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Imperial Nomic: The Shattered Plains


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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
10 minutes ago, Doomstick said:

I think the Wit role should just be insulting people

It has no real use other than that thanks to Xino and it is technically insulting people and laws so...

I hereby declare an attack for a gemheart I collect my five spheres gotta keep up Mr. Goat

Edited by Somebody from Sel
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I take my role as Wit to be reviewing all other's people's laws and pointing out why I think they shouldn't be accepted. :ph34r:

Here's your daily dose of census.

Name Title(s) Sphere count
@Experience King of Alethkar 9
@Danex   20.5
@Somebody from Sel Highprince Roion 51
@Chasmgoat Highprince Sadeas, Highprince of War 49
@xinoehp512 Highprince Kholin, Highprince of Commerce, King's Wit 147
@Aspiring Writer Highprince Sebarial, Regent 34
@HoidWasTaken Highprince Aladar 18

I would like to propose the Commerce Declaration Act: The Highprince of Commerce may declare contested rewards or fines one way or the other for the purposes of the census. This is so I don't have to wait for monetary things to be declared in order to put out the census without fear of fine for being incorrect.


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Guys, I'm really sorry, but I don't have the time for this right now, and probably not for a week or so, so I'm appointing @Aspiring Writer as acting Regent, or whatever it is I have to say. I don't have time to go check sorry. Aspire, you can do reject/accept anything that was posted after my last post. Cheers!

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the Highprince of War :angry:The Highprince of War may, once per page, go on a fight and gain a gemheart which would be worth 10 spheres however if a player races you for the gemheart and has less spheres than you they get the 5 spheres and the racing player posts on the page claiming to fight before the Highprince of war does, the racing player gets 5 spheres.



The Spanreed: The Spanreed will allow for a player to send a law by PM to the King of Alethkar and the chosen Regent. This proposal can be approved and it will be placed into the rulebook without telling anyone. This will allow secret laws to be approved.



The Regent: The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King, but is required to be present in all secret PMs and made aware of all rules added secretly to the rulebook.

Responsibilities of the Regent will include all of the responsibilities of the King, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.

Highprinces of (insert element) cannot be made into Regents, Temporary Regents, or Voted Regents. Failure for a Regent to announce a Temporary Regent will result in a fine of ten spheres.

Approved and Approved


The Rule of Pre-Approval Amendment: Players may propose amended forms of proposed rules that have not yet been accepted. Said "proposal suggestions" are not proposals in and of themselves. Proposal suggestions should be composed of the original text, with suggested removals struck through and additions in italic (color may also be added or the italic removed to distinguish alterations if necessary: incorrect formatting should be corrected, but will not be punished). The proposal suggestion may be accepted in stead of the proposal it amends (in which case the formatting will be adjusted to match current guidelines), and the author of the suggestion will receive whatever reward said proposal entails. The original proposal is removed from consideration if the suggestion is accepted; however, the original proposer will still receive a reward half that of what they would have earned otherwise, rounding up to the nearest whole monetary unit. If the original proposal is accepted, any amendment suggestions to that proposal are similarly removed from consideration, and the authors receive no effect. If both are accepted, the proposal suggestion takes precedence. The King may accept suggestion proposals made concurrent and subsequent to the proposal of this law.



The Rule of Amendment Format: An amendment must state the name rule they are amending, then copy the entire rule, with the suggested alterations being either highlighted in red to add a clause or struck-through to remove a clause. Any Examples or explanations must be highlighted in blue. Things highlighted in blue or struckthrough will not be copied into the rule book. Anything highlighted red will be unhighlighted when copied into the rulebook.

Rejected- I don't see the point, especially since there is no punishment for not doing it.


The Rule of Typos: If a rule contains a spelling or grammatical error, the King may correct it. The council may reject such a modification with unanimous approval.

