, I'm trying to keep from being OP! If you think this is too much of a problem, just let me know, but I feel like this is the way to move the RP forward.

Clouded leopard basic facts: http://justfunfacts.com/interesting-facts-about-clouded-leopards/

As the Amal marched Chorale along the road, she looked back at Aerith. He was getting shoved in a different direction, and she wondered where they were taking him. One of the Amal pushed her along, and she turned away.

They took her back to the room that she and Aerith had been captured in. As they rounded the stone slab, they caught sight of the charred restraints and one of them cursed, kicking the stone slab. A cobra Amal fingered the restraints and looked at the others. "We're not going to be able to do anything with that," she said, and the others nodded. They took her down the hallway where more chains like the ones that had imprisoned Aerith hung from the wall and secured her, then left the room. Chorale settled back against the wall.

Concerto walked into the room, causing Chorale to straighten quickly. "A disappointing score, little sister! I would have expected more from you. However, your compassion does slow you down. Did you spend the entire time waiting on that soldier?" He paced, prowling from one wall to the other, his claws ticking against stone.

Chorale's eyes widened imperceptibly. It was a test! She should have known that Concerto wouldn't imprison her unless he was absolutely sure that she wouldn't be able to escape.

Concerto continued speaking. "Anyway, it's about time for you to bond. I've decided on a clouded leopard, I think it suits you. We'll come and get you when it's time, but until then you'll have to stay here." His tail flicked and he paused, looking into Chorale's eyes. "I personally can't wait for you to join us, sister."

Chorale couldn't suppress a shudder as Concerto spun and left the room in one sinuous movement. She slumped again and considered what she could do.

@I Am A Fish

Edited by Condensation
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Just now, MusicalReader said:

*Panics* Wait, what's going on?  How do I do this? I understand the basic story (kind of), but what's going on right now?


My character, Chorale, and Fadran's character, Aerith, were captured by the Amal and now Concerto's going to make her bond with an animal and become an Amal. Val's chasing them, and Experience and Guard's characters are chatting in a Forest settlement.


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Just now, Condensation said:

My character, Chorale, and Fadran's character, Aerith, were captured by the Amal and now Concerto's going to make her bond with an animal and become an Amal. Val's chasing them, and Experience and Guard's characters are chatting in a Forest settlement.


Okay. That makes sense. So what would be the best way for my character to join?


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