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Ahhh you caught me lol. Well, hopefully I'm doing this right, let me know if this isn't how you play. @Scout_Fox on Two Truths and a Lie. (Ummm it didn't work for some reason lool, is there a certain format I have to use? Sorry!) 

Edited by Mallory
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I hath been summoned!! Oh... didn't even know this was thing :huh:. Welp guess I'll have to go find someone :D Oh and answer:

2 minutes ago, Mallory said:

Oh thanks, how do you do that? 

There's a restriction for a little bit on new people so that may or may not have been your issue. If not you type the @ symbol and then start typing the name you want. A little drop-down will appear where you select that name from the list. Yeah as Chasmgoat just did lol 

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Just now, Scout_Fox said:

Yeah should go away at some point soon hmm. @Condensation you're it I saw you in ze memes. Also out of curiosity can you rep @Mallory's post so we can get her to 10. I'm curious where the filter ends and to see if she can @ once there :D

Shoot, I was just about to go to bed! Hold on, uno momento. @HoidWasTaken on Athe, there were like 5 people but I didn't think you had been it yet. Good night!

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1 minute ago, Condensation said:

Shoot, I was just about to go to bed! Hold on, uno momento. @HoidWasTaken on Athe, there were like 5 people but I didn't think you had been it yet. Good night!

Good night! Thanks for repping too! @Mallory let me know if that allows you to @ now. Would be good to know for the Introduction section

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