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Jes-son-Laal knew Surgebinding when he saw it.

Someone had used its powers a few days ago. Someone who had been standing close enough to him that he could see the Light steaming from their breath. He didn't know what they were doing, but they were obviously focused. Trained. Not in force, as the Bearers were. But in subtlety.

He had to know.

He rounded the corridor, finally coming to his destination in the dark. The room of the tailor, Ganeth-null-Shantis-Mawelar. They were... peculiar. Nervous. Untrained in the ways of the Bearers, which wasn't incriminating on its own. Many people became Bearers suddenly in this past week. But combined with what he saw...

Ganeth's head shot up hearing his approach on the wood floor. "What is it?"

"Are you the Bearer of Ishar's Honorblade?" Jes asked quietly.

Ganeth shook their head. "No. What makes you-"

"You lie."

The tailor laughed. "I do not bear that Blade. I don't think I've told a lie this entire venture. I don't want to become the next Truthless."

Jes's expression turned stony. "And yet you used Adhesion."

Ganeth stilled.

"You used it a few days ago. I saw. The only way for a true Shin to have used that Surge is with Ishar's blade. That or-"

Ganeth whirled into motion as only a Surgebinder could, and a golden knife buried itself in Jes's throat.

'Was that a gem in it's hilt?' Was his final thought. 

'May it be a hallow for my soul...'

* * *

Ganeth panicked. So, they'd need to be more careful. Jes may have been chasing the wrong axehound, but he had still been so close to the truth-

"You can drop the Lightweaving."

They turned. Standing at the door, looking at the body on the floor, was the one person he hadn't wanted to see.

Kaladin stepped through the door, Lightweaved persona dropped for the moment. "I can't forgive this. Not this time."

"I didn't want your forgiveness. I wanted you to understand. Instead you abandoned me."

"And you ran right to Odium's arms. I'm sorry, Moash."

Ganeth scowled. "I... am... Vyre."

They hurled themself at Kaladin, grabbing another knife.

But they only met the point of Kaladin's spear as it coalesed from the night.

Ganeth's Lightweaving faded as their eyes burned, revealing an Alethi form. One Kaladin knew all too well.

"I will protect those I hate, Moash. But only so long as it is right."

* * *

Ookla the Hypodecedal / Devotary of Spontaneity was killed! They were Vyre, a secret role, and the Bearer of Jezrien's Honorblade!

Ookla the Sprinkle / JesterLavorre was killed! They were a member of the Shin High Council!

Jezrien's Honorblade has been added to the Honorblade pool, and is available to be claimed by Devotary of Spontaneity's killer! If it remains unclaimed, it will be redistributed at the end of the turn.

* * *

@Vapor has replaced Ookla the Watcher / Kings_Way! Please welcome them to the game!

@Whysper has replaced The Windrunner Supreme! Please welcome them to the game!


@Gears is up for the inactivity filter if they do not post this cycle. (It might have supposed to have been this cycle, but I forgot a warning, so... one cycle.)


PMs are *sighs audibly* still open until the next Day turn! All PMs must be between two players only, and must also include @Ookla Fell From The Sky and @Elandera (but NOT Elbereth - she's requested to keep out of Player PMs). Other than that, go wild. 


The Day Turn will end at 5:00 PM PST on December 18th, in about 47 hours. Get your actions in!


Honorblade List:

  • Jezrien's Honorblade: Awaiting A Claim
    • Adhesion and Gravitation
  • Chanarach’s Honorblade:
    • Division and Abrasion
  • Vedel’s Honorblade:
    • Abrasion and Progression
  • Pailiah’s Honorblade:
    • Progression and Illumination
  • Shalash’s Honorblade:
    • Illumination and Transformation
  • Battar’s Honorblade: Removed by Battar
    • Transformation and Transportation
  • Kalak’s Honorblade:
    • Transportation and Cohesion
  • Ishar’s Honorblade:
    • Tension and Adhesion
  • Nightblood:
    • Unblockable Roleblock + Kill (4 Stormlight)
    • Unblockable Roleblock + Kill (0 Stormlight, unblockably kills user (single use))


Player List:

