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1 hour ago, Gyirin said:

I was introduced to Brandon Sanderson's books about two years ago and is looking forward to the new book coming out next week. I'vebeen visiting this site since last year and it seems to be a lot more friendly than Sanderson fan community at reddit. 

Ooh! A lurker! Glad to have ya. 

if you were to befriend an animal in the sandoverse (any of the worlds in his books) in the strangest way, how would you do it?

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13 minutes ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

Hello! Welcome to the Shard! I'm glad you joined! yes, we certainly are a friendly group. We're all a little exited for next week aren't we? Hehe. One question. What's your favorite Sanderson book? 

I enjoyed reading Oathbringer the most but I think my favourite is The Hero of Ages.


15 minutes ago, Experience said:

I love the profile pic! Welcome to the Shard! Who is your favorite character in your least favorite Sanderson book?

I like Denth. 


8 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Ooh! A lurker! Glad to have ya. 

if you were to befriend an animal in the sandoverse (any of the worlds in his books) in the strangest way, how would you do it?

No idea. 

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4 hours ago, The Storming Stormfather said:

@Gyirin Welcome to the Shard! If you could chose any one of Brandon's magic systems (Allomancy, Rithmatics, Breaths, etc.), which would you pick?

Feruchemy. Others aren't as practical in real life I think. 


6 hours ago, I Am A Fish said:

Hello, and Welcome to the Shard!

Who's your favorite Sanderson character?

Right now I like post-death Kelsier and Marasi. And kind of disappointed that there aren't many arts on Secret History and Mistborn Era 2.


3 hours ago, Voidspawn said:

Does this mean that Warbreaker is your least favorite Sanderson Book?


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Welcome to the Shard Gyirin! We may be a tad biased being here and all but I would most definitely agree the Shard is the friendly place to be! So happy to have you come join us!

I totally agree with Experience, wolfs and watermelon is the perfect combo. The double double-u (say that ten times fast :P)! You are right with us all on waiting on the edge of our seat for RoW (besides those of us that fell off the seat :D) and if you've been a Sanderfan for you two years now it is the perfect time to join!

How did you first get introduced to Sanderson? Let us know if you have any questions!

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1 hour ago, Scout_Fox said:

Welcome to the Shard Gyirin! We may be a tad biased being here and all but I would most definitely agree the Shard is the friendly place to be! So happy to have you come join us!

I totally agree with Experience, wolfs and watermelon is the perfect combo. The double double-u (say that ten times fast :P)! You are right with us all on waiting on the edge of our seat for RoW (besides those of us that fell off the seat :D) and if you've been a Sanderfan for you two years now it is the perfect time to join!

How did you first get introduced to Sanderson? Let us know if you have any questions!

Saw Mistborn on a list of best fantasy at Goodreads. 


59 minutes ago, Voidspawn said:

@Gyirin have you read the RoW preview chapters yet?

Yeah and it was a fun and unique experience. First time reading pre-released chapters. 

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22 minutes ago, Gyirin said:

Saw Mistborn on a list of best fantasy at Goodreads.

Oh no way awesome! I'm sure they would be glad to know their list was working wonders. Whoever made sure it got there most definitely deserves a medal as well! :P

Hope you enjoy your time on the Shard!

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9 hours ago, Gyirin said:

The Way of Kings


6 hours ago, Gyirin said:


Yeah and it was a fun and unique experience. First time reading pre-released chapters. 

Huh. I didn’t read them. I feel like it is cheating, or something. 

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