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Whispersync No Longer Available for Stormlight Archive Books


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For both Oathbringer and Rythm of War has anyone else discovered that for the Kindle and Audible versions of the books, Whispersync is not (or no longer) available? I had it for Oathbringer 3 years ago when I bought it at that time but it is no longer available. And for Rythm of War it is not showing up at all.  I spoke with Amazon customer service who connected me to Audible customer service to be told that the publisher has disabled this feature. Is anyone else seeing this?

I did notice while viewing these books on Audible.com that they do not show the Whispersync icon but the book Starsight does.


whispersync icon with starsight.jpg

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I have been trying to get Whispersync to work on Kindle as well, and been working with Audible.  I made an account just to reply to your findings, and contribute mine.

The audible agent told me that there are two versions available, and the version for my region (I'm in the US) does not contain the whispersync ability.

They didn't know anything about publisher disabling the feature, and suggested I email [email protected]

Amazon.com's webpage still shows all of the Stormlight books having whispersync, but like you pointed out, the audible.com page does not list it anymore.



I wanted to go back through and see the artwork while listening to the book after watching the LiveStream tonight with so much about the artwork that I've been missing out on with the audio books, but Sadly I can't now.

if anyone else has any updates I'd love to hear them as well.





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