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8 hours ago, TheWard'sGuard said:



Ya, I'm really sorry. Something came up and I wasn't able to do it when I wanted to. I will get it done today. I have something this morning but I'm available the rest of the day, so I'll make sure to do it. Preferably earlier. 


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7 hours ago, The One Ring said:

Ferthan ran, not because someone was chasing him, it's simply made him feel better. The last town a few miles back wouldn't let him in, they said he looks like an Amal and might attack the townspeople. Those cursed inhuman things, they just had to mess with his life no matter what. He heard footsteps from behind, were the guards chasing him? He glanced back, and saw nothing. Odd.



*thumbs up* Hello! I'm getting on really fast after doing my homework! I'm glad nothing much has happened!(I have a lot of notifications)


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Here it is. It's pretty long, but you should probably still read it because it's important to the story and Krait as a character. If you really don't want to read it I guess I can summarize it.

The sky was getting darker as Krait strolled towards the front door of the mayor's house. She took a deep breath, trying to get her nerves under control. She had managed to not think about this part of her plan for a long time, and she had succeeded. Mostly. 

In the past hour Krait had visited a few houses and borrowed some clothes without asking. She now wore the clothing of messenger with a brown leather satchel at her side, mostly empty.

In front of the front door of the mansion, there were no less than six guards. Krait knew all of them by name, but there was no way that they would recognize her after the long time that separated their pasts. 

The guards were lounging around a table playing with some cards, but Krait knew that they were actually watching, weary and ready for an attack. Once she drew closer, the only woman in the group, Lazh, stood up and asked, “Who are you, and what is your business here?”

Krait almost smiled and replied instinctively with her name, but caught herself. Instead she answered, holding a letter in her hand, “I am Kria. I have a letter for the mayor.”

Lazh nodded and stepped forward to take it, but Krait drew her hand away so the letter couldn’t be taken. “I’m sorry, but I was expressly told that I need to make sure Laon himself sees this letter.”

Lazh snorted and replied, “We’ve heard that one before. We aren’t just going to let anybody… Wait, what did you just say?”

Krait smiled and repeated, “I have to make sure Laon sees the letter personally.”

The other five guards at the table went silent.

Lazh glanced around to see if anyone else had heard what Krait had said. No one had. Krait had made sure before that nobody would be even within eyesight let alone earshot when she came through. Then Lazh motioned Krait forward, and two of the guards opened the door.

Lazh and two guards led her inside, leaving the remaining three outside. The interior of the mansion was lavishly furnished, with statues of Amal lining the walls and a deep blue carpet rolling down the long hall. 

Krait adopted the look of a townsperson, gaping at all the art and other finery of the mansion. It wasn’t very hard to fake. Just inside the door stood another four guards, two on each side. Krait didn’t recognize these ones, but she did recognize their armor. These were Hunters. Amal killers. 

She was led down a side hall and into an empty room, where the two guards took up positions by the only door. There was no other exit from the room. Lazh turned around to Krait and studied her face, silent. After a few moments Lazh said, “Who are you, really? And how do you know Laon’s name?”

“You do not need to know who I am, Lazh.”

Lazh cursed and put her knife to Krait’s neck. “How do you know my name?” she demanded. 

Krait kept calm, and her lips crept into a shallow smile. 

“You wouldn’t believe me, even if I told you. I don’t plan to tell you, though let it suffice that you used to know who I am. Now. I need to see Laon. The letter is quite urgent, and I need to return the answer soon.”

Lazh took a deep breath, then answered, “Fine. I have no idea who you are… except… no. That’s not possible.” She took another look at Krait’s face then shook her head. “No, you most definitely couldn’t be Krait.” 

Krait had been ready so she was able to keep her expression the same. Raising her eyebrows in a show of confusion she asked, “Who?”

“Nevermind. It isn’t you. She never was an actor. Could never lie. Especially not to a friend's face.”

That hurt Krait more than Lazh could ever know, but there was nothing she could do but continue. Nothing good came from mourning about the past. Lazh nodded, and the two guards behind Krait walked through the door and started leading the way towards Laon’s room. 

As the door came into view, guarded by four more Hunters. Once they saw Lazh they moved out of the way, allowing her to open the door and walk through. Krait was ushered through by the two other guards and the door was closed behind her. 

