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On 18.10.2020 at 4:37 PM, Koloss17 said:

So join me, and together, we can rule the Shard, preaching F-Tin superiority across the Cosmere!

I'm here to infiltrate your cult and report you to police authorities.

I had an epiphany! Harmony spoke to me in a dream, he said "go to the F-tin cult and join them, praising the greatness of F-tin!

I want to join your group! I have no ill intentions, not at all. Everything is fine. I just loooooove F-tin. <starts sweating> 


But I do think that F-tin is an awesome power! (Torture? Useless).

<writing in my notes "the cult seems to practise ritualistic torture">

On 23.10.2020 at 8:14 PM, Koloss17 said:

Are you saying F-tin, the one that stores senses, will not remove the FEELING of something? Sense of touch is a thing :P.

Technically speaking, no Feruchemy, except copper and aluminum, allows you to store 100% of the attribute, you would still feel something. Yikes , replying to the comment made 2.5 years ago feels like breaking the law.

On 29.10.2020 at 5:59 PM, Koloss17 said:

I’m actually surprised no one has been able to find a Feruchemantic Metal that is better overall than tin. 

Zinc, people and society would benefit greatly from stopping and thinking for a moment, some would never join the F-tin cult if they thought more about it more.

Ummmm I mean, F-tin is the best, there is nothing better than it! Long live F-tin Overlord! <sweating intensifies>  

On 30.10.2020 at 1:28 AM, Koloss17 said:

cadmium Bendalloy stores calories. It can be useful in day-to-day life, but not so much for combat. You can’t do too much with calories in combat. Traversing the cosmerewise, it is pretty much like bronze. Less need for stops, doesn’t make the obstacles easier. 

Now that I think about it, Bendalloy would be pretty cool during a combat situation. You could constantly provide calories and water to your body, which would drastically reduce the exhaustion felt by your muscles, allowing you to remain at top condition during the entire battle (some lasts for hours or days), as strong as at the beginning of the battle. Siege? No problem, you can't cut me off supplies, I have years worth of calories and water in my bendalloyminds. Not to mention storing poisoned food. That sounds useful.


Now to tin. Tin stores senses. ALL the senses. It is very useful for day to-day-life, in combat, both for noticing things that are attacking you and when you store pain. That is going to save you a lot in battle, especially from dying of shock. Traveling the cosmere is a definitely yes. It mixes with a lot of things and helps you be more aware of dangers. It also has the upside of being relatively easy to store, and many times, useful.

<writing in my notes "the cult is training in combat to take over Cosmere">


You can tap your painmind to make spicy things more spicy, and numb all of the things for meditation or getting lost in a book!

<writing in my notes "the cult lures you in with spicy food, personal note: that's very hard to resist, I like it, must resist spicy food, but it's so yummy">


Well, stealing senses work about as good as storing senses. What animal senses could you steal from animals that you could then store? I wonder... 

<writing in my notes "the cult engages in animal abuse, personal note: it made my cry">


What are you guys’ favorite magic system combo with windwhisperers?

Awakener, store while having 2000 Breaths, tap later and have the best color recognition and perfect pitch with just a single tap without any diminishing returns. So efficient. Add to it aura recognition, lifesense, investiture sense etc. You have only a single Breath, or nothing at all, and have troubles recognising which people are invested? Tap tin and see the slightest color change around them. Awakening is so awesome. Not only do you get great passive effects from having Breaths, you can also create zombies, animate objects for your convenience, replicate basically everything nature produced, but also create life! That's just amazing.

If I had to choose Allomantic power, It would likely be A-pewter. That's another great power for convenient everyday life. Flying with A-steel is cool and fun, but being stronger, faster, improved balance, resistant to pain and exhaustion give a bit more than just flight. With F-tin you could become pewter savant without worrying that you will die halfway through.

On 23.12.2020 at 6:45 AM, Koloss17 said:

and to that note, there is an important announcement! The F-tin cult has formed an alliegance with the F-duralumin Club! We will not be rivals, but comrades, helping each other’s organizations grow and flourish. It is a big step for this cult!

