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Sharder One-Liners

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27 minutes ago, The Last Fæ said:

"I tend to form connections to things that don't exist..." - @shortcake about Haly
"I never really noticed you in the sense of humor" - @shortcake to @The Bookwyrm

Did @shortcake ever interact with her? 

@The Halcyon Girl @The Halcyon Girl @The Halcyon Girl

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2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

"Do you ever feel, Like a plastic bag, Drifting through the wind, Going to kill a man." - @TheGreatSnail or at least that's what I heard her say

46 minutes ago, TheGreatSnail said:

i said WANTING to kill a man but going is good too

uh... Snail? Do you need to talk about it?



"Dynamics are like drugs." -My teacher

"My mind went back to Russia." -The same teacheer

"We're going to Russia!" -my friend

"We're going to Brazil actually!" -the same friend, a couple minutes later

@Edema Ruh: *looks at results screen and practically starts crying*

Me: *reaches over* "It'll be okay." *looks at friend not on the Shard* "Wow, I never thought I'd be trying to comfort [Edema Ruh*]"

*where real name goes

Edited by Being of Cacophony
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6 minutes ago, The Last Fæ said:

You have no say in your crime:
"Some children die" - Person talking about MacBeth
"That's a big oof on their part" - @TheGreatSnail


Just now, Wittles of Shinovar said:

My friend: we need to put a marshmallow in the syringe

My other friend: Marshmallow abuse?

*gasp!* Blasphemy!!!!!!

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So this isn't rlly sharder related, but it happend today and was too funny not to post.


70ish yr old english sub: "You know you're old when you get excited about correcting grammar"

Kid 1: "Or maybe you're just special."

Sub, misinterpreting and genuinely sincere: "Thank you! That's very kind. I need to be told that once in a while. Thank you."

Me and two of my girl friends: *trying not to laugh so as not to hurt his feelings, so crying instead*

Kid 2 who also sits at our table: *blinks, snapping out of daze* *whisper hisses* "what?"

Us: *literally silently sob-laughing*


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6 hours ago, Ranryu said:

nope lol

I'm spoilering it b/c it's super long



"why are you floating?" - Me


Me: "This is Collin. *points to drawing* He is my child. His name is Collin and he is my child."

Person that isn't on the shard: "Can I steal him?"

Me: "NO! COLLIN IS MINE! *transfers into defensive stance AKA broken t-pose*"


"Because I'm not a plastic bag and I like my organs." - @The Bookwyrm*


*do written things count as quotes?


"Mm, gotta love them snake carcasses." - Me


Kid #1 in the class I TA for: "dont be a conformist, take your clothes off!"

Kid #2: "I'll only do it if you do it first!"

Kid #1: Thats exactly what a conformist would say! YOU ARE A SHEEP! TAKE OFF YOUR WOOL!!"

Kid #2: "NO! You're not my dad!"

Kid #3: "I mean, he ain't wrong-"


Teacher: "O-KAY! Anyways!"


"I heard you could hide a kabob-" - @TheGreatSnail


"Dad stop touching me." - Me


don't worry it's nothing weird, i call my friend "dad" as a platonic joke.


"You were trying to kill my manhood!!" - my friend during lunch today


"Oh, how the turns have tabled" - Snail


"I got glasses at an audiologist" - My brother


"Ah, French people." - Snail


"Great, now my face is flappy." - Me


"*laying on a chair* This is my home now. Just kidding, that's a log." - Snail


"He's giving me 'creepy guy at the end of the sidewalk' vibes." - Me


"Why couldn't your grandparents have been born in the 40s? I'm just saying, it's really inconvienient!" - My friend, talking to another friend


"Hey guys, look! I'm washing a giraffe!" - My grandma



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