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Guess that Cosmere reference!

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Ooooooo ho hooooo when you guys find out what it is you’re gonna wonder why you didn’t know. (I don’t blame you though, I’m terrible with quotes so I’d be the same)

Edited by Hentient
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As much as I want to come up with a super cool hint that’d take to long so: 

The book this comes from is not part of a series.

Edit: okay this actually doesn’t narrow it down that much so if you want another hint just ask.

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So, it is not apart of a series. So that leaves:

Skyward (If that even counted)

White Sand

And that Leaves us with:
Shadows For Silence
Sixth of the Dusk
Emperor's Soul
EDIT: Hope of Elantris

Yeah, I think that is what we have to choose from. Since Parvati Patji and Dusk are not an option, that leaves us with 5.
Wait, @Hentient this is cosmere, right?

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Silence said that to the shade of whoever taught her to kill/deal with shades, I can’t remember whether it was her mother or grandmother at the moment, but it was one of them and that’s all I was looking for. 

Also, are we assuming this thread is full spoilers, since you can’t really say what book the quotes are from?

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