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1 hour ago, Experience said:

Krait nods. "May our paths one day cross again." She turns around a briskly and walks down the street, heading in the general direction of the mayor's house. Once she gets a few blocks away, she stops at a seemingly random door and knows twice in quick succession.

"I look forward to it, just try not to die."

Kuno nodded as Krait walked away. he then turned to look at Catorphia.

"She's quite something, isn't she. If only we knew exactly what that something was." Catorphia didn't respond as she watched the surroundings suspiciously. Kuno looked thoughtful.

"You're right of course Cat, we can't go with the original plan. I'll need to gather Bandar for this, although I still need someone to keep an eye on her, but who?"

Catorphia moved to get a better view of the area. Kuno nodded.

"Yes, that makes sense, she does need to get back to work anyways. Whatever would I do without you and your amazing conversation prowess Cat?"

Kuno made his way out of the alleyway with Catorphia close behind him. Work needed to be done, and the sooner the better.

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59 minutes ago, MusicalReader said:

Borodin sighed, annoyed at the interruption. He had been at a particularly captivating part of his novel. He lethargically climbed out of his soft reading chair, stretched his limbs, and walked over to open the door. "Hello, there!" he said. "How may I assist you?"

"Hello. My name is Kria. I know this sounds odd, but could I maybe come inside for a couple minutes? There are a few people following me and I need to lose them." 

After an awkward silence, Krait adds, "Please?"


Just so you know he name isn't a typo, she is using a different name.


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2 minutes ago, Experience said:

"Hello. My name is Kria. I know this sounds odd, but could I maybe come inside for a couple minutes? There are a few people following me and I need to lose them." 

After an akward silence, Krait adds, "Please?"



I see, although I believe that awkward is spelled with two "W"s for some odd reason.


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Chorale could see Vivace's memories. She focused on one after another, settling on one. Vivace spoke. Why would we have been made by the Crystal Mother if we were not meant to rise? It is what we are meant to do, see? Chorale saw the Amal rising, returning Crystell to its natural glory. It was beautiful, the way it was meant to be. Chorale mentally protested. No, that's not right! It's not beautiful, it's the destruction of everything the humans have built! Is what they have built so wonderful? For all I can see is them removing the Mother's beauty from pieces of her own self! Chorale retreated, needing to consider, and Vivace took over again.

Vivace shifted into a clouded leopard, opening her jaws as large as she could to reveal her massive teeth. She twitched her tail and leapt, keeping herself from touching the ceiling. Before she could do any more, Chorale came forward. No, you cannot have my body. It is mine to control and mine to use. You are an intruder, get back! Vivace was shoved into the recesses of Chorale's mind, and Chorale ran through the stages of her shape-shifting, settling on a biped with advanced ears, a tail, and advanced limbs.

Concerto had watched all of this while leaning back against the wall, and now he came forward in the same state. "Sister," he said, "How do you feel?"

When Chorale next spoke, it was with a mixture of her own voice and the gravelly voice from earlier. "Good. In fact, better than ever."

"That's good. You know your new abilities?"

"Yes. They are... powerful."

Concerto held out a white crystal. "Try this. I think you may find that it has an unexpected result."

Chorale took the crystal and crunched down on it. "I can't feel anythi--wait. I still have my other magic. How?"

"Not yet, I can't fully trust you yet."

She ducked her head. "Of course. But later."

Concerto turned and smiled at Aerith, a victorious smile filled with gloating.

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Jane ran to the Amal hideout, remembering the way there quite well. She ran along the ground on all fours, feeling the ground race beneath her feet as she sped towards the jungle settlement. Vulles urged her to take a detour off to the right as something was crawling just beneath the ground, she could hear it moving, squirming in the dirt as it thought that it was hidden and secure. How easy it would be to shatter that illusion. It took all of Jane's resolve to press on, her job was one that could not wait, she should have been there already, and she would have been if she hadn't foolishly chosen to get sidetracked. She needed to know what was happening, because he needed to know. Her delay didn't matter now, or she hoped that it didn't.