Asked for amendment of removal of council part


The Rule of No Paradoxes: If a Rule is found to contradict another Rule, the Rule that has existed longer is the one that takes precedence. who’s effect is taken into account. The other rule is completely disregarded. If the two contradictory rules were placed into effect simultaneously (i.e. approved in the same post) the King decides which one takes effect. The King may not approve a rule that nullifies completely the effect of another approved in the same post.



The Regent::ph34r:

The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King. 

Responsibilities of the Regent will include all of the responsibilities of the King, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.

Highprinces of (insert element) cannot be made into Regents, Temporary Regents, or Voted Regents. Failure for a Regent to announce a Temporary Regent will result in a fine of ten spheres.

The reason I put that is because high princes have other duties to fulfill and cannot make money from some of their powers during their time as regent. I do admit that someone can use a loophole to become highprince of something afterward, so can make an amendment preventing that.


King of Urithiru: Captain of the Radiants: The King of Urithiru Captain of the Radiants has control over the Knights Radiant (powers, abilities and duties to be determined in a later proposal or amendment) is a title gained in the same way as the title of Highprince of Enter duty here; by asking for the title and then being approved by the King. The King of Urithiru Captain of the Radiants also has control of the fabrial technologies (also to be determined later).



I propose we redact The Spanreed.

Rejected- We just made the rule, let's try it out at least.


Rule of Obsolescense: If the King wishes, he may declare a proposal obsolete. This will remove the proposal from consideration but otherwise have no effect.



Rule of Obsolescense: If the King wishes, he may declare a proposal obsolete. This will remove the proposal from consideration but otherwise have no effect.



The Law of Summaries: The proposer of a law must produce a summary of a law they made if requested this is to make reading large laws (like the Regent laws) easier for people who are so inclined

Rejected- has no use, We have to read the entire rule sometime anyways.


The Taxation of all: As of the approval of this proposal the taxation percent will be 3% of their total spheres however the council will be able to increase or lower the taxation amount. All taxes will go to the King of Alethkar this is the only way for the King to gain spheres and cannot allow the King to win the game (they must step down to do so)

Rejected-  King can't win anyways, it's useless, why tax?


The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the King of Urithiru, as long as the King of Urithriru approves the purchase. Half of all proceeds from the selling of fabrials go to the King of Urithiru the other go to the King of Alethkar. This is intended to give the King of U incentive to approve any fabrial purchases and to give the King of A his due

Rejected- King does not need spheres.


The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the Captain of the Radiants and approved by the King.



Law of Amendment reward/punishment: All future amendments that pass have a reward of 1/2 of the reward of a law that passes, rounded down to the nearest whole sphere. All future amendments that do not pass have a fine of 1/2 of the current punishment, rounded down to the nearest whole sphere. If the fine is odd, after dividing by two you round down.



The Regent::ph34r: The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, stating "I appoint the current Regent to take over my position during my absence of (insert predicted number of days)." while tagging the Regent, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. Once the King returns, he must state "I have returned and will be taking back my power" while tagging the Regent in power. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King. 

Responsibilities of the Regent will include all of the responsibilities of the King, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.



Rule of Position::ph34r: Those with a Unique Position must be listed in the King's Rulebook


2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Commerce Declaration Act: The Highprince of Commerce may declare contested rewards or fines one way or the other for the purposes of the census.



Okay, I accidentally did two pages of proposals and quoted the last one on this page and deleted all the work, so this is from the PM I sent to Exp which is why everything is spoiled and formatted weird. I will be going back to the ones I missed. (Anything not here is asked for an amendment, so no spheres will be gained or lost in the next post.


Edited by Aspiring Writer
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You... you didn't quote people....:blink:

Vader noooo meme

*~1 hour later*

Alright, I finished the census. At last. Rovtzqy.png 

11 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Rejected- I don't see the point, especially since there is no punishment for not doing it.

...well, the point was to keep the rule from conflicting with the original. <_< I did say I would fix it, after all. Also, we shouldn't make a habit of making rules we don't intend to follow or enforce.

