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Sharder One-Liners

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4 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"EEWWWWWWWWW GEN Z wait I’m gen z too" - @Edema Rue


I... I also feel this. Unfortunately. 😑

4 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"But I pushed you off a cliff tho" - @Through The Living Glass


Whoever it was that I pushed off a cliff, they definitely deserved it.

3 hours ago, Vyzkel Willbender said:

I can explain…

Please do. 😂

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18 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

I... I also feel this. Unfortunately. 😑

Whoever it was that I pushed off a cliff, they definitely deserved it.

Please do. 😂


Edited by Vyzkel Willbender
No context rule
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"Why’s Humanity Questionnaire

1. Are you human?
a. Yes
b. No
2. Are you sure?
a. Yes
b. No
If you answered b. to the first or second question (not both) proceed to the following questions.
3. Do you have Human DNA?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, but I stole it
4. Do you smell with your nose?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, but my nose is not on my head
5. Are you Allergic to anything?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, but that thing does not exist/is a concept
6. Do you make mistakes?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, but I am not a biological being
- If you Answered a. to all of the above questions, you are Human
- If you answered b. to all of the above questions, you are not Human
- If you answered c. to all of the above questions, you are LIKELY an AI (no guarantees though)"
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6 hours ago, Vyzkel Willbender said:

Alright so basically I was playing DND with some friends and I rolled persuasion to convince a guy that we are allies, I rolled a nat 20(the highest roll). So basically this guy fell in love with me and I had to do a charm save, I rolled a 5, so I accidentally got into a relationship.


You broke the no context rule...

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my friend: "put ut in the green carton"

me: "the carton is blue"

my friend: "you're blue"


"I don't think it's heat stroke, I think im just dying" - me to @TheGreatSnail's mom


"people from India aren't real" - a girl at a camp I went to this week


"you took away my blanket so know I'm in a bag" - my best friend


"I'm putting that in the 'you need therapy' book and talking about it with my therapist next week" - me


"[snail] has a crush on George Washington!!" - me


"Deelishus" - my best friend


me: "I'm not wearing pants"

snails mom: "fantastic"


"do you think if I throw a dollar bill at the villain he'll come be my replacement best friend?" - me

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"Wizzy's my bro" ~ @Edema Rue

"Wizzy's my dad" ~ @Ancient Elantrian

"Wizzy's my mom" ~ @Part Of The Narrative


":O Not Mr. Peckerhead!!" ~ @WhyEverNot_8


"He's pretty typical for a teenage guy... white, racist, and good at passing out, you know?" ~ @Part Of The Narrative

"And you're a waste of a perfectly good coffin!!!" ~ @Part Of The Narrative to me

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29 minutes ago, Anguished_One said:

"Wizzy's my bro" ~ @Edema Rue

"Wizzy's my dad" ~ @Ancient Elantrian

"Wizzy's my mom" ~ @Part Of The Narrative


":O Not Mr. Peckerhead!!" ~ @WhyEverNot_8


"He's pretty typical for a teenage guy... white, racist, and good at passing out, you know?" ~ @Part Of The Narrative

"And you're a waste of a perfectly good coffin!!!" ~ @Part Of The Narrative to me

I said that?!

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5 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Oh my gosh that is O L D




I saw a FLOCK of MOOSEN!

There were many of them.

Many much moosen!

Out in the woods—in the woodes—in the woodsen!

Food is to eatenesen!



~ @Ancient Elantrian

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2 minutes ago, Anguished_One said:




I saw a FLOCK of MOOSEN!

There were many of them.

Many much moosen!

Out in the woods—in the woodes—in the woodsen!

Food is to eatenesen!



~ @Ancient Elantrian

Actually that's Brian Reagan!

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