Vulles could smell the hideout, it was fortunate that humans tended to not have a sense of smell as good as an Amal's, otherwise this place would have been as obvious as her nose on her face. She passed the jungle foliage and came into an open area with the settlement before her. Vulles surrendered much of her control to Jane as she transformed into a more humanoid form, Vulles almost had a sense of reluctance as she gave up control, wanting to take this next challenge for herself, but she allowed Jane to take the lead. Jane walked past the border guards while they hide in their lookout positions, she offered them the gesture that indicated that she was authorized to be here, and she made it into the hideout.

Now she just had to find out what happened to this sister in a settlement filled with Amal who were more than willing to kill the sister if they got the chance. Jane smiled to herself, she could see why Vulles saw the appeal of this challenge.

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7 hours ago, Experience said:

"Hello. My name is Kria. I know this sounds odd, but could I maybe come inside for a couple minutes? There are a few people following me and I need to lose them." 

After an awkward silence, Krait adds, "Please?"


Borodin hesitated. "I guess that might be okay..." he said, uncertain. "Just please don't break anything or knock over any bookcases." He trailed off as an old memory struck him with some force. 
"Listen, Kria, or whatever you said your name was, you don't need to make up an elaborate story if you need help. You can just ask next time. I've met your type before..." He spoke with a harsher tone.

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7 hours ago, Condensation said:


Chorale could see Vivace's memories. She focused on one after another, settling on one. Vivace spoke. Why would we have been made by the Crystal Mother if we were not meant to rise? It is what we are meant to do, see? Chorale saw the Amal rising, returning Crystell to its natural glory. It was beautiful, the way it was meant to be. Chorale mentally protested. No, that's not right! It's not beautiful, it's the destruction of everything the humans have built! Is what they have built so wonderful? For all I can see is them removing the Mother's beauty from pieces of her own self! Chorale retreated, needing to consider, and Vivace took over again.

Vivace shifted into a clouded leopard, opening her jaws as large as she could to reveal her massive teeth. She twitched her tail and leapt, keeping herself from touching the ceiling. Before she could do any more, Chorale came forward. No, you cannot have my body. It is mine to control and mine to use. You are an intruder, get back! Vivace was shoved into the recesses of Chorale's mind, and Chorale ran through the stages of her shape-shifting, settling on a biped with advanced ears, a tail, and advanced limbs.

Concerto had watched all of this while leaning back against the wall, and now he came forward in the same state. "Sister," he said, "How do you feel?"

When Chorale next spoke, it was with a mixture of her own voice and the gravelly voice from earlier. "Good. In fact, better than ever."

"That's good. You know your new abilities?"

"Yes. They are... powerful."

Concerto held out a white crystal. "Try this. I think you may find that it has an unexpected result."

Chorale took the crystal and crunched down on it. "I can't feel anythi--wait. I still have my other magic. How?"

"Not yet, I can't fully trust you yet."

She ducked her head. "Of course. But later."

Concerto turned and smiled at Aerith, a victorious smile filled with gloating.



Kade walked into the room, face devoid of emotion, holding a loaded crossbow at Concerto...

"Concerto, I expected more from you. Instead of eliminating a threat, you've improved it's ability to kill."

Kade glared at him. "Put your hands on your head, or I will kill you."




Remember how I said Kade had been planning a rebellion....




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32 minutes ago, MusicalReader said:

Borodin hesitated. "I guess that might be okay..." he said, uncertain. "Just please don't break anything or knock over any bookcases." He trailed off as an old memory struck him with some force. 
"Listen, Kria, or whatever you said your name was, you don't need to make up an elaborate story if you need help. You can just ask next time. I've met your type before..." He spoke with a harsher tone.

Krait raised her eyebrows and asked, "So is that a yes?"