And come on, the least you could have done was declare it obsolete. Things like that are why I proposed the obsolescence rule in the first place. And even though the problem was fixed, that text was still rendered null and void. Getting rid of it would help eliminate confusion.

11 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Rejected- We just made the rule, let's try it out at least.

Alright. One moment here.

There is a rule in the King's Rulebook that has not been proposed, accepted, or even mentioned on this thread (as far as I can tell). Ever.

The only explanation that I can find for this is that this rule was approved via PM. A rule that I, as Highprince of Commerce, knew nothing about and therefore could not record rewards for. A rule that I, as the King's Wit, was not made aware of and therefore could not scrutinize and analyze for potential flaws, game-breaking or otherwise.

And that is not even the worst of it. I see only two possibilities. The first: this law was made by PM to the King outside the spanreed law. Now, while there's nothing in the laws that strictly prohibits this, the spanreed law does seem to imply that doing it otherwise is prohibited. Even if not, however, it would still render the law pointless.

As bad as this possibility is, however, it's far less horrible that the second: the Captain of the Radiants was approved in secret, the price of a spanreed was set in secret, and a spanreed was purchased in secret. All of which are things that I, as Highprince of Commerce, should know about! I will say that I am not even close to convinced this is what occurred: I think that Experience would have at least revealed an appointment to Captain of the Radiants. Yet, there is nothing in the rules that states that this possibility is illegal.

Aside from my duties as Highprince of Commerce and King's Wit, I have a duty as a player to keep up with the rules. This becomes much harder if I have to constantly check to make sure that secret rules haven't been approved. Going back to my roles, this is even more of a problem if I'm in the middle of a census, as I won't be notified if the OP is edited. If a rule is added that affects money, I'd have to reload the page and scan through every rule in order to make sure the census is accurate. And that's not even mentioning amendments and redactions, which I think are prohibited but aren't entirely sure about. Secret versions of either of these would be practically impossible to spot (redactions because rules are not always added instantaneously to the rulebook. And speaking of the rulebook, what happens if there's a delay between acceptance and inclusion into the rulebook? Does the rule apply? It would be unfair if it would, since most people wouldn't know about it. And yet, we shouldn't make a rule that says that rules only apply if they are in the rulebook, as there's often a delay between acceptance and inclusion into the rulebook (especially with a Regent) and that would add complexity and likely create confusion.)

Overall, I think that having secrets like this is generally detrimental to the fun of the game. Perhaps it's fun to have secrets. Maybe that's the "flavor" that you mentioned earlier? It still isn't fair to all the other people not lucky enough to be in on it.

And it certainly isn't fair to me, who's supposed to be keeping track of all the approvals. :P This is, I think, the most critical concern; therefore, I will propose the Anti-Secrecy Law: All accepted rules, title appointments, sphere transactions, or other alterations to the state of the game must be posted in the thread to be legally binding. If you are opposed to this, at least let me amend this to a law that lets me do my job properly. orKnvrm.png

11 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

The reason I put that is because high princes have other duties to fulfill and cannot make money from some of their powers during their time as regent. I do admit that someone can use a loophole to become highprince of something afterward, so can make an amendment preventing that.

What's wrong with making money as Regent? The player's still a player trying to win, after all. Besides, Highprince titles are likely not going to be the only ones making money, and it's unfair to arbitrarily ban those. (Banning all money-earning roles would also be a problem, since most players probably would want one of those, and we need to have suitable candidates for Regency). 

But speaking of this, I couldn't help but notice you approving your own proposals. iGUKvze.png:ph34r:  Not necessarily a problem in and of itself; they were good, sensible amendments. Nonetheless, it opens the door to some dangerously game-breaking plays. Therefore, I propose the Anti-Dictatorship Law: No person may approve a proposal they created themself. 

9 hours ago, HoidWasTaken said:

I refute my prior claim of being Highprince Aladar, Instead opting to join the Sadeas Princedom. That would make me Heir of House Sadeas.

