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Sharder One-Liners

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Person in my writing class: What's your favorite country besides [country we live in]?

Me: Bro, [country we live in] isn't even my favorite country.

Teacher: Well, what is your favorite country?

Me: ...

Me: I don't know but it sure ain't [country we live in]

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@Part Of The Narrative in Blue


“I’m a thirsty song writer.”

“Because of course I need to have Hamilton in bed with me.”

“Where is thou pork?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have ribs. I’m ribless!”

“Can you tell I’m insane?”

“I’m sO cOnFuSeD!”

“A WOMAN?! Dam- daaangg…”

“I don’t want your whole frickin’ life story!!!”

“Pork chops with celery and almond salad…”

“30 jUcIy pork chops recipes!”

“I legitimately cannot.”

“So I like… picked him up cause I was apparently strong, and like yeeted him into my arms then dumped him is someone’s lap.”

“I’m talking to my cognitive shadows that are around me. I have three right now.”

“Marry, Tam, and James. Those are my current cognitive shadows, guys.”

“No, wait… it’s Ernie. James is the cousin. Marry, Tam, and Ernie.”

“Ernie is… trying to manifest a shadow cookie.”

“I’m not insane, guys!”

“Just because I’m not as white as you, doesn’t mean I can’t be Elsa.”

“Disclaimer: I may be high!”

“Remember that time i died? It was really fun!”

“To think i would have lived to see the day i got rizzed up by a ginger…”

“I cannot count the number of people i have slept in the same bed as.”

“You vile little mushroom killer!”

“I made two shrooms last night but they’re both blind cuz my safety eyes didn’t get here yet”

“Your octopus is still staring at me judgmentally!”

“We love a man that’s gunned up”




 @SmilingPanda19 in Purple


“Mmm! Inhaling smoke is so fun!”

“Don’t mind me violently assaulting my phone…”

“What if I just like… eat you?”

“Munches on cat”
“Stop shaking, I’m not actually going to eat you!”

“I gotta go eat my cat for dinner!”

“Two hits. I hit you, you hit the floor.”

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“Nah, nah it’s good, I’m fine, trust me!” - Me after stabbing myself in the hand with a knife

(spoilered because of a potentially uncomfortable topic [blood])


(there was lots of blood, and it was running down my arm

Weirdly enough the stab didn’t hurt until much later.

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1 hour ago, Weaver of Lights said:

“I’m going to stab someone. In the most loving way possible.”

- @Edema Rue

I...didn't realize this was a weird thing to say...

30 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

“Nah, nah it’s good, I’m fine, trust me!” - Me after stabbing myself in the hand with a knife

(spoilered because of a potentially uncomfortable topic [blood])

  Reveal hidden contents

(there was lots of blood, and it was running down my arm

Weirdly enough the stab didn’t hurt until much later.


Wait maybe don't do that-

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"what was my subconscious on, that made this junk seem like a good idea??? still gonna use it tho." -me, reading some campaign notes I wrote at 9:30 pm out of boredom and lack of sleep.


"[character] is too tired to sleep" -said notes, among other things.

Edited by Just_a_Fan
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2 banger lines from an off-shard friend

(code-name Shallan)


“A person who dies and gets resuscitated, is basically ding dong ditching God.” - Shallan

“I’m addicted to life. I’d literally die without it!” - Shallan

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"Remember the scene where Kaladin holds back the wind? Well replace Kaladin with you and the child with your friends that’s basically what you do for us, or for me at least. Your friendly nature eats away at the pain, destroying it." ~ @WhyEverNot_8


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10 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

"Remember the scene where Kaladin holds back the wind? Well replace Kaladin with you and the child with your friends that’s basically what you do for us, or for me at least. Your friendly nature eats away at the pain, destroying it." ~ @WhyEverNot_8


I mean it :D

Dude tbh I’m really happy with that analogy

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“Pig robbery!” - Friend 1

”Gimme your pigs!” - Friend 2

”You can have my wife!” - Friend 3

”Hold on just a second…” - Me

(We were playing the card game Cover your Assets and friend 2 stole friend 3’s piggy banks)

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One last quote from Veil

"Guess I should probably stop talking before my efforts to make you believe I love you and you’re an amazing person backfire and give you more ammunition for your collection of plastic bullets that you think are metal “ ~ @Part Of The Narrative


Chaotic bus ride.


Spoiler for potential racism (sorry but they're teenage guys-) and implied sexual humor. 

“Grab his thighs as a punishment!” - Brayden
“Back whin aye used tah live dowrn in Allybammma… we gots wunna dem stiiles out in dem wooods… we used tah make aouchyhool … you take that across the border, son.” -Brayden
“We aren’t black Caleb.” -Braden
“Oh… right..,” -Caleb
HES TOUCHING ME!!! HELP!!! *screaming*” -Brayden
“How do we have girlfriends?!” -Caleb
“Marcus is throwing rocks!!” -Brayden
“He likes all ages… UH I MEAN GENDERS!!” -Caleb
“We’re just the dumb little dumplings in the pot!” -Caleb
“Teacher doesn’t wanna sit with the black monkeys in the back of the bus.” -Brayden
“You are being such a Rosa Parks right now!” -Caleb
“Can you tell us how babies are made?!” -Brayden
“Caleb lost his… reproduction… abilities…” -Brayden
“Okay kids! Anybody need a potty break you tiny children?” -my teacher
“There’s a window! We already took care of it! We aren’t sissy’s!” -Caleb
“Brayden! No UberEats this time! I forbid it!”- my teacher
“Get this man a whisky and a horse!” -Caleb
“I’d totally kiss my cousin! But it’s not Alabama, it’s Pennsylvania.”
“Hey, okay you’re no longer allowed to have hands.” -Caleb
“Just lemme smell your hair one more time.” -Caleb
“Have you ever done rock paper scissors?” -Cam
“No, but I’ve done drugs!” -Caleb
“Guys what year is it?! I just got here!” -Nate
“I don’t like these people! He’s throwing rocks!!” -Caleb
“Serious question. How much wood… could go per square inch up the moon?”-Clay
“Answer me you psychopath!”- Caleb
“To know firm, you must first know soft.” -Caleb
“Can I see your camera for a second? I need to look at my face. I know it’s ugly… I don’t wanna do it either.” -Caleb
“I have alcohol!” -Brayden
“You can touch me, Marcus, I don’t mind!” -Brayden
“Hey kids, you wanna come in my basement?!? *creepy tittering witch laugh*” -Nate
“Whack it off!” -Caleb
“We have to hide all our unregistered guns!” -Brayden
“I like sleep! It’s like death without the commitment.”- Nate
“Marcus took his shirt off!!!” -Brayden
“What do we have to do to make you disappointed?!” -Nate
“Your feet pics are about to be put online!” -Havalah
“Marcus! Stop throwing rocks!” -Caleb


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