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12 hours ago, Condensation said:

The figure who was Chorale slowly looked up, her silvery white eyes seeming to glow in the dim light. She got to her feet, inspecting her hands as they changed, claws elongating from her fingers. "This--this is good," she said in a gravelly voice. "This is not what I had before, but it is good." Then she seemed to shrink, and she raised her hands to her head, screwing up her eyes. "No--wait!" she yelled, and fell silent.

Chorale looked up, her eyes horrified. She couldn't speak, she was paralyzed by what had just happened. Then a new voice spoke in her consciousness, a voice that sounded like it was chewing rocks. Greetings, strong one. Chorale looked deeper inside herself and noticed a new consciousness sharing her head, one that had the vague feeling of the leopard from earlier. H-hello? she sent. Who are you? The voice, sounding amused, said, Maybe not so strong as I thought. I am she called Vivace, and you are Chorale. We are entwined, and as one, we will reclaim this planet for the rightful owners. But the Amal aren't the rightful owners, thought Chorale. The humans were here before! Ah yes, but it was always meant for us. We belong here. May I show you? Then Chorale and Vivace fell into a whirlpool of images until it settled on one.

Unknown to Chorale, she had backed herself into the shadowed wall with her hands against her head, shaking it as her subconscious tried to reject the intruder.

"Kid?" Aerith asked, then started to panic as she backed into the wall. "Hey, kid!" He grabbed her shoulders. "Snap out of it!"

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3 hours ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade walked into the room, face devoid of emotion, holding a loaded crossbow at Concerto...

"Concerto, I expected more from you. Instead of eliminating a threat, you've improved it's ability to kill."

Kade glared at him. "Put your hands on your head, or I will kill you."


15 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Kid?" Aerith asked, then started to panic as she backed into the wall. "Hey, kid!" He grabbed her shoulders. "Snap out of it!"

Chorale left him behind as she walked over to Kade. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," she growled. "People who mess with my brother often get... what they asked for."

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On 09/10/2020 at 9:57 AM, DramaQueen said:

So, I haven't been paying much attention to this lately...how can I slip Kimora back in, Connie?


You could have her run into Guard's mob, you could have her meet MusicalReader's new character, she could run into Krait, but I don't think she'd be at the Amal settlement.

On 09/10/2020 at 10:06 AM, Channelknight Fadran said:

“...kid?” Aerith asked in a small voice.

Chorale gave him a dismissive glance, then turned back to him, emotions warring on her face. She looked at Concerto. "You said you'd let him go," she said, her voice less rough.

"And I will as soon as this traitor is dealt with."

Chorale looked at Kade, anger building on her face. This was the one who had threatened to kill her, had captured her and caused this to happen. Vivace protested, but Chorale was set in her task. "Drop the crossbow," she said, her claws coming unsheathed.

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49 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale left him behind as she walked over to Kade. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," she growled. "People who mess with my brother often get... what they asked for."

Kade smiled, then nodded his head. Most of the Amal's in the room drew out crossbows, and aimed them, at Chorale, or Concerto.

Kade closed his eyes. "Concerto, let this not end in violence."

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

Chorale gave him a dismissive glance, then turned back to him, emotions warring on her face. She looked at Concerto. "You said you'd let him go," she said, her voice less rough.


"And I will as soon as this traitor is dealt with."


Chorale looked at Kade, anger building on her face. This was the one who had threatened to kill her, had captured her and caused this to happen. Vivace protested, but Chorale was set in her task. "Drop the crossbow," she said, her claws coming unsheathed.


Right now, I think she'll just stay at the hotel. If you guys get back there, let me know.


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Just now, DramaQueen said:

Right now, I think she'll just stay at the hotel. If you guys get back there, let me know.


*thumbs up*

Just now, I Am A Fish said:

Kade smiled, then nodded his head. Most of the Amal's in the room drew out crossbows, and aimed them, at Chorale, or Concerto.

Kade closed his eyes. "Concerto, let this not end in violence."

Concerto's eyes narrowed. "How do I know that I'll be safe if I surrender to you?"