Inside the room, Laon sat on a chair, reading a book. It was probably about politics. He glanced up and casually said, “Oh, hello Lazh.” Then he returned to his book for a second before looking back up with astonishment, seeing Krait standing there. 

He hastily stood up, gaping. 

Krait inwardly cursed. She had hoped he wouldn’t recognize her, but it had been futile to believe such a thing had happened. In one fluid motion Krait grabbed a knife from her belt and held Lazh with the knife to her throat. “Make one sound, and she dies.”

Laon’s cry died before it had even started and he sat down in his chair, face pale. “Krait, why are you doing this?” 

Lazh gasped, but didn’t say anything. 

“I am sorry. I… I am not who I used to be.”

“Why are you here, Krait. We broke up years ago, and you vowed we would never see each other again.”

“You knew that I would come here, eventually. And you know why as well. When we became Amal, the two of us, we were going to change the world. Make it better for everyone. But then you changed, just like everyone else.” The pain was evident in Krait’s voice, and she wasn’t able to change it. “You decided that if the world wanted to become better, then it would do so on its own.”


“No. You knew what you were doing when you started, and you were too scared to continue.” Krait took a deep breath to calm herself, then continued. “I’m afraid that I’ll have to kill Lazh. The only way that she lives is if you take her place. You get to decide.”

Silence filled the room. 

Laon nodded and stood up. “I understand. I knew that this day would come. I am ready. As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Lazh had gone stock-still and horror was drawn all over her face. Whispering harshly, she said to Laon, “No, Laon. I won’t let you do this. Let me die with honor.”

“I am sorry Lazh, but if you die, she will still kill me. I won’t have you die as well. Krait, I am ready. I just want you to know that I have loved you my whole life, even though you left me. I know that doesn’t change what has to happen, but I want you to know it and have no doubt about it. I am ready”

Krait extended her arm and threw the knife at Laon’s chest. It sank into his heart, killing him instantly. 

Lazh screamed in agony and swiped at Krait, but she wasn’t where she had been a moment before. Now a viper, she struck at Lazh, putting her to sleep. She transformed into a human as the four Hunters crashed through the door. Krait backed away, then threw a knife at the window hilt first. The glass shattered and she jumped out, landing on a roof about five feet below. She transformed into a snake and was gone before any of the guards got to the window.


Only a few minutes later, Krait was galloping away from the settlement, tears streaming down her face.

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20 hours ago, Experience said:

The sky was getting darker as Krait strolled towards the front door of the mayor's house. She took a deep breath, trying to get her nerves under control. She had managed to not think about this part of her plan for a long time, and she had succeeded. Mostly. 

In the past hour Krait had visited a few houses and borrowed some clothes without asking. She now wore the clothing of messenger with a brown leather satchel at her side, mostly empty.

In front of the front door of the mansion, there were no less than six guards. Krait knew all of them by name, but there was no way that they would recognize her after the long time that separated their pasts. 

The guards were lounging around a table playing with some cards, but Krait knew that they were actually watching, weary and ready for an attack. Once she drew closer, the only woman in the group, Lazh, stood up and asked, “Who are you, and what is your business here?”

Krait almost smiled and replied instinctively with her name, but caught herself. Instead she answered, holding a letter in her hand, “I am Kria. I have a letter for the mayor.”

Lazh nodded and stepped forward to take it, but Krait drew her hand away so the letter couldn’t be taken. “I’m sorry, but I was expressly told that I need to make sure Laon himself sees this letter.”

Lazh snorted and replied, “We’ve heard that one before. We aren’t just going to let anybody… Wait, what did you just say?”

Krait smiled and repeated, “I have to make sure Laon sees the letter personally.”

The other five guards at the table went silent.

Lazh glanced around to see if anyone else had heard what Krait had said. No one had. Krait had made sure before that nobody would be even within eyesight let alone earshot when she came through. Then Lazh motioned Krait forward, and two of the guards opened the door.

Lazh and two guards led her inside, leaving the remaining three outside. The interior of the mansion was lavishly furnished, with statues of Amal lining the walls and a deep blue carpet rolling down the long hall. 

Krait adopted the look of a townsperson, gaping at all the art and other finery of the mansion. It wasn’t very hard to fake. Just inside the door stood another four guards, two on each side. Krait didn’t recognize these ones, but she did recognize their armor. These were Hunters. Amal killers. 

