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Okay, am I crazy?

Aspiring Writer

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Okay, I just need to see if I'm the only one who had this thought or knows why I have this thought. For some reason, during my reading of Mistborn Era 1, in my head, I started seeing Atium as orange rather than silver. This ended up carrying to when I thought of Ruin, orange was always in the back of my mind. And the odd thing is, I think I saw Atium is silver at first, then something changed that image in my head and I don't know what or why. Am I the only one? Has anyone else fallen to this or something similar, or is it just me?

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2 hours ago, Frustration said:

Yes, yes you are.

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I've never had that particular experience did you recently read SH?

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Ati has red hair.



That's the thing, I had the image in my head when I first read the series, which was years ago. I only got my hands on SH a few months ago. So I don't know where orange came from. (Also, imagine my reaction to that detail. I was like "Do I have access to fortune and just saw a glimpse of the future which said, ruin and red/orange are related?" XD)

Edited by Aspiring Writer
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5 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Again, so this was during my first read of my first series. I was not aware of the cosmere or anything at that point. I simply read those three books and thought, "orange"

I mean sometimes you read a thing and think “orange.”

my first mistborn readthough, I imagined breeze looking a lot like the genie from Wakfu that eats gold. Long sharp nose, blonde straight hair, tall and skinny. 
at NO point in the book did it say this. Breeze is fat and short. It was weird. But I thought it fit him, so that’s what I imagined. It helps that I probably was watching or finished watching Wakfu at the time that I was reading it. Maybe that’s what’s going on.

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3 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

I mean sometimes you read a thing and think “orange.”

my first mistborn readthough, I imagined breeze looking a lot like the genie from Wakfu that eats gold. Long sharp nose, blonde straight hair, tall and skinny. 
at NO point in the book did it say this. Breeze is fat and short. It was weird. But I thought it fit him, so that’s what I imagined. It helps that I probably was watching or finished watching Wakfu at the time that I was reading it. Maybe that’s what’s going on.

Okay, so we know a reason why you may have thought that, but where did the color orange come from for me? Did rust ever get correlated with ruin before Era two? because that could be a reason but I don't think ruin and rust ever came up in era 1

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My images of characters or items or locations almost never match up correctly with what is actually described, sometimes my brain has difficulty imagining it but otherwise I think my brain just shuts off while reading descriptions.

For me, it's especially locations. I don't realize how big a location actually is, then when the scenes moves out of the room and into a big hallway or something my brain just adds that on and then places just start looking super weird.

I found more recently I imagine these things better if I just search up fanart for how a major location is so my brain just defaults to that instead of whatever it makes up. Anyone else do this or is it just me?

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I’ve managed to switch in my head how all the characters’ names sound... and now I can’t turn it off, which is annoying because Brandon pronounces them ‘like an American would.’

I used to do it wrong though. And it took me forever to envision Kell with blond hair. I kept thinking it was dark...

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11 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I’ve managed to switch in my head how all the characters’ names sound... and now I can’t turn it off, which is annoying because Brandon pronounces them ‘like an American would.’

I used to do it wrong though. And it took me forever to envision Kell with blond hair. I kept thinking it was dark...


11 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I used to do it wrong though. And it took me forever to envision Kell with blond hair. I kept thinking it was dark...


11 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

blond hair

Hold up.

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8 minutes ago, Frustration said:



Hold up.

Yeah it’s hard to think of, but the art with him next to gemmel helps envision what kell looks like.

I still don’t know how I envision dockson and I had a completely different idea of what Sazed looked like, but the fanatic definitely helped me which that one.

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@Aspiring Writer - this is wonderful! Is there something else in your life (or was there at that time) that's orange and was meaningful to you - school colors, team colors, characters in cartoons or manga or etc.? The box of Wheaties breakfast cereal? Maybe that's an avenue to explore.

I always pictured Atium as dark grey, like hematite, not silvery, and I also couldn't say why.

IMO one of the best things about reading books (including audio books) is that WE get to imagine the details of what people and things and places look like, and with paper and e-books, we also get to imagine pronunciations and sounds. I have a few friends who didn't read much as children - they mostly watched videos - and it seems like they're not as able to imagine things as I am or at least not as easily: I suspect it's because books allowed me to do that, then imagining stuff added to my reading pleasure, and it became kind of a vortex-thing. ... and this is making me really really want November 17th to get here quick!!:D

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22 hours ago, Halyo_Alex said:

Well, Red is the color of Corrupted investiture...

but atium isn't corrupted per se

I pictured it as black, because ruin's whole thing is black

what about lerasium? I think of it as a golden brown color, but maybe it's white, because preservation is white.

Edited by Hoid the Drifter
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2 hours ago, Iarwainiel said:

@Aspiring Writer - this is wonderful! Is there something else in your life (or was there at that time) that's orange and was meaningful to you - school colors, team colors, characters in cartoons or manga or etc.? The box of Wheaties breakfast cereal? Maybe that's an avenue to explore.

I always pictured Atium as dark grey, like hematite, not silvery, and I also couldn't say why.

