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Imperial Nomic: The Shattered Plains


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Alright, an amendment to The Rule of Amendment Format: An amendment must state the name rule they are amending, then copy the entire rule, with the suggested alterations being either highlighted in red to add a clause or struck-through to remove a clause. Any Examples or explanations must be highlighted in blue. Things highlighted in blue or struckthrough will not be copied into the rule book. Anything highlighted red will be unhighlighted when copied into the rulebook.

Also, I propose The Rule of Typos: If a rule contains a spelling or grammatical error, the King may correct it. The council may reject such a modification with unanimous approval. Do we have a Highprince of Information yet?

In addition, I propose an amendment to The Rule of No Paradoxes: If a Rule is found to contradict another Rule, the Rule that has existed longer is the one that takes precedence. who’s effect is taken into account. The other rule is completely disregarded. If the two contradictory rules were placed into effect simultaneously (i.e. approved in the same post) the King decides which one takes effect. The King may not approve a rule that nullifies completely the effect of another approved in the same post.  This way if only part of a rule contradicts another, the whole thing isn't automatically invalidated (like what happened to the Rule of Amendment Format).

I won't post a census this post, as I think this starts a new page and therefore gives me my Wit bonus.

Edit: Nobody has posted, so I guess my next post will be a continuation of this one.

3 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

The Regent::ph34r:

The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King. 

Responsibilities of the Regent will include all of the responsibilities of the King, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.

Highprinces of (insert element) cannot be made into Regents, Temporary Regents, or Voted Regents. Failure for a Regent to announce a Temporary Regent will result in a fine of ten spheres.

That last line is a problem- what if we don't have enough players to fill all three positions? We still need a Highprince of Information, and that leaves only two people without a Highprince title, one of is already the Regent. Also, this doesn't prevent you being assigned a Highprince title afterwards, which doesn't seem fair.

I will propose an amendment to The Regent::ph34r:

The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King. 

Responsibilities of the Regent will include all of the responsibilities of the King, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.

Highprinces of (insert element) cannot be made into Regents, Temporary Regents, or Voted Regents. Failure for a Regent to announce a Temporary Regent will result in a fine of ten spheres.

Simplest solution. :ph34r:

3 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

I propose The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the King of Urithiru, as long as the King of Urithriru approves the purchase


First of all, I think the King of Urithiru should be called Captain of the Radiants (sort of the title Dalinar gave to Amaram in WoR). I really don't think we've found Urithiru yet. And if that wasn't enough, having two Kings would just get confusing. :P 

I will propose an amendment to King of Urithiru: Captain of the Radiants: The King of Urithiru Captain of the Radiants has control over the Knights Radiant (powers, abilities and duties to be determined in a later proposal or amendment) is a title gained in the same way as the title of Highprince of Enter duty here; by asking for the title and then being approved by the King. The King of Urithiru Captain of the Radiants also has control of the fabrial technologies (also to be determined later).

I also think that people shouldn't have to run purchases by the Captain of the Radiants. That's too much control. I advise amending The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the Captain of the Radiants. King of Urithiru, as long as the King of Urithriru approves the purchase

3 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

I also propose The Spanreed: The Spanreed will allow for a player to send a law by PM to the King of Alethkar. This proposal can be approved and it will be placed into the rulebook without telling anyone. This will allow secret laws to be approved this can create all sorts of interesting situations.

*internal screaming*

I'm sorry, but no. :P People have a hard enough time keeping track of rules that are public, the last thing we need is private rules that force you to review the OP constantly and will undoubtedly lead to many headaches on everyone's part.

I propose we redact The Spanreed.

Edited by xinoehp512
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I'm going to say yes, you can do that. :P:ph34r: I really need this census out.

Also, we need an rule to deal with amendments that occur to the same rule or become obsolete in some other way. I propose the Rule of Obsolescense: If the King wishes, he may declare a proposal obsolete. This will remove the proposal from consideration but otherwise have no effect. It isn't really fair to reject a proposal if a new proposal renders it obsolete. I mean, he could just ignore it, but then we get a backlog of useless proposals. And nobody likes that.