Hmm. Technically, I don't think there's any legal representation for changing affiliations. We should change that.

I propose we amend Rule of Affiliation: Players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms: Aladar, Bethab, Hatham, Kholin, Roion, Ruthar, Sebarial, Thanadal, and Vamah. Affiliations must be posted in blue. If a player affiliates more than once, only the most recent affiliation will be counted. The first player to affiliate with a princedom will be the highprince, and each person affiliating afterwards will be next on the succession list. Should the highprince be removed for any reason, the person at the top of the seniority list will become highprince.

Edited by xinoehp512
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4 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

You... you didn't quote people....:blink:

Again, i did, and then it got deleted on the last proposal, and i didn't get time to go back for it. Apologizes and thank you.


5 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

And come on, the least you could have done was declare it obsolete. Things like that are why I proposed the obsolescence rule in the first place. And even though the problem was fixed, that text was still rendered null and void. Getting rid of it would help eliminate confusion.

The rule of obsolence says the king can, not the Regent, which I mentioned in the original post that got deleted. If you can make that amend it to the post, I would have made it obsolete. 


8 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Anti-Secrecy Law: All accepted rules, title appointments, sphere transactions, or other alterations to the state of the game must be posted in the thread to be legally binding.

Approved- and i get your point. You may try amending this the rule to prevent confusion, and this law that you mentioned does go against the rule where the Regent must be aware of all rules made in PMs. There is not technically a punishment, and i can't make one right now, but I see the problem.

12 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

What's wrong with making money as Regent?

One, I don't want to pile to much work on one person, you for instance, and two, having the Regent not be able to make money in any other way doing proposals makes sure there is no conflict of interest, otherwise, The Regent may want to approve laws that give him more money.

13 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Anti-Dictatorship Law: No person may approve a proposal they created themself. 

Rejected- That law is an unnecessary one, those are laws I made before coming into power as Regent, I believe I made it so the regent cannot make laws during his time in power, and the King can Reject and Approve all those decisions once he returns, so I can't do approve anything crazy for long without the King stepping in, and that may make the King choose a different Regent, so there are balances and checks to keep the Regent honest. Also, I don't want a backlog of my proposals before I came to power, otherwise they may be forgotten.


19 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Rule of Affiliation: Players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms: Aladar, Bethab, Hatham, Kholin, Roion, Ruthar, Sebarial, Thanadal, and Vamah. Affiliations must be posted in blue. If a player affiliates more than once, only the most recent affiliation will be counted. The first player to affiliate with a princedom will be the highprince, and each person affiliating afterwards will be next on the succession list. Should the highprince be removed for any reason, the person at the top of the seniority list will become highprince

Make an amendment saying that any changes will reset all your titles, so if your a highprince of something, you don't want to change.  Also, maybe there should be permission from the current highprince you're moving to.

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On 10/28/2020 at 10:47 PM, Experience said:

2-9 Law of Job Providers: With permission of their house leader, a member of a house may perform their master's role, such as the census, and will gain 1/4 of what the house's head would gain. The highprince would gain 3/4 of the reward. Permission is granted in thread. If this action is done without permission, the person who performs it is fined 5 spheres and does not get the reward, the highprince however, gets the full reward.  At any time, a highprince may reward anyone working beneath them with any number of spheres. To do this though, a highprince must have a number of spheres removed from himself.

Okay, I can't be completely sure of the timing, but this might have been made after i approved the law that said the Regent must be made aware of laws made secret, so the legality of this law is now up to question will be ignored until the King can come and confirm whether or not it was approved before I after my first set of proposals.

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I have proof it was made before the law was accepted.



So, that is cleared....

according to the Law of Job Providers, I am losing 1 sphere and rewarding @HoidWasTaken with 1000 spheres, effectively winning the game for him. I believe this game is over.

Thank you all for playing!

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@Aspiring Writer, we need to fix this fast. @HoidWasTaken still doesn't belong to Sadeas, as you didn't approve my law that people can change affiliations.