  1. @Gears - Roko
  2. Ooklil' the Wei (Illwei) Shin High Council
  3. Quinn0928 - Lin-daughter-Lanari / Rinala Rades Shin High Council and Bearer of Kalak's Honorblade
  4. Ookla's Dice (Matrim's Dice) - Daziron-son-Odium - Battar and Bearer of Battar's Honorblade
  5. Ookla the Disproportionate (Danex) Truthless and Bearer of Kalak's Honorblade
  6. @Somebody from Sel - 
  7. @Ookla the Araris Valerian (Araris Valerian) - Hadrian-son-Penrod
  8. TJ Shade - Galatar Shin High Council and Bearer of Battar's Honorblade
  9. Ookla the Larkin (Ventyl) - The Larkin Szeth, Bearer of Nightblood and Bearer of Paliah's Honorblade
  10. Ookla the Shadowed (Experience) - Shadow Shin High Council and Bearer of Paliah's Honorblade
  11. Ookla the Hypodecadal (Devotary of Spontaneity) - Ganeth-null-Shantis-Mawelar - Vyre and Bearer of Jezrien's Honorblade
  12. @Flyingbooks42 - Tsezn
  13. @Lotus - Sunwalker
  14. @Ookla the Grammatical (Condensation) - Viola-daughter-Condensation
  15. @Ookla who goes DORIYAH!! (Vasher212) - Gunandwaf-son-Warbreaker
  16. @Ookla the Mistiosa (Mist) - 
  17. @Vapor
  18. @Whysper
  19. @STINK
  20. Ookla the Sprinkle (JesterLavorre) - Jes-son-Laal - Shin High Council
  21. @Alvron - Izzy-daughter-Ammi / Izzy Dedyet
  22. @Eternum - 
  23. @Furamirionind 


Edited by Ookla Fell From The Sky
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Welcome to the pHers! 

Devotary and I decided together she'd kill Jester. I'd appreciate confirmation as to who Devotary's killer was. I was told before the cycle ended that Chana might kill Devotary, but given how last minute I assumed it was, and certain people not being online (and being in the middle of doing stuff IRL), I didn't bother replying... So I feel compelled to apologize to Devotary, as your death is probably my fault.

Also some people will now know I was lying in PMs... Whoops... You all know I do that if I'm in that mood. : P

The fact Devotary and no other person died might be a sign of concern, but regardless it tells us a lot about the elims. For instance, if I hadn't bussed gotten Ventyl lynched, I'd be very suspicious of myself, as I love not killing people... I've literally never seen anyone other than me not kill as an elim before though... so I'm excited! =) 
(Hopefully it's not because the elims were just all inactive)

Just going to mention, it could also be that Chana is an elim in disguise.

Also, welcome Alv, to my Village reads =)

Edited by Furamirionind
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3 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

The fact Devotary and no other person died might be a sign of concern, but regardless it tells us a lot about the elims. For instance, if I hadn't bussed gotten Ventyl lynched, I'd be very suspicious of myself, as I love not killing people... I've literally never seen anyone other than me not kill as an elim before though... so I'm excited! =) 
(Hopefully it's not because the elims were just all inactive)

Jester also died.

Edited by Flyingbooks42
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4 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Why did you edit out the part of my post in your quote that addressed your comment? Lol


I must have misunderstood what you meant. I thought that you meant that Devotary must have lied about planning to kill Jester. Also, why do you think that Devotary wasn't killed by the elims?

Edited by Flyingbooks42
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8 minutes ago, Flyingbooks42 said:

I must have misunderstood what you meant. I thought that you meant that Devotary must have lied about planning to kill Jester. Also, why do you think that Devotary wasn't killed by the elims?

19 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

I'd appreciate confirmation as to who Devotary's killer was. I was told before the cycle ended that Chana might kill Devotary

That's why : P

@Ookla Fell From The Sky If a player is successfully protected against an attack, is that announced in thread?
Is the person that sent in the protect action notified they saved someone?
Is the person attacked notified they were saved?
I read the tags!!!!

Edited by Furamirionind
Added white text. Kind of ruins it now I have to add that in the edit, but it makes sense
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2 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Hmmm I suppose so... =)

Edit: though in this scenario I'm much less certain of everything

Dang it Jester, we could've gotten Fura to implode if you had just been evil.

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I exist. My last final is tomorrow. I will try to pay attention. I'm rereading the thread. Fura is basically cleared since bussing the most powerful teammate is probably not a good idea, and they've been pushing this lynch for a while.

D1: Lots of V/V interaction. I like Books for some comments that are strictly disadvantageous for elims to make. Alvron likes ties.

N1: Everyone bows to Danex for their infinite wisdom and cunning.

D2: People look for a lynch target. People think about the Matrim kill [which we know in hindsight to be because of their position as Battar]. In hindsight, Matrim's repeated askings for the Shaman to pass them Blades makes a bit more sense. STINK pushes the lynch of Quinn, Matrim, or Gears 

N2: Vote manipulation! Ties are bad. 

I will return later. I am tired, it is late, and I haven't been paying enough attention. I have little to no suspicions [except for a lingering dislike of STINK for no reason]. I'll be back tomorrow, after finals in about 14 hours. Farewell.

[Sidenote: This was an incredibly lacklustre 800th post.]