Chorale paused, considering her options. Then she turned, dashing toward Concerto and Aerith and creating a bubble of energy around all three of them. Vivace hissed. You protect even the weak one? You should help the other leopard, he is stronger. Is he? asked Chorale. Or am I? She held the bubble, but she would need more crystals. "Concerto, you had better have more of those crystals!"

Concerto had been caught off guard and chastised himself for a moment. He had been ready to hand himself over, but he hadn't seen that he now had the strongest ally. And that was often the best way to win. Motif tried to speak, but Concerto pushed him down. "No, of course not! What if you had somehow overpowered me and gotten ahold of that one? It was the best way to keep you controlled."

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Just now, Condensation said:

Concerto's eyes narrowed. "How do I know that I'll be safe if I surrender to you?"

Chorale paused, considering her options. Then she turned, dashing toward Concerto and Aerith and creating a bubble of energy around all three of them. Vivace hissed. You protect even the weak one? You should help the other leopard, he is stronger. Is he? asked Chorale. Or am I? She held the bubble, but she would need more crystals. "Concerto, you had better have more of those crystals!"

Concerto had been caught off guard and chastised himself for a moment. He had been ready to hand himself over, but he hadn't seen that he now had the strongest ally. And that was often the best way to win. Motif tried to speak, but Concerto pushed him down. "No, of course not! What if you had somehow overpowered me and gotten ahold of that one? It was the best way to keep you controlled."

Kade stared at him. "You don't. But you can be reasonably sure that there's only one person I want dead, and they're not you."

He turned around briefly, noting Valerie in the door. "Come in, come in."

Then he turned to a seemingly empty spot in the floor. "Alii, Fael, make sure she doesn't do anything that jeopardizes this."


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2 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade stared at him. "You don't. But you can be reasonably sure that there's only one person I want dead, and they're not you."

He turned around briefly, noting Valerie in the door. "Come in, come in."

Then he turned to a seemingly empty spot in the floor. "Alii, Fael, make sure she doesn't do anything that jeopardizes this."


Vivace pushed past Chorale and the force field flickered. "Wait," she called, her voice grating. "I wish to join you. This one is weak, obviously you have planned long for this." Chorale fought back, furious at Vivace for so blatantly betraying her brother. She took control again, growing worried about how much longer she was going to be able to keep up the force field. "No, I don't!" What are you doing? We obviously wish to join this snow leopard! His name is Kade, and the one person he wants dead is us! If we join him, it won't end well for us! Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure! Now, we need to get out of here. You do that while I focus on keeping this force field up!

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Just now, Condensation said:

Vivace pushed past Chorale and the force field flickered. "Wait," she called, her voice grating. "I wish to join you. This one is weak, obviously you have planned long for this." Chorale fought back, furious at Vivace for so blatantly betraying her brother. She took control again, growing worried about how much longer she was going to be able to keep up the force field. "No, I don't!" What are you doing? We obviously wish to join this snow leopard! His name is Kade, and the one person he wants dead is us! If we join him, it won't end well for us! Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure! Now, we need to get out of here. You do that while I focus on keeping this force field up!

Kade sneered. "I want nothing to do with you." 

Then he nodded to the Amal's holding up cross bows. "When she drops the shields, seize them both... He paused, sighing. And let's keep the violence to a minimum."

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11 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Kade sneered. "I want nothing to do with you." 

Then he nodded to the Amal's holding up cross bows. "When she drops the shields, seize them both... He paused, sighing. And let's keep the violence to a minimum."


One clarification: The plural of Amal is Amal. Don't know if anyone noticed that, but I thought I'd add it here.

Chorale considered her options, then called beyond the force field. "If I surrender myself to you, will you let Aerith go?" She dropped her voice and said to Aerith, "Go, and get us out of here."

@Channelknight Fadran

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

Chorale considered her options, then called beyond the force field. "If I surrender myself to you, will you let Aerith go?" She dropped her voice and said to Aerith, "Go, and get us out of here."

@Channelknight Fadran

Kade thought for a moment. "You know what... I'm in a good mood today. Yes, yes I will."

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