She was led down a side hall and into an empty room, where the two guards took up positions by the only door. There was no other exit from the room. Lazh turned around to Krait and studied her face, silent. After a few moments Lazh said, “Who are you, really? And how do you know Laon’s name?”

“You do not need to know who I am, Lazh.”

Lazh cursed and put her knife to Krait’s neck. “How do you know my name?” she demanded. 

Krait kept calm, and her lips crept into a shallow smile. 

“You wouldn’t believe me, even if I told you. I don’t plan to tell you, though let it suffice that you used to know who I am. Now. I need to see Laon. The letter is quite urgent, and I need to return the answer soon.”

Lazh took a deep breath, then answered, “Fine. I have no idea who you are… except… no. That’s not possible.” She took another look at Krait’s face then shook her head. “No, you most definitely couldn’t be Krait.” 

Krait had been ready so she was able to keep her expression the same. Raising her eyebrows in a show of confusion she asked, “Who?”

“Nevermind. It isn’t you. She never was an actor. Could never lie. Especially not to a friend's face.”

That hurt Krait more than Lazh could ever know, but there was nothing she could do but continue. Nothing good came from mourning about the past. Lazh nodded, and the two guards behind Krait walked through the door and started leading the way towards Laon’s room. 

As the door came into view, guarded by four more Hunters. Once they saw Lazh they moved out of the way, allowing her to open the door and walk through. Krait was ushered through by the two other guards and the door was closed behind her. 

Inside the room, Laon sat on a chair, reading a book. It was probably about politics. He glanced up and casually said, “Oh, hello Lazh.” Then he returned to his book for a second before looking back up with astonishment, seeing Krait standing there. 

He hastily stood up, gaping. 

Krait inwardly cursed. She had hoped he wouldn’t recognize her, but it had been futile to believe such a thing had happened. In one fluid motion Krait grabbed a knife from her belt and held Lazh with the knife to her throat. “Make one sound, and she dies.”

Laon’s cry died before it had even started and he sat down in his chair, face pale. “Krait, why are you doing this?” 

Lazh gasped, but didn’t say anything. 

“I am sorry. I… I am not who I used to be.”

“Why are you here, Krait. We broke up years ago, and you vowed we would never see each other again.”

“You knew that I would come here, eventually. And you know why as well. When we became Amal, the two of us, we were going to change the world. Make it better for everyone. But then you changed, just like everyone else.” The pain was evident in Krait’s voice, and she wasn’t able to change it. “You decided that if the world wanted to become better, then it would do so on its own.”


“No. You knew what you were doing when you started, and you were too scared to continue.” Krait took a deep breath to calm herself, then continued. “I’m afraid that I’ll have to kill Lazh. The only way that she lives is if you take her place. You get to decide.”

Silence filled the room. 

Laon nodded and stood up. “I understand. I knew that this day would come. I am ready. As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Lazh had gone stock-still and horror was drawn all over her face. Whispering harshly, she said to Laon, “No, Laon. I won’t let you do this. Let me die with honor.”

“I am sorry Lazh, but if you die, she will still kill me. I won’t have you die as well. Krait, I am ready. I just want you to know that I have loved you my whole life, even though you left me. I know that doesn’t change what has to happen, but I want you to know it and have no doubt about it. I am ready”

Krait extended her arm and threw the knife at Laon’s chest. It sank into his heart, killing him instantly. 

Lazh screamed in agony and swiped at Krait, but she wasn’t where she had been a moment before. Now a viper, she struck at Lazh, putting her to sleep. She transformed into a human as the four Hunters crashed through the door. Krait backed away, then threw a knife at the window hilt first. The glass shattered and she jumped out, landing on a roof about five feet below. She transformed into a snake and was gone before any of the guards got to the window.


Only a few minutes later, Krait was galloping away from the settlement, tears streaming down her face.

Kuno dismissed his messenger. As he always said, information was what won battles, and he made sure to get his as fast as he could. Granted he did not expect everything that happened at the manor, but it was done, he would do his part, although not quite the way that his new friend Krait expected him to. But who could blame him? Krait herself had ulterior motives, so would be that bad if he did? Of course not.

He was nearly done in this town, and then he could move on, he just needed a few more pieces to move into the right place, some information given  to the right person. Information, and the control of it, was key after all.


