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Sharder One-Liners

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2 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

@ImportantQuestions: your paw is really soft. It felt really good. Can you slap me again?- 

@Telrao:That... sounds really weird, you know.
ImportantQuestions: Yes, but it felt so good. I haven't been slapped by a giant furry paw in eons. So, can you?

That was one of the strangest conversations I've had in centuries.

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That’s honestly the cutest thing ever…

”This is a rat pancake”—me, on the blackboard in Spanish class today

”Can I pet it?”—also me, speaking of a locker shelf that a friend was using as a mini table

”ITS A SHRIMP.”—me again, holding most of a powdered donut (it did sort of look like a shrimp…”

And now here’s a real one.

The Council of Bob informed them that they'd received a zero on their complaint for grossly going against the required format.


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