Name Title(s) Sphere count
@Experience King of Alethkar 9
@Danex   20.5
@Somebody from Sel Highprince Roion 51
@Chasmgoat Highprince Sadeas, Highprince of War 54
@xinoehp512 Highprince Kholin, Highprince of Commerce, King's Wit 137
@Aspiring Writer Highprince Sebarial, Regent 39
Edited by xinoehp512
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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

Alright, an amendment to The Rule of Amendment Format: An amendment must state the name rule they are amending, then copy the entire rule, with the suggested alterations being either highlighted in red to add a clause or struck-through to remove a clause. Any Examples or explanations must be highlighted in blue. Things highlighted in blue or struckthrough will not be copied into the rule book. Anything highlighted red will be unhighlighted when copied into the rulebook.

Also, I propose The Rule of Typos: If a rule contains a spelling or grammatical error, the King may correct it. The council may reject such a modification with unanimous approval. Do we have a Highprince of Information yet?

In addition, I propose an amendment to The Rule of No Paradoxes: If a Rule is found to contradict another Rule, the Rule that has existed longer is the one that takes precedence. who’s effect is taken into account. The other rule is completely disregarded. If the two contradictory rules were placed into effect simultaneously (i.e. approved in the same post) the King decides which one takes effect. The King may not approve a rule that nullifies completely the effect of another approved in the same post.  This way if only part of a rule contradicts another, the whole thing isn't automatically invalidated (like what happened to the Rule of Amendment Format).

I won't post a census this post, as I think this starts a new page and therefore gives me my Wit bonus.

Edit: Nobody has posted, so I guess my next post will be a continuation of this one.

That last line is a problem- what if we don't have enough players to fill all three positions? We still need a Highprince of Information, and that leaves only two people without a Highprince title, one of is already the Regent. Also, this doesn't prevent you being assigned a Highprince title afterwards, which doesn't seem fair.

I will propose an amendment to The Regent::ph34r:

The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King. 

Responsibilities of the Regent will include all of the responsibilities of the King, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.

Highprinces of (insert element) cannot be made into Regents, Temporary Regents, or Voted Regents. Failure for a Regent to announce a Temporary Regent will result in a fine of ten spheres.

Simplest solution. :ph34r:


First of all, I think the King of Urithiru should be called Captain of the Radiants (sort of the title Dalinar gave to Amaram in WoR). I really don't think we've found Urithiru yet. And if that wasn't enough, having two Kings would just get confusing. :P 

I will propose an amendment to King of Urithiru: Captain of the Radiants: The King of Urithiru Captain of the Radiants has control over the Knights Radiant (powers, abilities and duties to be determined in a later proposal or amendment) is a title gained in the same way as the title of Highprince of Enter duty here; by asking for the title and then being approved by the King. The King of Urithiru Captain of the Radiants also has control of the fabrial technologies (also to be determined later).

I also think that people shouldn't have to run purchases by the Captain of the Radiants. That's too much control. I advise amending The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the Captain of the Radiants. King of Urithiru, as long as the King of Urithriru approves the purchase

*internal screaming*

I'm sorry, but no. :P People have a hard enough time keeping track of rules that are public, the last thing we need is private rules that force you to review the OP constantly and will undoubtedly lead to many headaches on everyone's part.

I propose we redact The Spanreed.

Fine I propose an amendment to The SpanreedThe Spanreed will allow for a player to send a law by PM to the King of Alethkar. This proposal can be approved and will be placed into the rulebook with a public notification. The proposer will also gain 75% as many spheres rounded down  this will allow for laws to get the Kings attention at a price 

I also propose The Half-shard: The Half-shard will allow person to stop the punishment of the King refusing a proposal however they are only one-time use this will allow the King to be meaner and refuse redundant proposals and still know that a person will not lose spheres for it

And I propose The Law of Summaries: The proposer of a law must produce a summary of a law they made if requested this is to make reading large laws (like the Regent laws) easier for people who are so inclined

Edited by Somebody from Sel
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Guest Somebody from Scadrial

Ok Highprince of Commerce is kinda op I propose The Taxation of all: As of the approval of this proposal the taxation percent will be 3% of their total spheres however the council will be able to increase or lower the taxation amount. All taxes will go to the King of Alethkar this is the only way for the King to gain spheres and cannot allow the King to win the game (they must step down to do so)

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1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

I'm going to say yes, you can do that. :P:ph34r: I really need this census out.

