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The Iconar Collective - Roleplay

Channelknight Fadran

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10 minutes ago, HoidWasTaken said:

Bit by bit, we are being fed information. I want to know more.


That's what we'll NOT do. We'll NOT exploit the RP to learn everything we can.

And we'll NOT do it with immense style.


Edited by Omi the Counselor
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11 minutes ago, Omi the Counselor said:

That's what we'll do. We'll exploit the RP to learn everything we can.

And we'll do it with immense style.


Ummm, there is no reason to not let Fadran hear you! This is not my chance to learn about the channelknights, unless of course they just casually come up!


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What? I don't know what you're talking about. See how I explicitly said that we weren't going to do anything shady?

3 minutes ago, Omi the Counselor said:

That's what we'll NOT do. We'll NOT exploit the RP to learn everything we can.

And we'll NOT do it with immense style.



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3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

@HoidWasTaken and @Omi the Counselor have both been banned from this RP.


Yeah, I don't know what you are talking about.


Ummm, there is no reason to not let Fadran hear you! This is not my chance to learn about the channelknights, unless of course they just casually come up!



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Also me: Oh good they haven't started yet. For once Fadran's procrastination pays off :P 

So yeah, I'm in. I want to be a Dwarf, if that works... can the dwarves only use one of the illusion magics, or can they have multiple?


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Okay, then I'll present my dwarf:

Name: Brelgurr

Height: 3'7". He's a dwarf. Lay off.

Magic: Illusory. Brelgurr is proficient with the Touch form, and beginning to master Sound. (Also apparently like metal a lot and can tell the differences between stuff like that)

Personality: Brelgurr can definitely take a joke or insult, and (to a certain extent) believes everyone else should be able to as well. This leads to him coming off as rude to those who don't know him, but he doesn't do it on purpose. Not the least touchy about his height. Don't even try to provoke him with that. Fairly independent, and believes that he's much better off alone than with someone who only sort of knows what they're doing, or even with someone who does.

Appearance: Thick black hair that hangs behind his ears, coming halfway down his neck. Brelgurr has a lumberjack-style beard that bushes about two inches below his chin. He wears coveralls most of the time, and rarely shoes. His face is squarish, and his nose has been broken once before and is a bit crooked. Has a lazy eye (it will go crossed if he isn't focusing). His left ear is pierced with a small iron hook. He is very strong for his size, and perhaps even among other dwarves.

I'll tag Fadran to make sure that this works canonically and stuff...

@Channelknight Fadran

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3 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

All looks good! I don't have any name styles (I guess just throw in a couple hard consonants and call it a day). When I said that they had those innate abilities, I didn't really know how to develop a good fantasy race, so you don't have to include it but... do whatever, man.


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11 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



Of course I'm using the innate metal classification! How could I not? :D 

Name, hmm... let's go with... Brelgurr. Yeah, that sounds passable...


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  • 2 weeks later...

We can't just let this die!! I'll try and get a character soon.

Name: Duster (Dust)

Magic: Just started that school of Arcana that I can't remember the name of. Is best at fire arcana and sucks at everything else. Wants to eventually study the firemoths(or whatever those things are that eat the leaves and burn them during that season I can't remember the name of). Man, I can't seem to remember anything. :P 

Appearance: Brown hair, slightly less than average height.

@Channelknight Fadran, what is average height?

Edited by Experience
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This is starting... now.

Icona, in his slumber, could still see.

The Collective was his, and had been since the beginning. Yes, he had handed the reigns of responsibility to his children, the six Iconar, but they could never appreciate his perfect little world as a whole. Not as he did.

Somewhere, however, down in a land between realm, was a group of--interesting individuals, surrounded by some fate unknown to him. He frowned, coming down for a closer look. He didn't know where he was; in his sleep, everything was fuzzy. It was difficult to discern was was reality and what was dream.

"Good luck, children." He decided. "On whatever it is you're supposed to do."

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