IMO one of the best things about reading books (including audio books) is that WE get to imagine the details of what people and things and places look like, and with paper and e-books, we also get to imagine pronunciations and sounds. I have a few friends who didn't read much as children - they mostly watched videos - and it seems like they're not as able to imagine things as I am or at least not as easily: I suspect it's because books allowed me to do that, then imagining stuff added to my reading pleasure, and it became kind of a vortex-thing. ... and this is making me really really want November 17th to get here quick!!:D

The only thing I can think of with orange is rust, which I always envision as somewhat an orange-brown. Other than that, I can only think that the reason is I don't see black as a color of Ruin, so my brain just picked a different color that I might equivocate with Ruin and decay. And yeah, I like being able to imagine the scene, but sometimes I need to put in the effort to imagine how they would actually look like and not what I think they look like, like with Atium. (Also wait, maybe it's because Atium starts with an A like Amber, which is also orange. Hmm.)

2 hours ago, Hoid the Drifter said:

but atium isn't corrupted per se

I pictured it as black, because ruin's whole thing is black

what about lerasium? I think of it as a golden brown color, but maybe it's white, because preservation is white.

I always imagined it white. Brown seems a little weird for preservation. Maybe grey, but brown makes me think more of Cultivation for some reason. My mind rejects the thought, similar to what I think when I see Honor as yellow. I don't know why my mind rejects it, but it does.

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6 hours ago, Frustration said:



Hold up.

Lol! He’s described as blond in one scene, and it’s easy to miss. It’s why all the official art gives him blond hair though. It took several rereads to notice, and then I was like ‘Oh, man. I have to swap my entire mental image of him. And Marsh!’ I’ve come around though.

I tend to picture Kell’s hair as dark gold, with some orange tints, as opposed to straight yellow.


I also used to picture him with blue eyes, until they were canonized as hazel. That suits him pretty well though, so I like it. Especially considering the green eyes - trickster connection.


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Ashe has an optimistic and courteous female voice when I read Elantris. even though its stated multiple times that its male and deep and what not.

happens. just roll with it.



sometimes its just super hard to shake an initial image of something. a character gets introduced and you assume its looks by their demeanor and the later descriptions does not match. its hard for me to get ouf of this again. 

Vins spindly figure was very hard to imagine. especially together with her very short hair. Vin was female so I instantly imagined her with long hair.

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21 hours ago, trav said:

Ashe has an optimistic and courteous female voice when I read Elantris. even though its stated multiple times that its male and deep and what not.

happens. just roll with it.



sometimes its just super hard to shake an initial image of something. a character gets introduced and you assume its looks by their demeanor and the later descriptions does not match. its hard for me to get ouf of this again. 

Vins spindly figure was very hard to imagine. especially together with her very short hair. Vin was female so I instantly imagined her with long hair.

Yeah, believe me, I know this more than most. i will legit give my friend a description of a character and ask them to draw them and see how similar we saw them. Sometimes, we both saw the same person, other times, we had very different views on how the character looked like. Honestly, there isn't a way to avoid that. If anything, use it and let the reader be of a sounder mind by letting them create the scene.

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Ah @The Traveller had a similar experience. She didn't realise kelsier was blond. Sorry Trav :v

Me well I envisioned Sazed as being somewhat like a dark skinned English butler with like a army haircut . One with a lot of earrings and nose and lip piercings. 

I dressed him up in a butler suit  with that V pattern thing as a big cloth square with a hole in the middle for his head , wore such that u get u see a inverted triangle on ur chest and upper back . Kinda like mexican clothing. 

I still get a cognitive dissonance whenever I see fanart of him  or hear him described as a bald guy in a robe. 

I like my visual idea of Terrismen servents way better. 

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On 10/8/2020 at 7:55 AM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I’ve managed to switch in my head how all the characters’ names sound... and now I can’t turn it off, which is annoying because Brandon pronounces them ‘like an American would.’

I used to do it wrong though. And it took me forever to envision Kell with blond hair. I kept thinking it was dark...

Oop. Sorry for double posting. Yep my friend had the same problem with kel. 

I have the pronounciation problem with stormlight charecters esp. I'm from India so I say Kaladin like Indians and Arabs would say Aladdin. ' Khal-ah-dinh ' instead of ' kal-a-din '. 

Shallan I pronounce as ' Ssh-hal-hun 'rather than the American ' shal- an '. 

Jasnah I still pronounce with a J rather than Y. 

And Szeth I pronounce as ' Sa-zeth' ( much like Sazed ) rather than just ' zeth ' . 

Ati I pronounce as ' ah-ti '.

Aona as' Ah-o-na '. 

I like my pronounciations better tho. 

Also I read elhokar as elkohar. 

Edited by PrinceGenocide
Some polishing
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1 hour ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Oop. Sorry for double posting. Yep my friend had the same problem with kel. 

I have the pronounciation problem with stormlight charecters esp. I'm from India so I say Kaladin like Indians and Arabs would say Aladdin. ' Khal-ah-dinh ' instead of ' kal-a-din '. 

