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6 minutes ago, Vapor said:

"Yes, I do. Why were we running from Chorale?"

"We weren't running from Chorale, we..." He glanced around to make sure they weren't being watched, then lowered his voice. "Her brother convinced her to become an Amal, and he's... doing something with her. We need to bust her out."

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3 minutes ago, Experience said:

"They can explode as well. There's a lot of small things that make it handy. So. do you have any? That aren't in the stew?"

"Well... I actually have a severe loathing of potatoes. I can't stand them. I guess if you want some, you could go down to the market downtown." Borodin looked towards the door. "I can show you the way there if you want."

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4 minutes ago, MusicalReader said:

"Well... I actually have a severe loathing of potatoes. I can't stand them. I guess if you want some, you could go down to the market downtown." Borodin looked towards the door. "I can show you the way there if you want."

"No, it's ok. The main use of the potato is to waste time." Krait smiles, opens the door, and walks out. As she strolls away from the door she looks over her shoulder and calls out: "Thank you!"

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2 minutes ago, Experience said:

"No, it's ok. The main use of the potato is to waste time." Krait smiles, opens the door, and walks out. As she strolls away from the door she looks over her shoulder and calls out: "Thank you!"


Dang it! I thought it would have been absolutely hilarious if we walked down together to buy some potatoes. Wouldn't that be so funny? It's just so random! :lol:


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14 minutes ago, Experience said:

"No, it's ok. The main use of the potato is to waste time." Krait smiles, opens the door, and walks out. As she strolls away from the door she looks over her shoulder and calls out: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Borodin called out. He watched Krait for a minute, then suddenly twitched violently.

"Wait!" he yelled, rushing down the street. "I forgot. I-I like to ask people their personal histories so I can better understand other cultures. Where are you from?" Borodin pulled out a small notebook from inside his inner coat pocket. 

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45 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"We weren't running from Chorale, we..." He glanced around to make sure they weren't being watched, then lowered his voice. "Her brother convinced her to become an Amal, and he's... doing something with her. We need to bust her out."

"Which animal?"

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8 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Concerto and Chorale are led to separate cells. And were roughly thrown in. 



The money is a trading system, you trade something you have and they want(crystals?) for something they have and you want.

Concerto's bond is how it's 'supposed' to be, Vivace is smarter than she should be and Chorale doesn't have anyone to guide her through becoming in charge.

Vivace hit the ground hard, knocking the breath out of her. Before she could recover, the door slammed shut and she heard it lock. Chorale sat up and looked around, the cell was sparsely furnished. She walked over and sat down on the cot, determined to figure out this mess inside her head. So, I think we're stuck with each other. Yep. So, do we need to figure some things out? I think so. First of all, who's in charge when. I think I should be in charge most of the time, I'm most experienced with the human world. How is that fair, though? That would leave me with sleeping and maybe fighting, right? Well, I actually fight more than most people. I travel around fighting with animals and Amal that attack settlements. Wait, you're her? You're (here she made a growling and chuffing noise)? Um, I think so? I couldn't understand what you just said. There's not really a good way to say it in your language, but the most literal translation I can think of is The One Who Fights With Light, May You Never Cross Her Path. I think I may have underestimated you! said Vivace, her tone implying astonishment. Well, I'll still need to fight once we get out of here, you have no idea how to work the crystals. Do you know how Concerto managed that? Managed what? Well, we kept my powers when we transformed. That's never happened before. Well, it still means that I won't get as much time. And what am I supposed to do when you're in charge? I don't know. I got the impression that in other Amal, the human is in charge and the animal doesn't get any say, but I don't think that'll work for us. Darn right it won't work. Well, let me know when you come up with something. You are the smarter one, after all. Then Vivace went silent. What happened there? thought Chorale. It was going so well! Then she remembered that Vivace could hear all of that and winced. Sorry, she sent. Vivace didn't answer, and Chorale knew that Vivace was mad, likely because of something Chorale had said. Chorale sighed and lay down on the cot, hoping to get some sleep.

Concerto landed on his feet despite his bound hands, but couldn't get to the door before it closed. He cursed, stepping away from the door. Just when he had figured it out, his sister joining him as an Amal, his second-in-command had to try to take over. Well, he would get what he was asking for. Concerto lay down on the hard cot, figuring he may as well get some sleep while he could, but Motif shoved up. Let me out! he shouted. No, said Concerto. You are weaker. I am strong, so I am in charge. Stay down. Motif shrunk. You are not stronger than I am, he said, sounding uncertain. Yes, I am. That is why you are down there when I am up here. Motif subsided, back to where he was supposed to be, but Concerto could not sleep. He was worried about Chorale. All of his test subjects had had a hard time dominating the amber-eyed creatures, even with a mentor to lead them through. He could only imagine what kind of monstrosity Chorale would end up being, having no way to know what to do. He realized that these feelings were coming from Motif and shoved them back. Keep your touchy-feely things to yourself, he snapped. I have no need or want for them. But he could not sleep, considering this through the night.

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6 minutes ago, Vapor said:

"Which animal?"

"Leopard, but we can't worry about that right now. Right now, we need something helpful. We need an edge." Aerith smiled a very plot-intrigueish smile. "And I know just who to ask."


Insert timeskip! Can I insert a timeskip?

@Condensation @MusicalReader @Experience

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Leopard, but we can't worry about that right now. Right now, we need something helpful. We need an edge." Aerith smiled a very plot-intrigueish smile. "And I know just who to ask."

@Condensation @MusicalReader @Experience


Go ahead, that's what I was going for.


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5 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



Fish, let me know if you're going to do anything to Chorale or Concerto. I'm going to my grandparents house and I'll try to get back on tomorrow around 3, or in 23 hours.

If you really need me, summon Vapor or Mist and ask for me.


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Kuno walked up to a door with Catorphia right behind him. It was odd that he couldn't smell anything baking from inside the building as that smell was there every time Kuno had came here in the past. No matter, so long as Eburio was here, there was not much to worry about. Although it was strange since Eburio loved to bake for anyone in the town, even those who were cast out by the others, a good man if Kuno had even seen one. Kuno knocked on the front door, and waited. No one answered, so Kuno knocked again. After the second try, the door peaked open, and a voice called out to Kuno.

"I'm sorry friends, but I'm afraid that there'll be no bread today. I've run into some trouble with my ovens."

Kuno replied with a smile.

"It's no matter Baker Eburio, it's just me, and I need to talk with you."


By the way, this happened before Aerith and Val arrived, along with what Experience will be doing.


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This is interesting, Condensation summon me earlier and I would love to join. Didn't read all of it + this is the first RP I've joined, so correct me if I do something wrong.

My character


Name: Ferthan

Gender: Male

Eye color: Copper

Age: 17

Race: Human without magic

Location: Where the wind takes him

Character: Grumpy, doesn't talk much, thinks it's unfair that some people have magic while others don't

Weapon: Two ropes (made from magical vine or plant or something and therefor would never break)


Ferthan ran, not because someone was chasing him, it's simply made him feel better. The last town a few miles back wouldn't let him in, they said he looks like an Amal and might attack the townspeople. Those cursed inhuman things, they just had to mess with his life no matter what. He heard footsteps from behind, were the guards chasing him? He glanced back, and saw nothing. Odd.


How can I interact with y'all?


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