I propose we amend the Law of Job Providers: With permission of their house leader, a member of a house may perform their master's role, such as the census, and will gain 1/4 of what the house's head would gain. The highprince would gain 3/4 of the reward. Permission is granted in thread. If this action is done without permission, the person who performs it is fined 5 spheres and does not get the reward, the highprince however, gets the full reward.  At any time, a highprince may reward anyone working beneath them with any number of spheres. To do this though, a highprince must have a number of spheres removed from himself. People should be able to give spheres to whomever they choose, so we don't need this last part. (If you disagree, we can add it later, but this is an emergency.)

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there was no law restricting me from changing affiliations, so what I did was perfectly legal at the time. It would appear that I have won in two pages. Perhaps we should do Hallendren Court of gods next?

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2 minutes ago, HoidWasTaken said:

Um... Actually I believe there was no law so far for changing affiliations, so what I did was perfectly legal at the time

The rule says you can affiliate with one of the ten princedoms. This can be easily interpreted as prohibiting multiple affiliations at all. Normally I wouldn't be in favor of such a drastic interpretation, but you're trying to break the game. :angry: I've put quite a bit of work into this, and I don't want to see it go to waste because someone brutally exploited a loophole.

Besides! Since the Anti-Secrecy law was passed, and the rule acceptance was not posted in the thread, it means that the Job Providers rule was no longer legally binding at the time you tried to use it.

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8 hours ago, HoidWasTaken said:

I refute my prior claim of being Highprince Aladar, Instead opting to join the Sadeas Princedom. That would make me Heir of House Sadeas.

As I said, I refuted my claim of being Highprince Aladar. I never had two positions at once.

As for the Anti-Secrecy Law, the Law of Job Providers was approved Last Tuesday, before it took effect.

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1 minute ago, HoidWasTaken said:

As I said, I refuted my claim of being Highprince Aladar. I never had two positions at once.

The law can be easily interpreted as prohibiting changing affiliations.

7 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

The rule of obsolence says the king can, not the Regent, which I mentioned in the original post that got deleted. If you can make that amend it to the post, I would have made it obsolete. 

Rendering proposals obsolete can easily be percieved a responsibility of the King. Nonetheless, I see where the confusion may lie. Therefore I will propose an amendment to 

The Regent::ph34r: The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, stating "I appoint the current Regent to take over my position during my absence of (insert predicted number of days)." while tagging the Regent, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. Once the King returns, he must state "I have returned and will be taking back my power" while tagging the Regent in power. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. He may also change either declaration to one of obsolescence. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King. 

Responsibilities of thThe Regent will have include all of the privileges, responsibilities, and limitations of the King while serving as a replacement, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.

We shouldn't have to add an exception for the Regent to every single law we make about the King.

I also thought I'd take the chance to add the obsolescence rule to the Regent Law. Note that it doesn't come with any fines- I don't think it would be fair to the Regent to fine them if, say, a rule was rejected that a bunch of future rules depended on.

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2-1 Rule of Affiliation: Players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms: Aladar, Bethab, Hatham, Kholin, Roion, Ruthar, Sebarial, Thanadal, and Vamah. Affiliations must be posted in blue. The first player to affiliate with a princedom will be the highprince, and each person affiliating afterwards will be next on the succession list. Should the highprince be removed for any reason, the person at the top of the seniority list will become highprince.

This says that players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms. It never restricts changing princedoms, just that the affiliations must be posted in blue, which I did.

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Look at it this way.

You affiliated with Aladar. That was one affiliation.

You then affiliated with Sadeas. That was a second affiliation.

Altogether, two affiliations. Yes, they were at different times. (We can argue about whether you're allowed to give up an affiliation as the law stands, but for the sake of argument let's ignore that for now.) But the law doesn't say "one of the ten princedoms at a time". Therefore, it can be interpreted that, once someone has affiliated to a house, they cannot affiliate to a different one.