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So, I went and did some actual work and found some interesting bits of information.

Day 2: Ventyl’s Reads:
Fura:(Name was in red) Mainly for a continued push of Condensation, partly a gut read. Pushing Connie’s lynch seems a lot like the Elims pushing for a mislynch.

Quinn: Slight Village, is defending Connie. Also hasn’t done anything that’s caught my eye as suspicious, though I could be missing something as Day One is still extremely confusing to me.

Condensation: Village, looks they’ve either been the target of a mislynch, that was then foiled by the Truthless. Considering the Truthless win-con is to die, which endangers the Stone Shaman, I’d considered them ‘on’ the elim team and indifferent to a village mislynch.

Day 2 Ventyl Notes:
First to vote on Ventyl: Araris
Second to vote on Ventyl: Illwei
Ventyl is now in lynch lead with two votes.  Others only have one.
Books then Lotus vote on Experience bringing them to three votes total which removes Ventyl from lynch lead.
SfS votes Araris to tie them into second with Ventyl
Quinn votes Experience bringing them to four.  A two vote lead.
Fura adds vote to Ventyl bring them to three, one behind Experience
Condensation adds fourth vote to Ventyl tying the votes.
Cycle ends with Ventyl and Experience both on 4 votes each.  Vote manipulation is used to kill Experience.

Night 2 Interesting Things:
Ventyl expresses heightened suspicion of Fura and Condensation.
Fura agrees with Ventyl that there shouldn’t be anymore ties.  Fura clearly the most evil of them all!
Eternum reveals he is in contact with the one who removed the vote from Ventyl.

Day 3 Stuff:
Ventyl votes for Fura.  Is open to lynching Araris as Araris wants to lynch them.
Ventyl doesn’t like Eternum shifting votes from Jester to Quinn.  Both turn up as Village later on.
Voting ends with a three way tie on two now confirmed villagers and Fura.

Day 4 Finale:
Ventyl votes for Fura.  Later notes they won’t be on during Night 4.  They don’t turn up again.
Lotus joins vote of Fura.
Fura is first to vote on Ventyl
Condensation votes on Ventyl tying vote up with Fura on two a piece
Lotus takes vote off Fura which places Ventyl as solo lynch lead
Lotus votes for Ventyl.
Alvron votes for Ventyl.  Ventyl now has four votes, closest rivals, Fura, Connie and Jester, only have one.
Araris takes vote off Connie and onto Ventyl.
Jester votes for Ventyl
Mist votes for SfS
Devotary votes for Ventyl bringing total to seven votes on Ventyl

In conclusion:
Araris, Fura and Condensation are cleared in my mind as I don’t believe they would’ve voted up Szeth out of all elims if they were bussing.  Way too much to lose.

During Day 2 Books and Lotus voted for Experience after Ventyl already had two votes and was in the lead at the time.  Quinn increases Experience lead to two but has since flipped village.
Lotus joins Ventyl vote early on Day 4 before it took off so is unlikely an elim teammate but not impossible.

I would like to hear from @Eternum about who claimed to have removed the vote from a now known elim and a powerful one at that.

FlyingBooks, you are the one most likely to be evil out of those I've looked at.

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2 hours ago, Alvron said:

Fura agrees with Ventyl that there shouldn’t be anymore ties.  Fura clearly the most evil of them all!

:0 ... ... ... : )

2 hours ago, Alvron said:

I would like to hear from @Eternum about who claimed to have removed the vote from a now known elim and a powerful one at that.

I can actually answer that. Last cycle Devotary claimed she was the one to remove a vote from Ventyl. Why people thought this proved her to not be an elim, I have no idea. However it convinced everyone in the PM circle. She also was the one to kill TJ.
(I also do know that Devotary and Eternum were in contact... if that matters at all as well)

That being said, that does not necessarily mean that Enternum is innocent. Saying it was still a benefit to the elims. Personally I think this information probably shouldn't be considered in whether or not he is put up for the lynch, but it could be used to break a tie between him and someone else. (If that makes any sense, that's the amount I'd value that info)

I'm not a fan of answering for people in general, but I'm sort of doing that here as I know it will look unfairly suspicious on Enturnum to say that the person was the Neutral who just died.

Edited by Furamirionind
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Yeah, Devotary wanted to see if Mat's suspicions were correct, at least that's what they told me, but now I'm not sure. I feel like it's a fair bet to say Devotary was also in contact with the elims, since she knew Ventyl had Pailiah's Blade.

I'll get back to the thread a little later since right now I'm heading into work :P

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9 hours ago, Furamirionind said:


Wow, your spelling of Eternum's name just keeps getting worse. :)

8 minutes ago, Whysper said:

Hi Everyone :) Thanks for the various summaries of what's been happening. Those definitely help. So do we have a good guess on the number of elims left?