I'll make another post real quick about what happens just a few hours later. I'm pretty sure that this is still before Aerith and Val arrive though.


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Aaaaaand I'm noping right back out of this, sorry guys :P I don't have nearly the amount of time I thought I did. I'll still read everything and probably still be active in the PMs, but I'm not able to write here now.


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Just now, AonEne said:

Aaaaaand I'm noping right back out of this, sorry guys :P I don't have nearly the amount of time I thought I did. I'll still read everything and probably still be active in the PMs, but I'm not able to write here now.


That's fine! We know you're busy. Enjoy our storytelling!


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Word spread through town like a wildfire, and it was nearly impossible to stop, especially since that flame had been stoked frequently. Because of how quickly the word spread, everyone needed to go out and see for themselves what had happened. The outspoken Youth was one of the first to arrive at the Mayor's manor, demanding to know what had happened. The Youth and all of the other town's folk were blocked from entering by the guards of the manor, but this didn't stop the Youth from trying to provoke the crowd. He shouted to everyone who came about Amals entering the grounds.

The crowd accepted what the Youth said, and started to demand with him that the grounds be opened so that they could see for themselves what had happened, even though the guards who barred them from entering stood resilient. Every second that access was denied, the crowd grew angrier. The Youth demanded that the mayor come out and speak to them, and his call spread throughout the crowd as their anger burned hotter and brighter. The guardsmen grew more and more nervous, trying their best to hold their ground. 

Suddenly both a guard and a townsman were thrown back as if hit, and fighting broke out. The guards drew their blades to fight the mob of citizens in order to protect themselves. The people pushed forward as they didn't care who threw the first blow, they intended to throw the last.

Fighting ensued as the guards fought for their lives against the horde of furious townsfolk, their swords offering them an advantage that was quickly overcome as they were swarmed by the shear number of people who charged them, yelling and screaming in their anger. The people surged pass the guards, swarming onto the grounds toward the Mayor's residence. They stormed into the manor itself, fighting any who tried to stop them. They reached the Mayor's chambers, only to be halted by the sudden shock of what they saw before them.

The guards and hunters who didn't flee or weren't killed were hauled out of the manor to the courtyard in front of the manor, along with the body of the mayor. The sight of the mayor's body shocked all of the townsfolk, as he had the characteristics of a mighty bear, identifying him as an Amal. Silence overtook the crowd as they all looked at the Mayor's body.

The Youth stood up and approached the body, glaring at it with a passion that burned hotter than the sun itself. He spat on the mayor's body, then addressed the crowd. 

"Gather your friends and neighbors now, for the mayor is not only a traitor to the people he swore to help and protect, but he's also one of the stinking Amal! How long has he led us to follow his greed? How long has he allowed his cursed brethren to pray upon us in our very own walls?! He lays before us as a dead traitor, and whoever killed him is our greatest hero, and he should be gratified as such! He wished to divide us asunder and allow the condemned of the Crystal Mother to consume us and eat our flesh to feed their inner beasts. We cannot allow this to happen anymore. Ask amongst yourselves, who supported this vile betrayer as he tried to have us all killed?! There is no doubt that his personal guards did, they allowed this man to lead us and then stood by as the Amal attacked us and killed our friends and family! Unless they renounce their evil and dividing ways, they must be punished!"

The crowd roared in support of the youth, their voices filled with the anger that had been burning in them, only to just now find release. The Youth smiled.

"But these aren't all. We must find everyone who supports this traitor, bring forward all who would betray us to these filthy beasts to become prey to those creatures!"

The crowd rustled as groups separated off to practically run to other houses in the town, dragging out their inhabitants and bring them before the youth; who watched with his eyes blazing with energy and passion. The youth gestured to some of the guardsmen.

"These here have slain our friends and brothers, they are murderers and traitors to humanity! There can be no redemption for their crimes! What say you? Shall we gives these murderers a traitor's death?!"

The crowd roared in approval as the youth called forward a man with a large axe. The guardsmen pleaded for mercy as the axeman approached, and the youth only watched with grim determination. The axe fell, and the crowd cheered. all four of the guardsmen's heads rolled across the courtyard. The Youth turned to the next guard in line.