Shallan I pronounce as ' Ssh-hal-hun 'rather than the American ' shal- an '. 

Jasnah I still pronounce with a J rather than Y. 

And Szeth I pronounce as ' Sa-zeth' ( much like Sazed ) rather than just ' zeth ' . 

Ati I pronounce as ' ah-ti '.

Aona as' Ah-o-na '. 

I like my pronounciations better tho. 

Also I read elhokar as elkohar. 

Aona is Ay - Oh- nah. No one gets that right because the Aonic pronunciations (double vowels) are unique. Once you get used to it it’s pretty easy though.

I always pronounced Jasnah with a Y, and Kharbranth and Kholinar with the Kh, but that’s because I know enough Hebrew to recognize a Semitic inspired con-language when I see it. Amusingly enough, I’m not sure Brandon can pronounce it correctly. A lot of English speakers can’t.


 I pronounce Kaladin as Kah-lah-din, like Aladdin, same as you. Again, this is due to Alethi being a Semitic language, so I pronounce it accordingly.

I actually pronounce Szeth as closer to Tzeth, using the Tz sound. 


I had to teach myself to do the French pronunciations for Scadrians. THEN I had to train myself to think of the names that way. Now I can’t stop doing it. Kell’s was the hardest, as it’s an unusual sound combination in French. (Denier being one of the few words that uses it.) Also, you need to swallow the L. Fortunately, I had some RL French speakers to help.


The double consonant sounds from Nalthis are a bit tricky, but okay once you get used to it.

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2 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Aona is Ay - Oh- nah. No one gets that right because the Aonic pronunciations (double vowels) are unique. Once you get used to it it’s pretty easy though.

I always pronounced Jasnah with a Y, and Kharbranth and Kholinar with the Kh, but that’s because I know enough Hebrew to recognize a Semitic inspired con-language when I see it. Amusingly enough, I’m not sure Brandon can pronounce it correctly. A lot of English speakers can’t.


 I pronounce Kaladin as Kah-lah-din, like Aladdin, same as you. Again, this is due to Alethi being a Semitic language, so I pronounce it accordingly.

I actually pronounce Szeth as closer to Tzeth, using the Tz sound. 


I had to teach myself to do the French pronunciations for Scadrians. THEN I had to train myself to think of the names that way. Now I can’t stop doing it. Kell’s was the hardest, as it’s an unusual sound combination in French. (Denier being one of the few words that uses it.) Also, you need to swallow the L. Fortunately, I had some RL French speakers to help.


The double consonant sounds from Nalthis are a bit tricky, but okay once you get used to it.

That's a bit overkill

I never had trouble with Kaladin, mainly because I was like 'oh, it's paladin, but with a k'

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1 hour ago, Frustration said:

That's a bit overkill

I never had trouble with Kaladin, mainly because I was like 'oh, it's paladin, but with a k'

It’s fun for me. Much easier than trying to learn Noldorin Quenya, with and without the Feanorion variant, and I occasionally do that too. (Quenya grammar is HARD!) 


The Rosharan names were the easiest, because I always pronounced them correctly.

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8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Oop. Sorry for double posting. Yep my friend had the same problem with kel. 

I have the pronounciation problem with stormlight charecters esp. I'm from India so I say Kaladin like Indians and Arabs would say Aladdin. ' Khal-ah-dinh ' instead of ' kal-a-din '. 

Shallan I pronounce as ' Ssh-hal-hun 'rather than the American ' shal- an '. 

Jasnah I still pronounce with a J rather than Y. 

And Szeth I pronounce as ' Sa-zeth' ( much like Sazed ) rather than just ' zeth ' . 

Ati I pronounce as ' ah-ti '.

Aona as' Ah-o-na '. 

I like my pronounciations better tho. 

Also I read elhokar as elkohar. 

As someone who is, let's just say I'm familiar with Indians enough to be interested. Kaladin and Shallan I had no problem pronouncing. I was unaware that the J is Jasnah was supposed to make a Y sound, and now that you said it, I'm like, "You know, that makes more sense but screw it, I like Jasnah better" I also pronounce Szeth with the Sa. I also pronounce Ati as you do. Don't remember how I pronounced Aona, but yours seems like something I would you. Don't know why we share so much pronunciation of names yet disagree with Kaladin and Shallan, but it is intriguing.

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3 hours ago, HoidWasTaken said:

I think you are just crazy :)

Lol! Aren’t we all? Especially people who read as much of HOME as they can get ahold of...


I love the Shard so much, but true Tolkien fans can make us look like wimps. Learning two dialects of a functional con-Lang? Why not? 13 books of HOME, the Silm, the letters, the Children of Hurin? Sure! Oh and LotR and the Hobbit? Please, that’s the bare minimum for entry.


You only watched the movies.... Begone foul spawn of Moringotto! Be banished to the Void beside your dark master and his servant Sauron! (Or Thauron. Or Gorthaur, but that’s usually tagged onto the former. Used to be Mairon, but that was before. Also called himself Annatar for a bit. Yes, every Tolkien character has, like, ten names. Yes, of course I know them all offhand. I am a fan...)

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