Also, we need an rule to deal with amendments that occur to the same rule or become obsolete in some other way. I propose the Rule of Obsolescense: If the King wishes, he may declare a proposal obsolete. This will remove the proposal from consideration but otherwise have no effect. It isn't really fair to reject a proposal if a new proposal renders it obsolete. I mean, he could just ignore it, but then we get a backlog of useless proposals. And nobody likes that.


Name Title(s) Sphere count
@Experience King of Alethkar 9
@Danex   20.5
@Somebody from Sel Highprince Roion 51
@Chasmgoat Highprince Sadeas 54
@xinoehp512 Highprince Kholin 137
@Aspiring Writer Highprince Sebarial 39

Here for a mere day and I'm already ahead of Danex. I swear, this always happens.


47 minutes ago, Somebody from Sel said:

I also propose The Half-shard: The Half-shard will allow person to stop the punishment of the King refusing a proposal however they are only one-time use this will allow the King to be meaner and refuse redundant proposals and still know that a person will not lose spheres for it

If it's one-time use, what's the use? Most punishments don't cost much.


47 minutes ago, Somebody from Sel said:

The SpanreedThe Spanreed will allow for a player to send a law by PM to the King of Alethkar. This proposal can be approved and will be placed into the rulebook with a public notification. The proposer will also gain 75% as many spheres rounded down  this will allow for laws to get the Kings attention at a price 

You can get the same attention by ping him and have no consequence. I think we either keep it as it is or just remove it completely. This edited one has no point. (I am for keeping the original. It adds a certain spice.)

47 minutes ago, Somebody from Sel said:

The Law of Summaries: The proposer of a law must produce a summary of a law they made if requested this is to make reading large laws (like the Regent laws) easier for people who are so inclined

The King has to read the entire thing anyway, and making summaries for a game where the exact wording of the rules can be used against people is... not the best strategy. Also, I just realized I'm playing the role of the King's WIt. Has that role been taken?


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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
1 hour ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Here for a mere day and I'm already ahead of Danex. I swear, this always happens.


If it's one-time use, what's the use? Most punishments don't cost much.


You can get the same attention by ping him and have no consequence. I think we either keep it as it is or just remove it completely. This edited one has no point. (I am for keeping the original. It adds a certain spice.)

The King has to read the entire thing anyway, and making summaries for a game where the exact wording of the rules can be used against people is... not the best strategy. Also, I just realized I'm playing the role of the King's WIt. Has that role been taken?


It just stops the punishment does there need to be another reason? Losing even nine spheres can be damaging.

I am also fine with the original I'm just hoping one if the two gets approved

I'm not saying summaries would be legal. They would just show the gist so someone doesn't have to read the entirety of a post. It's a niche rule, but a useful one. Yes it is Xino's ATM but there's nothing saying the King can't give it to you instead

Can I please be made King of Urithiru? Also I propose an amendment to The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the King of Urithiru, as long as the King of Urithriru approves the purchase. Half of all proceeds from the selling of fabrials go to the King of Urithiru the other go to the King of Alethkar. This is intended to give the King of U incentive to approve any fabrial purchases and to give the King of A his due  (and to get him to approve this proposal. Good ol fashioned bribery always works right?)

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2 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

It just stops the punishment does there need to be another reason? Losing even nine spheres can be damaging.

I am also fine with the original I'm just hoping one if the two gets approved

I'm not saying summaries would be legal. They would just show the gist so someone doesn't have to read the entirety of a post. It's a niche rule, but a useful one. Yes it is Xino's ATM but there's nothing saying the King can't give it to you instead

Can I please be made King of Urithiru? Also I propose an amendment to The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the King of Urithiru, as long as the King of Urithriru approves the purchase. Half of all proceeds from the selling of fabrials go to the King of Urithiru the other go to the King of Alethkar. This is intended to give the King of U incentive to approve any fabrial purchases and to give the King of A his due  (and to get him to approve this proposal. Good ol fashioned bribery always works right?)

