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Just now, MusicalReader said:

Borodin froze for a minute, trying to think of an excuse to give. After a few seconds too long, he blurted out the truth: "I'm going to see the mayor." He tried once more to make his way past the man and his accomplice.

Kuno laughed.

"Who isn't? He's been quite busy since last night, so I don't think that you're gonna get in any time soon. I guess that's what happens when the last guy in the office of mayor was killed the night of your "acceptance" into office."

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2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"While that may be partially true, half that scar came from you not following orders."

"It's plenty true! It was your orders that got my back in that spot in the first place, and you still haven't apologized."

Edited by TheWard'sGuard
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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I apologized twice. You were just so drunk you forgot."

Pior shook his head.

"I'd remember something that monumental no matter how drunk I'd be. I doubt that you'd apologize even if you were drunk."


Edited by TheWard'sGuard
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Just now, TheWard'sGuard said:

Pior shook his head.

"I'd remember something that monumental no matter how drunk I'd be. I doubt that you'd apologize even if you were drunk."

"You know I don't drink, Pior. Nothing strong, anyways. Fine, I'm sorry. Third time's the charm, right? Try to remember this time."

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5 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

Kuno laughed.

"Who isn't? He's been quite busy since last night, so I don't think that you're gonna get in any time soon. I guess that's what happens when the last guy in the office of mayor was killed the night of your "acceptance" into office."

Borodin became paralyzed, trying to process this new information. Dead? But that means... he stayed silent for a moment, considering the implications. He had heard a lot of noise the previous night, but he had assumed it was only a loud party or something along those lines.

"Are you sure?" he asked. He wondered if this strange man was pulling one over him.

Edited by MusicalReader
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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"You know I don't drink, Pior. Nothing strong, anyways. Fine, I'm sorry. Third time's the charm, right? Try to remember this time."

"Still waiting on the words, you know you gotta say 'em right."

1 minute ago, MusicalReader said:

Borodin became paralyzed, trying to process this new information. Dead? But that means... he stayed silent for a moment, considering the implications. He had heard a lot of noise the previous night, but he had assumed it was only a loud party or something along those lines.

"Are you sure?" he asked. He wondered if this strange man was pulling one over him.

"My friend, where were you all of last night? It was quite a big deal you know. The mayor turned out to be an Amal, caused the how town to practically explode."


3 minutes ago, Condensation said:



Sorry Connie, I'm just trying to keep up with the two conversations that I happen to be apart of simultaneously by choice.


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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Pior, I'm not saying those words while there's an impressionable child present." He nodded at Valerie.

"Then this time ain't gonna count. Now, where is that crystal munching brute we call captain?"

1 minute ago, Condensation said:



Can you add a quote while editing? Because that would make it easier.


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1 minute ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

"My friend, where were you all of last night? It was quite a big deal you know. The mayor turned out to be an Amal, caused the how town to practically explode."

Borodin was still frozen. If the mayor is dead, that means-that means that I've failed. "B-but when?" he asked, shocked. "How?" How did they know?

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1 minute ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

"Then this time ain't gonna count. Now, where is that crystal munching brute we call captain?"


Anyone want to be Yain? If not, I'll do him.


1 minute ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

Can you add a quote while editing? Because that would make it easier.


Not... really? There's a method. I just quote, copy the quote box, and paste it into the edit box. It's a bit of a hassle, though, so I recommend using your fancy-shmancy page break button and throwing down some tags.


Just now, Vapor said:

Valerie folded her arms. "I'm not a child."

"How old are you?"

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1 minute ago, MusicalReader said:

Borodin was still frozen. If the mayor is dead, that means-that means that I've failed. "B-but when?" he asked, shocked. "How?" How did they know?

"As I said, last night. Someone got into his manor and killed him. The townsfolk walked in to find him lying in his own blood. Unless you want to talk with the new mayor, I doubt there's much for you at the Manor. In fact, you look like you could use a good walk, I find it calms and clears the mind."

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Just now, TheWard'sGuard said:

"As I said, last night. Someone got into his manor and killed him. The townsfolk walked in to find him lying in his own blood. Unless you want to talk with the new mayor, I doubt there's much for you at the Manor. In fact, you look like you could use a good walk, I find it calms and clears the mind."

"Maybe," he said, then reconsidered. "Actually, that might help a lot. So who's the new mayor?"

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Just now, MusicalReader said:

"Maybe," he said, then reconsidered. "Actually, that might help a lot. So who's the new mayor?"

Kuno started walking, he motioned for Borodin to follow. Catorphia kept a careful eye on Borodin, but decided to follow anyways. Kuno looked to Borodin.

"You get out often? Because he's the guy who kept preaching against the mayor in the marketplace. He's quite the young man, took charge after the mayor was found dead. You're probably lucky that you weren't there, they would have killed anyone who looked even slightly suspicious."

Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

Aerith shoots Pior a look as if to say you see? "Kids think they're grown up when they reach age twenty, don't they, Pior?"

Pior chuckled at that comment.

"She looks as if she could use a few more years in her mother's place if ya ask me."

2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Yain appeared.

"What the [redacted] do you want?"

Pior stood up, looking quite well organized despite how much liquor he'd managed to put down.

"Fire eyes is back boss, and he's got us a new employer."

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3 minutes ago, Vapor said:

"I'm not a kid," she said stubbornly.

"Alright, kid; let's not indulge ourselves too far."

7 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Yain appeared.

"What the [redacted] do you want?"

"Hey, Yain! Long time no see."


Oh, scud it, Ward. Stupid ninjas.

2 minutes ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

Kuno started walking, he motioned for Borodin to follow. Catorphia kept a careful eye on Borodin, but decided to follow anyways. Kuno looked to Borodin.

"You get out often? Because he's the guy who kept preaching against the mayor in the marketplace. He's quite the young man, took charge after the mayor was found dead. You're probably lucky that you weren't there, they would have killed anyone who looked even slightly suspicious."

Pior chuckled at that comment.

"She looks as if she could use a few more years in her mother's place if ya ask me."

Pior stood up, looking quite well organized despite how much liquor he'd managed to put down.

"Fire eyes is back boss, and he's got us a new employer."

"He does, now does he?" He eyes Valerie. "Isn't she a little young to be leading a bunch of dirty rotten mercs like us?"

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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