<writing in my notes "the cult formed an alliance with F-duralumin club, personal note: I wonder if F-duralumin club tapped duralumin to make F-tin Overlord friendly to their cause, tricking him into this alliance. It's worth further investigation. I should look at this F-dualumin Club which claims to be not a cult, they might be a cult in disguise.">

On 16.05.2023 at 7:01 PM, Koloss17 said:

Your Overlord has returned!!!!

The F-Tin cult has returned to power after a 2-year hiatus.

Did you Awaken your cult? I like this, +1 point for you.

On 16.05.2023 at 7:01 PM, Koloss17 said:

The goal is, of course, the same, and that is to convince the masses of the raw, unstoppable power of F-Tin. All are welcome, and though dissenters are permitted to contest any of the points that I and others have made, they must be willing to convert if a strong enough argument is made. 

Well, I'm still waiting! Rusts, I'm not good at this.

I mean, yes my overlord!

On 16.05.2023 at 7:01 PM, Koloss17 said:

From the ashes of silence, may this cult be reborn!!

<writing in my notes "he wants to bring back the world of ash">

<writing in my notes "Final assessment: The F-tin cult is extremely dangerous, they grow in numbers attracting zincless victims and practise ritualistic torture and animal abuse to feed on senses of their innocent victims. Their ultimate goal is to subjugate the whole Earth and Cosmere under F-tin rule. They will stop at nothing until everyone falls victim to their F-tin Overlord who feeds on the sense of reason of his subjects. They must be stopped at all costs.

One metalmind to rule them all, one metalmind to find them all, one metalmind to bring them all, and senselessly bind them.">

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33 minutes ago, alder24 said:

I'm here to infiltrate your cult and report you to police authorities.

I had an epiphany! Harmony spoke to me in a dream, he said "go to the F-tin cult and join them, praising the greatness of F-tin!

I want to join your group! I have no ill intentions, not at all. Everything is fine. I just loooooove F-tin. <starts sweating> 

<writing in my notes "the cult seems to practise ritualistic torture">

Technically speaking, no Feruchemy, except copper and aluminum, allows you to store 100% of the attribute, you would still feel something. Yikes , replying to the comment made 2.5 years ago feels like breaking the law.

Zinc, people and society would benefit greatly from stopping and thinking for a moment, some would never join the F-tin cult if they thought more about it more.

Ummmm I mean, F-tin is the best, there is nothing better than it! Long live F-tin Overlord! <sweating intensifies>  

Now that I think about it, Bendalloy would be pretty cool during a combat situation. You could constantly provide calories and water to your body, which would drastically reduce the exhaustion felt by your muscles, allowing you to remain at top condition during the entire battle (some lasts for hours or days), as strong as at the beginning of the battle. Siege? No problem, you can't cut me off supplies, I have years worth of calories and water in my bendalloyminds. Not to mention storing poisoned food. That sounds useful.

<writing in my notes "the cult is training in combat to take over Cosmere">

<writing in my notes "the cult lures you in with spicy food, personal note: that's very hard to resist, I like it, must resist spicy food, but it's so yummy">

<writing in my notes "the cult engages in animal abuse, personal note: it made my cry">

Awakener, store while having 2000 Breaths, tap later and have the best color recognition and perfect pitch with just a single tap without any diminishing returns. So efficient. Add to it aura recognition, lifesense, investiture sense etc. You have only a single Breath, or nothing at all, and have troubles recognising which people are invested? Tap tin and see the slightest color change around them. Awakening is so awesome. Not only do you get great passive effects from having Breaths, you can also create zombies, animate objects for your convenience, replicate basically everything nature produced, but also create life! That's just amazing.

If I had to choose Allomantic power, It would likely be A-pewter. That's another great power for convenient everyday life. Flying with A-steel is cool and fun, but being stronger, faster, improved balance, resistant to pain and exhaustion give a bit more than just flight. With F-tin you could become pewter savant without worrying that you will die halfway through.

<writing in my notes "the cult formed an alliance with F-duralumin club, personal note: I wonder if F-duralumin club tapped duralumin to make F-tin Overlord friendly to their cause, tricking him into this alliance. It's worth further investigation. I should look at this F-dualumin Club which claims to be not a cult, they might be a cult in disguise.">

Did you Awaken your cult? I like this, +1 point for you.

Well, I'm still waiting! Rusts, I'm not good at this.

I mean, yes my overlord!