Sounds nice. I'm sure Exp will approve it.

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
1 minute ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Sounds nice. I'm sure Exp will approve it.

So bribery does work? My parents have been lying to me

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17 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

The SpanreedThe Spanreed will allow for a player to send a law by PM to the King of Alethkar. This proposal can be approved and will be placed into the rulebook with a public notification. The proposer will also gain 75% as many spheres rounded down

16 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

It just stops the punishment does there need to be another reason? Losing even nine spheres can be damaging.

I am also fine with the original I'm just hoping one if the two gets approved

I'm not saying summaries would be legal. They would just show the gist so someone doesn't have to read the entirety of a post. It's a niche rule, but a useful one. Yes it is Xino's ATM but there's nothing saying the King can't give it to you instead

Can I please be made King of Urithiru? Also I propose an amendment to The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the King of Urithiru, as long as the King of Urithriru approves the purchase. Half of all proceeds from the selling of fabrials go to the King of Urithiru the other go to the King of Alethkar. This is intended to give the King of U incentive to approve any fabrial purchases and to give the King of A his due  (and to get him to approve this proposal. Good ol fashioned bribery always works right?)

16 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

The Taxation of all: As of the approval of this proposal the taxation percent will be 3% of their total spheres however the council will be able to increase or lower the taxation amount. All taxes will go to the King of Alethkar this is the only way for the King to gain spheres and cannot allow the King to win the game (they must step down to do so)

The King has absolutely no need for spheres, since he can't win. And also, your own rules are contradicting each other. :P 

Also, I very much have a problem with fabrial proceeds going to anyone. Especially if it's only one person that controls the price, controls any buyers, and gets all the money from it. That is too much control over something that has the potential to be quite powerful. I stand by my affirmation that the market should be a free one. At best the Captain of the Radiants should set the prices.

Oh! @Experience, this is most definitely a loophole. A rather critical one at that. As it stands, the Captain of the Radiants could set the price to something like 0.01 spheres and just buy an endless supply of whatever item he chooses. With the spanreed this isn't a problem, since having a lot of those is pointless, but it would be a big problem with the Half-Shards. Because of this, I will make an proposal amendment to my amendment The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the Captain of the Radiants and approved by the King.

16 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

Ok Highprince of Commerce is kinda op I propose The Taxation of all: As of the approval of this proposal the taxation percent will be 3% of their total spheres however the council will be able to increase or lower the taxation amount. All taxes will go to the King of Alethkar this is the only way for the King to gain spheres and cannot allow the King to win the game (they must step down to do so)

...No, it's not. I've worked for just as long, if not longer, making up these censuses- and I've only gotten 30 spheres so far. Like I said, I need a raise. :P  Plus, 3% isn't a rate, it's a number. A rate needs to be an amount over time.

 And once again, bribery with spheres is (probably) not what you should be going for. I don't think Exp wants to win (at least, I hope he doesn't want to win :unsure:) since he won last game. I certainly wouldn't. The fun of being the GM is in the making of rules, not the earning of spheres.

As it stands, all this rule will do is prolong the game unnecessarily. 

On 10/31/2020 at 11:31 AM, xinoehp512 said:

Rule of Commerce: The Highprince of Commerce shall have the responsibility of keeping track of sphere counts for all the players and princedoms in the game. These counts must be posted once per day ten pages at least by the Highprince or another member of his princedom. The penalty for 10 pages elapsing between sphere censuses is ten spheres per set of ten pages missed: the reward for each census posted on-time is five spheres. The penalty for major errors in listing princedoms/titles is five spheres, and the penalty for incorrectly listing # of spheres is ten spheres (unless a correction is posted along with a public apology, in which case the penalty is reduced to two.)

