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Silly questions with Koloss17, the part of the shard where Koloss17 comes out and asks a silly question


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10 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

If you were to give one character the boon of having cool dragon wings, but with the curse of only being able to chirp, which character would it be (and why)?

Syl. She'd be adorable and cool at the same time.

2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

New one yay! 
if you were to make one character from the cosmere possess your favorite character, which character would do the possessing and why?

Elend and Daliner, because I really think Elened and the Stormfather would be a good match.

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If you were to reform a world in the cosmere, which planet would you want to reform to include unicorns? (And why) ((you can also reform some other stuff about it, but it has to include unicorns))

tada! I almost made this one a good thoughtful question, but I had to stop myself and add unicorns.

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a three for one yaaaaaay!!! No need to answer all of them, but you can!

If you were to make the most ridiculous prediction for rhythm of war (that does not elude to things that you have read in the preview chapters or Dawnshard) that might come true, what would you predict? (No need to say why)

 If you were to establish a university that has a course on the study of magical creatures and where to find them, but in Boy Scout form, which world of the sandoverse would you choose and how would it work?

which non-cosmere book would you want to Join the cosmere for the funzies for a year and what time period of the cosmere would it be in?

Edited by Koloss17
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1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

a three for one yaaaaaay!!! No need to answer all of them, but you can!

If you were to make the most ridiculous prediction for rhythm of war (that does not elude to things that you have read in the preview chapters or Dawnshard) that might come true, what would you predict? (No need to say why)

My Kaladin x Jasnah ship


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11 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Okay! A more open one! If you were to make something in the sandoverse take exactly one week, what would you pick (for usefulness or chaos, your pick)?

WoR spoilers


The duel with Kaladin and Adolin

3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

a three for one yaaaaaay!!! No need to answer all of them, but you can!

If you were to make the most ridiculous prediction for rhythm of war (that does not elude to things that you have read in the preview chapters or Dawnshard) that might come true, what would you predict? (No need to say why)

 If you were to establish a university that has a course on the study of magical creatures and where to find them, but in Boy Scout form, which world of the sandoverse would you choose and how would it work?

which non-cosmere book would you want to Join the cosmere for the funzies for a year and what time period of the cosmere would it be in?

  1. Adolin reaches tenth heightening.
  2. Roshar. I have no idea how it would work but it seems like it would be fun.
  3. Foundation during mistborn era 4.
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