Well, Mat guessed that since the elims had both Szeth and Kaladin they would probably have four. So three, or maybe four.

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16 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

@Ookla Fell From The Sky If a player is successfully protected against an attack, is that announced in thread?
Is the person that sent in the protect action notified they saved someone?
Is the person attacked notified they were saved?

It will be announced they survived. (Cough Mat Cough)

No, just that they successfully used their action (ie not roleblocked)

They're notified they didn't die... I won't explicitly say "you were saved by Progression", but "you were attacked and survived".


Note that with the Truthless dead and my two Secrets gone, there's... probably no effects that can save someone besides Progression. 

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

Wow, your spelling of Eternum's name just keeps getting worse. :)

I know, right. It's hilarious, like iterating a word through Google Translate and seeing how different it is by the end :P

So, about Devotary: I took her mostly at face value when she told me she wanted to solve the game, but it would feel uncharacteristic and, in my humble opinion, rather boring of her to exclusively help the village as a neutral :P In hindsight, it's very likely the elims wanted to remove the vote from Ventyl, either through Kaladin or Devotary, as Ishar's Blade was not back in circulation by that point, and Devotary essentially used me as a way to draw the attention away from the fact that Ventyl was saved. Which.. is annoying. But nobody's immune to propaganda, I guess.

I'm going to vote Books, since I generally agree with Alv's assessment. With Ventyl flipping elim, I'm more suspicious of Books, Lotus and SfS, though this is mostly based on the D2 lynch. If we account for the D4 lynch too, I think Lotus is somewhat less suspicious, as it wouldn't make too much sense to jump on the Ventyl train as an elim at that point.

I'll go back and read through what I can myself, since I don't like creating opinions based on other people's analysis, so we'll see. Either way, I think Books is a fair lynch.

As for my village reads, they're Fura, Araris, Alv and Connie. Null+ on Vasher and.. Well, Stink, but that's just gut. Null on everyone else, a lot of pinch hitters.. So we'll see how that plays out.

EDIT: By the way, Ash, you might want to update the player list with the pinch hitters in the inactives' stead.

Edited by Eternum
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I'm in favor of the Books lynch (although hopefully we get more interaction with him than we did with Ventyl last cycle). I think that Lotus and Books are probably v/e (in some order), based on the D2 lynch. I think it's pretty risky to have the only two votes on a player both be elims, but I also think that both Lotus and Books have suspicious voting patterns in relation to Ventyl. Lotus is lower priority because of the D4 lynch.

I somewhat suspect that Ventyl was the only elim to vote D4 (pending on Books/Lotus). It's possible that Eternum is elim, due to the vote on Jester D4. He didn't respond to Fura's analysis post with two strong elim reads, and I'm not sure what to make of that. However, this happened before the swing onto Ventyl really took off, and later changing to vote on Ventyl wouldn't have meant anything.

I think that the elims would be more prone to hold off from voting last cycle, and if Books is elim, then the same again this cycle. So that's where I want to look next. Hopefully we can get a bit more participation in the lynch this cycle than the last one. Now is the best time to vote, so we can have discussion rather than a bunch of last minute swings.

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1 hour ago, Eternum said:

So, about Devotary: I took her mostly at face value when she told me she wanted to solve the game, but it would feel uncharacteristic and, in my humble opinion, rather boring of her to exclusively help the village as a neutral :P In hindsight, it's very likely the elims wanted to remove the vote from Ventyl, either through Kaladin or Devotary, as Ishar's Blade was not back in circulation by that point, and Devotary essentially used me as a way to draw the attention away from the fact that Ventyl was saved. Which.. is annoying. But nobody's immune to propaganda, I guess.

I actually feel like the opposite is true. I've always known Devotary to only lie when absolutely necessary. I don't think I've ever seen her try to be the middleman or play both sides before. Now with having two sources confirming that the kill on Devotary was the elims, it seems they either didn't know she was a neutral, or (more likely) did know, and knew she was siding with the village.

If she was truthful to me about her wincon as well, she had waited long enough to pursue it it was very unlikely she could win barring the whole game working with her to help.

Granted, it is possible she tried working with the elims earlier and felt it didn't suit her or whatever. But at the end I'm confident she was village aligned... especially with the elims killing her? Lol

(Oh, this also means her death was not my fault so thats good =)   )

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Just in case one of the Pinch Hitters is the Shaman or new Blade Holder, I'll reiterate my request(s).

Shaman, please contact me.
Chanarach’s Blade Holder, please pass me the Blade so I can kill with it.
Nightblood's Holder, I would very much like to get my hands on your Blade.  Consider passing it to me please.

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