"Lazh, commander of the guards for the Mayor's grounds, I accuse you of treason against the people of this settlement by supporting this traitor and withholding your aid from the town as the Amal attacked us without any mercy. Show us that you aren't the traitor to humanity that you are. Spit on the traitor's body, then you must curse him and his traitorous deeds!"

Lazh looked solemn, and she held her peace. The Youth sneer at her.

"You have chosen your fate traitor."

The youth walked passed her as the axeman approached her. Most of the other guardsmen chose to curse the mayor as they feared for their lives, and they were let go, but their actions wouldn't be forgotten. The youth came across those that the villagers brought forward, and he approached the first one.

"Baker-man Eburio, the people of this town accuse you of treason against us and all of humanity in favor of this murdering Amal by supporting him in every regard. You chose to denounce all those who called for change. Now, do you denounce him as a traitor? Do you spit on him and join humanity once more?"

Eburio sat there, he looked paralyzed with fear and indecision, he started trembling.

"Very well Eburio, you have chosen who you will side with, and you will join him."

The Youth carried on down the line as the Axeman followed him, doing his grim work in silence. Most of the other townsfolk who were called traitors screamed out in fear, they begged for mercy, and they did anything that was asked of them. Very few chose to face death. When the Youth finished with all those that the crowd had brought forward, he addressed the crowd itself.

"We have seen the power of the Amal. They wish to kill us all and divide us from one another. But I refuse to allow these beasts this victory. The beasts unite themselves together to infiltrate out towns and settlements to spread division amongst us, we have seen their agents here among us today. They have led some of us astray, but I tell you all we must stand firm against this unholy tide of wrathful beasts! They hate us, true, but they also fear us because of our power! But they know that if humanity stands divided, then humanity cannot win. That is why we must stand together as one! We must resist the attempts to tear us apart from the inside like how our traitorous mayor has tried to do. Humanity must unite!"

The youth received powerful cheers from the crowd, and they began to chant his name. the youth put a hand to his ear.

"What would you have me do?"

The crowd cried out to him.


The Youth smiled. 

"Is that what you wish?"

The crowd cried out in agreement as they surged forward to carry the Youth to the Manor.


As the crowd carried the youth away, Kuno watched them from the back of the courtyard with the torch fire reflecting in his dull, grey eyes. He smiled, then he turned to Catorphia, who stood behind him as always.

"It seems that we have been successful, that's another one in my pocket. We'll have to push on to the next step very soon, especially if my informant is correct again."

Catorphia looked very uneasy the entire time that the crowd was gathered in the courtyard, but now that only the stragglers remained, she looked more at peace, although she was ever attentive to her surroundings. Kuno took Catorphia's silence as a response.

"Perhaps, the informant's information was ambitious to say the least, but I'd rather be ready for them to be true. Not to mention that things are changing fast." Kuno rolled his eyes at Catorphia. "Yes the baker was necessary, as everyone else seems to be obsessed with escalation, however could I be left out of it? Come, we should gather Bandar, we need to be sure we stabilize things around here, but then we have to move. Escalation is what's necessary."

Kuno walked off into the town with Catorphia right behind him, all round pleased with the fact that everything had gone this smoothly and quickly.

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Let's see, I don't think she ever got untied. (Remember, Fish said that the Amal bound them...)

I'm rather excited for Chorale walking through a settlement or needing to use both powers to protect a settlement.

More later, I have to get off.

Chorale woke up, groaning as she felt a giant headache coming on. For a second, she forgot where she was and tried to reach up to rub her temples, but when she couldn't it all came back to her in a flash. Are you there? she asked silently. Yes, said Vivace stiffly. Chorale sighed. It hadn't been a dream, she was an Amal now. An Amal with white eyes. How was that possible? Obviously Concerto had figured out a way to give Amal powers, but why hadn't he already created an army of them? Maybe he had, but hadn't attacked yet? That wouldn't make sense. It was best to go for the killing blow as soon as was reasonable, it gave prey less time to get away. Wait - those weren't her thoughts! Chorale shook her head, trying to remove the traitorous thoughts. Vivace, are you doing this? Doing what? I keep thinking about hunting and the best way to catch something! No, I don't think so. Is that so bad? Yes, I'm a human, not an animal! Are you? Because I thought that you bonded with one, making you half and half. Chorale fell silent, considering that.

