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Shard relations to numbers

first void

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This might have already been discussed, but if it was, i couldn't find it.

Basically, I see shard having certain numbers related to them.Honor=10,Odium=9,Preservation=16. We see this in their magic systems. I also saw that Honor and Odium were close numerically, and seemed like a set of opposing shards in a way. I was wondering if anyone else had ideas on this or what other shards numbers could be. I personally think Ruin is 15.


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Much more likely to be the planet than the shard

Herald (paraphrased)

Is there more significance to the 10 other planets around the Rosharan star system and them being gaseous? We know that Roshar's moons have unnatural orbits; so there seems to be some astronomical manipulation in the system.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes there is significance of 16 in cosmere and 10 in Rosharan system.

Herald (paraphrased)

The outer 10 gas giants in the Rosharan system suggest a tie to the number 10 that predates the arrival of the current Shards. Is the prominent numerology we see around the cosmere an inherent property of the planets, rather than the Shards who invest them?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


Herald (paraphrased)

Would Ashyn/Braize share the 10-centric numerology of Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes 10-centric is for the entire Rosharan planetary system...wait Braize is 9-centric.

Arcanum Unbounded San Francisco signing (Nov. 30, 2016)


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But would that explain the prevalence of 16 in allomancy? Or 10 orders of radiant? He also does not say it is the planets. Preservation also has a few lines in which he proclaims 16 as the best number. Besides, it being the shard influence would explain why Roshar is 10 and Braize 9. Odium=9 so Braize=9.

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15 minutes ago, first void said:

But would that explain the prevalence of 16 in allomancy? 


15 minutes ago, first void said:

Preservation also has a few lines in which he proclaims 16 as the best number. 

Why 16 shards? It's not just presentation it's the Cosmere.

15 minutes ago, first void said:

Or 10 orders of radiant? He also does not say it is the planets. 

Why 10 gas giants in the Rosharan system?

It's more likely to be planetary/cosmeric.

Edited by Frustration
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Endovment is 5.

We dont know about others, but because Brandon is taking inspirations from near-eastern culture, I gave the brief look into Kabal, jewish numerology. And what I found:

1 is tied with Bravery and Leadership, but also with greed and Egoistic manipulation, also impatience. Also worth to note that 10= 1 because is1+0. Bravery and Leadership? Reminds of anyone?

2 Is tied with femine nature, diplomacy, but also anxiety and apathy

3 is tied with elements of fire, water and air, selfcontrol and independence, but also egoism, cold and gambling. Autonomy.

4 is tied with determination, hard work, and love for nature. Cultivation

5 is tied with bravery, trade and independence, but also with tricks, gossips and lack of responsibility. When you look close at Returned, you can see corelation.

6 is tied with love and friendship, but also with puissance and envy. Also 15=6 Can be Ruin, one or other. Also Dominion.

7 is mistic number, tide with knowledge, peace, but also sacrifice and sensitivity. Also 16=7 and 16 - Preservation

8 is tied with responsibility, positive thinking, greed, fast judging and... ambition ;-)

9 is tied with Justice, forgivness, imagination and traveling, but also envy, greed and egoism.

13 is tied with unity and love, also giving everything. Devotion

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On 9/27/2020 at 6:17 PM, Bzhydack said:

Endovment is 5.

We dont know about others, but because Brandon is taking inspirations from near-eastern culture, I gave the brief look into Kabal, jewish numerology. And what I found:

1 is tied with Bravery and Leadership, but also with greed and Egoistic manipulation, also impatience. Also worth to note that 10= 1 because is1+0. Bravery and Leadership? Reminds of anyone?

2 Is tied with femine nature, diplomacy, but also anxiety and apathy

3 is tied with elements of fire, water and air, selfcontrol and independence, but also egoism, cold and gambling. Autonomy.

4 is tied with determination, hard work, and love for nature. Cultivation

5 is tied with bravery, trade and independence, but also with tricks, gossips and lack of responsibility. When you look close at Returned, you can see corelation.

6 is tied with love and friendship, but also with puissance and envy. Also 15=6 Can be Ruin, one or other. Also Dominion.

7 is mistic number, tide with knowledge, peace, but also sacrifice and sensitivity. Also 16=7 and 16 - Preservation

8 is tied with responsibility, positive thinking, greed, fast judging and... ambition ;-)

9 is tied with Justice, forgivness, imagination and traveling, but also envy, greed and egoism.

13 is tied with unity and love, also giving everything. Devotion

These are the more typical meanings given to numbers in Judaism:

1 is the singular. 1 is God. 1 is perfection. Also, 1 may be marriage.

2 is the Law. 2 are the Tablets. Two are the Bibles, Written and Oral. The twins are the sign of Sivan, to represent the two Bibles. 2 is Jerusalem.

3 is foundation. 3 are the fathers. On 3 Pillars stand the World: Torah Study, Service, and Acts of Kindness. And each correlates to one of the Fathers. 3 are the partners in a child’s creation. 3 are the Holy Temples.

4 are the Mothers. Four are the weeks of the menstrual cycle. Four are the weeks of a lunar month. 

5 is the physical world. 5 are the books of the Torah. 

6 are the Six books of Mishnah, which correlate to the soul. Six are the days of creation. Six are the millenia until the Messiah must come. Six is work, in preparation for...

7 is the Sabbath. Seven is rest. Seven may be Kingship, and we anoint God King on the first day of the Seventh month (counting from Nissan) Seven are the millenia the world will exist.

8 is the world to come. 8 is the spiritual. 8 is beyond the physical

9 are the months until birth. 9 is potential, possibly

10 is the Crown. 10 is the laws. 10 are the Commandments.

11 are the stars. No, I don’t know what it signifies either... There is a number 11 associated with certain concepts of purity and impurity

12 are the tribes. 12 is Israel. 12 are the months of the year. 12 is womanhood. 12 are the Zodiacs.

13 is mercy and forgiveness. There are 13 attributes of mercy. 13 are the months of a leap year. 13 is manhood.

14 is two sevens. Aside from that, I don’t know.

15 is the name of God, or half of it. It’s also the day a lot of holidays start.

16 is the other half of the name.

18 is life, but that’s more than the Cosmere.


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