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Sharder One-Liners

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On 12/5/2022 at 6:05 PM, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

Wait your siblings are sanderfans and sharders? And you know sharders in real life? And don’t live in a retirement community, and therefore have other youth in your ward? Weird. :D

yeah, feel that

On 12/5/2022 at 6:10 PM, Ookla the Perpetual said:

I know way too many Sharders in real life. 

there is no such thing!

anyway, the point of this place:

Because chaos :D - @Ookla the Obstinate

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On 3/4/2022 at 9:00 AM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

snorts line of time dust

SO if Time Lords committed the anchoring of the thread and caused the universe to be directly affected by Gallifrey's Observer Effect, which is why so many races evolve to be humanoid on radically different planets, what if that means VAMPIRES aren't REALLY the Yssgaroth spilling over from an alternate reality but are in ACTUALITY the distorted reflection of how the first Time Lords gained immortality by extracting the blood of the TIMELESS CHILD and this dark act of exsanguinating an innocent to prolong their own lives creates a crimson stain on the fabric of the universe itself and inadvertently creates their greatest enemies, not just in the form of the Great Vampires they fight during the Dark Times, but also COUNT DRACULA, whose state of quantum impossibility ultimately causes him and his lineage to become THE ENEMY the Time Lords face during the WAR IN HEAVEN???


passes out

doesn't post again for three more years - @Kobold King

This is like the only thing I know about Kobold King and I feel as though I'm missing out.

Edited by Ookla the Pencil Taxi
that was embarrassing
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48 minutes ago, Ookla the platypus said:

that pun was so bad it hurt me on an internal level. It's like my friend's theory (RoW spoilers)

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that in the Epilouge of RoW, Odium was just so hot he took Hoid's Breath away (which is why Hoid couldn't remember the first conversation the second time).


Oh lordy that's horrendous

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5 hours ago, Enter a username said:




4 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

i mean... cocoa is really hot, i wouldn't blame anyone who was.

you make a typo ONE TIME and everyone bullies you :( /j 

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Archivist said:

you make a typo ONE TIME and everyone bullies you :( /j 

For the record, I'm inclined to believe you here, partly because this is the exact sort of thing those two would produce. (And there's also the possibility of autocorrect just going rogue-- like how my phone tries to "correct" the into SO MUCH BLASPHEMY (yes including the all caps).)

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Honestly, i'm extremely curious what Ene said originally to spawn this. The belief that someone is sexually attracted to hot cocoa is such a specific thing to come out of a typo. Is there any way we could know what it was?

Also, Ene, if it is true, you don't need to be embarrassed, because look:

"i'm sexually attracted to large tables" - @Ookla the Crow

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A short conversation I overheard this morning:

Brother: Mom, I'm spraying your shoe with humans!

Mom: What kind of humans?

Brother: One, two, five humans!

Mom: My shoes have been humanized. *walks away*

Brother: Come back! The humans aren't finished!

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6 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

Honestly, i'm extremely curious what Ene said originally to spawn this. The belief that someone is sexually attracted to hot cocoa is such a specific thing to come out of a typo. Is there any way we could know what it was?


@Enter a username you seem to know. If you aren't willing to say here, pm us or something. I need to know.

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6 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

Honestly, i'm extremely curious what Ene said originally to spawn this. The belief that someone is sexually attracted to hot cocoa is such a specific thing to come out of a typo. Is there any way we could know what it was?


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21 minutes ago, Ookla the Nerdy said:

"No, Szeth would just fling Eren Yeager's titans backwards."

- Me, IRL


...Was that a mistype of the AonEne quote?

it was a mistype lel. lemme go fix that.

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