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1 hour ago, Omi the Counselor said:

He also creates a ring, putting 1p in it. This will likely bring the wearer to around the 7th or 8th T'kalak, though it's a little unclear. He spins and spins and spins on top of Mt. Shroom, until he stops and throws the ring in a random direction with his godly strength.

AAAH! Stop making such good story opportunities! I want to continue the two traveler's story!
Anyway, should I write about that or you?

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
32 minutes ago, AmazingGoob said:

AAAH! Stop making such good story opportunities! I want to continue the two traveler's story!
Anyway, should I write about that or you?

How about both but if you can only do one do the tree I find it cool

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50 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

Can you see if my mountain and the 4 members of the race I made take more/less power than I used? I didn't know how much they were.

I would make the mountain a little less expensive (Like, 15p) but other than that, it's good.

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@Omi the Counselor 16p for the Gazelle people

@Somebody from Sel Err... you should probably get permission to use Omi's ring.

@Matrim's Dice Please, please keep track of your own power.

People yet to do their turns:

@Channelknight Fadran

Should I even bother pinging @Wind and @The_Truthwatcher?




As the snow swirled around them, the travelers argued. Again.
"I told you we should we should of gotten warmer clothes back with the Diren and the Firen!" said the short one.
"How was I supposed to know it was going to be this cold up here? It was warm back on their mountain!"
"That's because it was a VOLCANO!"

"Hahonkaha!" The Pengman said. No one knew what it was saying, and they weren't even sure when it had joined the group- they tended to try not to thing about their time in the Guda Shroom forest.

"Hush you! Just because you aren't cold, doesn't mean we aren't!" said the short one
"We should just head back." 
"I agree, but don't you want that treasure that the Diren promised was here?"
"Then stop complaining!"
"You were the one who started complaining in the first place!"
"Yeah. Remember?"
"Oh fine. Just shut up and we can pretend this never happened!"
"Oh, we can just pretend that you never made a mistake, huh? Why can't we ever do you that for me, hmmm?"
"Oh, come on! We aren't getting into this conversation again. Anyway, I think we're here..."
In front of them was a gaping hole in the side of the mountain, leading into a huge, dark, and seemingly empty cave.
They all dashed in.

A couple minutes later 


They all dash out. Neither was exactly cold anymore- in fact, the short man had all of his hair burnt of the top of his head, and the tall man wasn't exactly much better. Even the pengman had managed to get a little scorched.
"They did tell us about the flying, fire-breathing lizard." Says the tall man.
"Aren't lizards like, this big?" He holds out his fingers and extends them.
"They never did say how big it was, did they?"
"Well, lesson learned. Let's go back, yes?"

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I'm sorry but I got no idea how much power I have, and don't want to dig through the thread to add it up. So, if this is allowed...

Bael uses dark magic and creates thrice as many swamp monsters as he has and doubles his swamp, spending all of his power!


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@Channelknight Fadran 





@Matrim's Dice 

@Somebody from Sel

@Omi the Counselor 


The next turn has started! Sorry for the delay.
Uh, Chasmgoat, is it okay if I make it only twice as big? Anything much bigger just makes it unwieldly, and the peak would almost reach Matrim's swamp if it was 6x as big.




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30 minutes ago, AmazingGoob said:

@Channelknight Fadran 





@Matrim's Dice 

@Somebody from Sel

@Omi the Counselor 


The next turn has started! Sorry for the delay.
Uh, Chasmgoat, is it okay if I make it only twice as big? Anything much bigger just makes it unwieldly, and the peak would almost reach Matrim's swamp if it was 6x as big.

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ok, instead of being 6x bigger, can it be 2x bigger and the area around it (like a few miles around the mountain) is so full of power that weird things happen there (like time and space distortion and things invested with power behave strangely around there, also the area just looks weird in general)

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16 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

ok, instead of being 6x bigger, can it be 2x bigger and the area around it (like a few miles around the mountain) is so full of power that weird things happen there (like time and space distortion and things invested with power behave strangely around there, also the area just looks weird in general)


Wheel Of Time Spoilers:


Time being distorted? Sounds kind of familiar to another strange place... Shayol Ghul.



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