<writing in my notes "he wants to bring back the world of ash">

<writing in my notes "Final assessment: The F-tin cult is extremely dangerous, they grow in numbers attracting zincless victims and practise ritualistic torture and animal abuse to feed on senses of their innocent victims. Their ultimate goal is to subjugate the whole Earth and Cosmere under F-tin rule. They will stop at nothing until everyone falls victim to their F-tin Overlord who feeds on the sense of reason of his subjects. They must be stopped at all costs.

One metalmind to rule them all, one metalmind to find them all, one metalmind to bring them all, and senselessly bind them.">

Hmmmmmmmm. This seems suspicious, but as there is a lack of Pro F-Zinc organizations, I’m not particularly worried. Welcome to the Cult! Power in numbers (of storable attributes) has always been our strong suit! For joining, you get some spicy ramen to enjoy!


My pronouns are she/they btw :P


Awakener, store while having 2000 Breaths, tap later and have the best color recognition and perfect pitch with just a single tap without any diminishing returns. So efficient. Add to it aura recognition, lifesense, investiture sense etc. You have only a single Breath, or nothing at all, and have troubles recognising which people are invested? Tap tin and see the slightest color change around them. Awakening is so awesome. Not only do you get great passive effects from having Breaths, you can also create zombies, animate objects for your convenience, replicate basically everything nature produced, but also create life! That's just amazing.

And yeah, hard agree. One of my Alleyverse characters are an A-Bronze F-Tin Twinborn with 400 or so breaths, who also happens to be completely blind. There’s a lot of fun interactions with breaths, and I feel that it is criminally under-explored!

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35 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Hmmmmmmmm. This seems suspicious, but as there is a lack of Pro F-Zinc organizations, I’m not particularly worried. Welcome to the Cult! Power in numbers (of storable attributes) has always been our strong suit! For joining, you get some spicy ramen to enjoy!

Thank you for welcoming me in your ranks. I will certainly enojoy storing my sense of responsibility (figuratively) while being with you. Are there some other incriminating fun activities you engage in? 

<writing in my notes "I've successfully infiltrated the F-tin cult and was greeted by F-tin Overlord herself!! They suspect nothing, I remain a master of disguises. They gave me a spicy food, it tasted delicious with extra pain and taste for newly acquired tinminds. Tinminds seem to be quite useful, I wonder what are other applications of tinminds in daily life. That’s just an academic curiosity, there is no reason to worry, I will remain faithful to the cause. I need to find more incriminating information. I hope they don’t hear me writing this from another room, I mean F-tin can’t be that good, am I right? He he.">

39 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

And yeah, hard agree. One of my Alleyverse characters are an A-Bronze F-Tin Twinborn with 400 or so breaths, who also happens to be completely blind. There’s a lot of fun interactions with breaths, and I feel that it is criminally under-explored!

You should think about acquiring an Aviar with some other sensing ability. That could be another cool combo.

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1 hour ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

An F-Tin spike.

Edit: Well I guess the spike itself would be steel. But you know what I mean.

Of course! Hemalurgy is welcome!

1 hour ago, alder24 said:

You should think about acquiring an Aviar with some other sensing ability. That could be another cool combo.

Once the plot that they’re currently in is wrapped up, my plan is to try to corrupt them and give them steelsight, making them quite a bit more powerful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/23/2023 at 9:14 AM, Koloss17 said:

Welcome to the Cult! Power in numbers (of storable attributes) has always been our strong suit! For joining, you get some spicy ramen to enjoy!


Spicy ramen I'm in. As we all know F-Zinc is the best. I mean F-tin of course. My bad. Because clearly there is no better feruchemical ability.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I shall leave my mark here, as the Emperor of Health, that this Cult is wonderful. I would wish to join it, if not for my own obligations as the Emperor of Health. Very powerful and varied capabilities.

I do... dislike the presence of Hemalurgy, but I shall set aside my convictions for the purpose of a good greeting. If a member ever regrets the impact of Hemalurgy on their life, we shall try our best to heal them.

Edited by Voidwatcher
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  • 6 months later...
18 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Hi. Can I join? I love F Tin, especially how an unkeyed tinmind can store seeking, making anyone a Seeker. Anyone here? 

Of course you can join! The thread is a hair dead, but the ideals still live on. F-Tin is the way to achieve your dreams.

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