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11 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Chorale woke up, groaning as she felt a giant headache coming on. For a second, she forgot where she was and tried to reach up to rub her temples, but when she couldn't it all came back to her in a flash. Are you there? she asked silently. Yes, said Vivace stiffly. Chorale sighed. It hadn't been a dream, she was an Amal now. An Amal with white eyes. How was that possible? Obviously Concerto had figured out a way to give Amal powers, but why hadn't he already created an army of them? Maybe he had, but hadn't attacked yet? That wouldn't make sense. It was best to go for the killing blow as soon as was reasonable, it gave prey less time to get away. Wait - those weren't her thoughts! Chorale shook her head, trying to remove the traitorous thoughts. Vivace, are you doing this? Doing what? I keep thinking about hunting and the best way to catch something! No, I don't think so. Is that so bad? Yes, I'm a human, not an animal! Are you? Because I thought that you bonded with one, making you half and half. Chorale fell silent, considering that.


Because you correct grammar, I'll correct paragraphing.

Chorale woke up, groaning as she felt a giant headache coming on. For a second, she forgot where she was and tried to reach up to rub her temples, but when she couldn't it all came back to her in a flash. Are you there? she asked silently. 

Yes, said Vivace stiffly.

Chorale sighed. It hadn't been a dream, she was an Amal now. An Amal with white eyes. How was that possible? Obviously Concerto had figured out a way to give Amal powers, but why hadn't he already created an army of them? Maybe he had, but hadn't attacked yet? That wouldn't make sense. It was best to go for the killing blow as soon as was reasonable, it gave prey less time to get away.

Wait - those weren't her thoughts! Chorale shook her head, trying to remove the traitorous thoughts. Vivace, are you doing this? 

Doing what? 

I keep thinking about hunting and the best way to catch something! 

No, I don't think so. Is that so bad? 

Yes, I'm a human, not an animal! 

Are you? Because I thought that you bonded with one, making you half and half. 

Chorale fell silent, considering that.


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7 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Because you correct grammar, I'll correct paragraphing.



Actually, I've decided that thoughts don't count as new paragraphs. Vapor already did the same thing, so I continued it. When you think with your animal, it's not worthy of a new paragraph.


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Just now, Condensation said:

Actually, I've decided that thoughts don't count as new paragraphs. Vapor already did the same thing, so I continued it. When you think with your animal, it's not worthy of a new paragraph.


They're two different characters. DO NOT QUESTION THE LORD OF DIALOGUE, MORTAL.


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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

No they're not, they're the same person. One body.

That's the way it works now. :P 


It doesn't matter if they're the "same person" or the "same body." It matters if they're two different beings; two different personalities and voices. You can't put two dialogue phrases in the same paragraph, or I will FIND YOU, and I will KILL YOU.


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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

It doesn't matter if they're the "same person" or the "same body." It matters if they're two different beings; two different personalities and voices. You can't put two dialogue phrases in the same paragraph, or I will FIND YOU, and I will KILL YOU.


Is KILL YOU a code word for bring you cookies? Because I thought you said you would do that. ;)


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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Well played, Condensation...

  Hide contents

Well played.




*tosses hair* It's one of my many talents. I'm really good at annoying people.

Random thing for Concerto! Woo!

Concerto jogged around his cell. He'd easily cut his bonds with his claws(sorry, Fish, I thought it would be pretty easy) and he was coming up with a way to escape. Obviously he'd have to get Chorale out too, she wouldn't stay alive long in the grasp of that traitor and she needed someone to help her master her animal. Plus, if he was that someone, he could get her to trust him. Then he'd be the only one with a magical Amal, and everyone would go down. He stopped jogging and started leaping off of the walls, building his speed until he could barely keep up with it. It helped him think.

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

Concerto jogged around his cell. He'd easily cut his bonds with his claws(sorry, Fish, I thought it would be pretty easy) and he was coming up with a way to escape. Obviously he'd have to get Chorale out too, she wouldn't stay alive long in the grasp of that traitor and she needed someone to help her master her animal. Plus, if he was that someone, he could get her to trust him. Then he'd be the only one with a magical Amal, and everyone would go down. He stopped jogging and started leaping off of the walls, building his speed until he could barely keep up with it. It helped him think.


OOOH. Have Concerto find Aerith and Valerie! Have them team up to spring Chorale!


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