8 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

One, I don't want to pile to much work on one person, you for instance, and two, having the Regent not be able to make money in any other way doing proposals makes sure there is no conflict of interest, otherwise, The Regent may want to approve laws that give him more money.

First of all, I wouldn't mind. :P 

Second of all, isn't that the point of letting the King reject laws? The Regent has to be careful of writing biased laws anyways.

Thirdly, the conflict of interest would still exist even if the Regent had no job at all. People could still include ways to give the Regent money.

Fourthly, why only the Highprince Titles? Why not, say, the King's Wit? That's also a title with duties that make money. And also one that you wanted for yourself, as I recall, even after being appointed Regent.

Also, I would like amend :ph34r: The Rule of Typos: If a rule contains a spelling or grammatical error, the King may correct it. Fixed it as requested.

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Just now, xinoehp512 said:

But the law doesn't say "one of the ten princedoms at a time". Therefore, it can be interpreted that, once someone has affiliated to a house, they cannot affiliate to a different one

2-1 Rule of Affiliation: Players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms: Aladar, Bethab, Hatham, Kholin, Roion, Ruthar, Sebarial, Thanadal, and Vamah. Affiliations must be posted in blue. The first player to affiliate with a princedom will be the highprince, and each person affiliating afterwards will be next on the succession list. Should the highprince be removed for any reason, the person at the top of the seniority list will become highprince.

The highprince was removed by choice. It also does not say that you can only have 1 ever.

hold up, @Experience, I think this is pretty important, if you are available can you help solve this?

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31 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Look at it this way.

You affiliated with Aladar. That was one affiliation.

You then affiliated with Sadeas. That was a second affiliation.

Altogether, two affiliations. Yes, they were at different times. (We can argue about whether you're allowed to give up an affiliation as the law stands, but for the sake of argument let's ignore that for now.) But the law doesn't say "one of the ten princedoms at a time". Therefore, it can be interpreted that, once someone has affiliated to a house, they cannot affiliate to a different one.

That is the point. The law never states that I can not change my affiliation. All it says is that player may affiliate themselves with a princedom. I stopped all my affiliations with the Aladar princedom, I was no longer a part of it.

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Law of Job Providers: With permission of their house leader, a member of a house may perform their master's role, such as the census, and will gain 1/4 of what the house's head would gain. The highprince would gain 3/4 of the reward. Permission is granted in thread. If this action is done without permission, the person who performs it is fined 5 spheres and does not get the reward, the highprince however, gets the full reward.



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4 hours ago, Chasmgoat said:

I have proof it was made before the law was accepted.

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So, that is cleared....

according to the Law of Job Providers, I am losing 1 sphere and rewarding @HoidWasTaken with 1000 spheres, effectively winning the game for him. I believe this game is over.

Thank you all for playing!

That shows when you gave him the law, not if he approved it before I made the law saying I must be included, and if he approved it and put in the rule book after I approved that law, it i still now up to question. Therefore, your law is mute until Exp comes to clarify the timing of events with me, meaning you cannot give Hoid 1000 spheres yet. As well as the King cannot Approve Rules until he returns, and he said he is gone for a week. Nice try.


The game still continues @HoidWasTaken @Chasmgoat @xinoehp512 

Edited by Aspiring Writer
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3 hours ago, Chasmgoat said:

Also, laws can't change after he won.

No, but that law is in question because the timing of it lines up oddly with mine. If you check when those posts were made and when Exp edit his rulebook, they line up pretty evenly and it's hard to tell which came first. Becuase we don't know, we're defaulting to the law not being passed until we know for sure.


Actually, it no longer matters. Because the law is in question of whether or not you had that power, you can't give that many spheres, and my Approval of the amendment means you can no longer give spheres. 

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I propose a clarifying amendment to the Anti-Secrecy Law: All rule approval/disapprovals, title appointments, sphere transactions, or other alterations to the state of the game must be posted in the thread to be legally binding. This rule applies retroactively. 


Edited by xinoehp512
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