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Lament of the Firsts


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Well, I just finished the Mistborn trilogy after a 2-year hiatus, and while I truly enjoyed it, learned new things and got re-wrapped up... I must admit I miss the buzz of the "first-time through".

Don't get me wrong. I'm still just as enamored with the writing, worldbuilding, and w-awexomeness (needed another "w", for alliteration's sake...). However, knowing all of what was going to happen was a bit of a buzzkill.

That being said, I must remark again on just how freakin' amazing it all is. No one's perfect (including authors), but I'm consistently impressed by how everything's set up in his books. I really look forward to Warbreaker and Way of Kings (especially because they are new). I am even more awed to find that all his books are interconnected; that fact alone makes me go through his books with a new eye.


So, anyone else reliving that original awe recently?

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I reread it over the summer, my first major reread since my initial read. I kinda get what you're saying. The awesome twists really lack the punch they had the first time around, but the second time through lets you appreciate the awesome moment for its awesomeness rather than its twistiness.

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I'm slowly re-reading them so that I can put together summaries of the chapters. I'm finding it fun because I'm catching a lot of really subtle things that I never even realized the first time through. (Like Vin using pewter before Kelsier ever taught her about it.)

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My most recent reread was of book one for my world-related notes on the final empire. I'm disappointed I won't have time to reread them all before alloy :(.

On another note, what's interesting reading them a second time for me, is I can't remember not knowing the twists were going to happen. For example, when Vin realizes the Lord Ruler is Rashek, I can't imagine ever thinking he was the one writing the log book. I also don't recall ever reading the book not knowing Kelsier's fate, or about Ruin's deceptions in later books.

So, I suppose my initial read must have been better because of the twists, but I honestly can't remember it being any different then these subsequent readings in which I am constantly picking out new interesting tidbits and bits of foreshadowing.

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Huh... Kelsier dying was a shock, the awexome-'Quisitor that Marsh became, the Rashek (Feruchemistry/Allomancy mix = long life) thing was great... The one thing that I think was one of the greatest "This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules" moments was the earring. Masterful. A twist in plain sight for the entire novel, and all of a sudden it was... Wait, I think that was the Hero of Ages, actually. Scratch that. :P

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Don't get me wrong. I'm still just as enamored with the writing, worldbuilding, and w-awexomeness (needed another "w", for alliteration's sake...). However, knowing all of what was going to happen was a bit of a buzzkill.

It doesn't have to be. I've said it on the forums here before, but I predicted the end of book three from the first introduction of Sazed and Feruchemy in book 1. And before that, I knew something was up, and I just needed those two pieces to fit the whole thing into place. There were a few surprises, mostly due to not knowing the aspects of Shards and whatnot, but for the most part I saw every major twist and turn the plot of the entire trilogy took, and I still enjoyed it immensely.

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See, it's interesting because of all the theorizing that happened before book three. We called the earring and a few other things, including the bearing of the worlds' future on one's arms. (What's this? An original reaction I really do remember? No way!) Thing is, I knew Sazed should be the hero the whole time, but then right at the end, Brandon went and convinced me it really WAS Vin. Just when he had me hooked, he made the final reveal, and I was like: WHOAH!

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See, it's interesting because of all the theorizing that happened before book three. We called the earring and a few other things, including the bearing of the worlds' future on one's arms. (What's this? An original reaction I really do remember? No way!) Thing is, I knew Sazed should be the hero the whole time, but then right at the end, Brandon went and convinced me it really WAS Vin. Just when he had me hooked, he made the final reveal, and I was like: WHOAH!

I never read any of the theorizing beforehand. The earring did surprise me a bit, but not much else did. Still loved and devoured the books, but I wasn't thrown for any loops during the plot. I knew Sazed would be the Hero of Ages up until the end, and that he was writing the epigraphs from the first chapter of HoA.

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