While I'm thinking about it, though, I'll make a proposal suggestion on my amendment to Rule of Commerce: The Highprince of Commerce shall have the responsibility of keeping track of sphere counts for all the players and princedoms in the game. These counts must be posted once per day ten pages at least by the Highprince or another member of his princedom. You're right, this isn't really needed. The penalty for 10 pages elapsing between sphere censuses is ten spheres per set of ten pages missed: the reward for each census posted on-time is five ten spheres. If this is too much, I can lower it. The penalty for major errors in listing princedoms/titles is five spheres, and the penalty for incorrectly listing # of spheres is ten spheres (unless a correction is posted along with a public apology, in which case the penalty is reduced to two.)

16 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Also, I just realized I'm playing the role of the King's WIt. Has that role been taken?

*exaggerated gasp* How dare you? Insulting people is my job!


16 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

It just stops the punishment does there need to be another reason? Losing even nine spheres can be damaging.

If you want to reduce the punishment from getting a rule rejected, amend the rule outlining punishments. You don't need an entirely different item purchased with spheres to do that task. 

Alternatively, you could just write better rules. :ph34r: 


The Wit has spoken.

14 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Just to clarify, we haven't decided what a fabrial does yet, yes?

I mean, we made the spanreeds. Those are a fabrial.

16 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

I'm not saying summaries would be legal. They would just show the gist so someone doesn't have to read the entirety of a post. It's a niche rule, but a useful one.

Yeah, but there's nothing stopping the large law-maker from misleading or outright lying to you about what the rule contains.

I've noticed a slight error in the Law of Amendment reward/punishment. It only specifies what happens if the fine is odd, not the reward.

Law of Amendment reward/punishment: All future amendments that pass have a reward of 1/2 of the reward of a law that passes, rounded down to the nearest whole sphere. All future amendments that do not pass have a fine of 1/2 of the current punishment, rounded down to the nearest whole sphere. If the fine is odd, after dividing by two you round down.

There are currently THREE (3) things in need of review in this post.

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3 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

No, an odd reward would result in a half sphere being awarded. If the reward was, say, nine, there would be a lot of .5's going around.

Yes, That is what I am saying, you only need to round down if the fine is odd.

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Just now, xinoehp512 said:

...if the point is to avoid non-whole sphere increments, would you not need to round both down?

you do not need to round down when the fine is even since any even number divided by 2 is a whole number.

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On 10/28/2020 at 10:47 PM, Experience said:

The Regent::ph34r: The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King. 

Responsibilities of the Regent will include all of the responsibilities of the King, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.

I wish to make an amendment to 

The Regent::ph34r: The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, stating "I appoint the current Regent to take over my position during my absence of (insert predicted number of days)." while tagging the Regent, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. Once the King returns, he must state "I have returned and will be taking back my power" while tagging the Regent in power. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King. 

Responsibilities of the Regent will include all of the responsibilities of the King, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.


The additions are to prevent confusion on whether or not the Regent is in power and if the King was going for a leave of absence or just appointing the position of Regent, as well as to tell the Regent when to stop doing his job and let the King take over again.

Edited by Aspiring Writer
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I am Hoid, and I have chosen to affiliate myself with the Aladar princedom, therefore making me Highprince Aladar.

I will also be claiming my starting bonus of 16 spheres.

I also have not found that anyone else is the King's Wit, therefore with the King's permission I would like to take up the role.

I would also like to propose the

Rule of Position::ph34r: Those with a Unique Position must be listed in the King's Rulebook.

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4 minutes ago, HoidWasTaken said:

I am Hoid, and I have chosen to affiliate myself with the Aladar princedom, therefore making me Highprince Aladar.

I will also be claiming my starting bonus of 16 spheres.

I also have not found that anyone else is the King's Wit, therefore with the King's permission I would like to take up the role.

I would also like to propose the

Rule of Position::ph34r: Those with a Unique Position must be listed in the King's Rulebook.

If the King sees fit, I'd like the role of King's Wit, though I believe that @xinoehp512 may have that role.

Edited by Aspiring Writer
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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
24 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

If the King sees fit, I'd like the role of King's Wit, though I believe that @xinoehp512 may have that role.

He does as I have said. The King appointed him in the same post as he approved the rule. Technically both of you are becoming the Wit wrong as the King chooses who it is, you don't nominate yourself for it

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