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1 hour ago, Ookla the Araris Valerian said:

I somewhat suspect that Ventyl was the only elim to vote D4 (pending on Books/Lotus). It's possible that Eternum is elim, due to the vote on Jester D4. He didn't respond to Fura's analysis post with two strong elim reads, and I'm not sure what to make of that. However, this happened before the swing onto Ventyl really took off, and later changing to vote on Ventyl wouldn't have meant anything.

I'm not really sure which post you're referring to. I was pretty busy during that time and didn't pay as much attention to the thread as I would have liked to. I saw inconsistencies in what Jester was saying and decided to vote for them, I don't remember seeing votes for Ventyl at the time and I didn't get back to the thread until this Day.

Are you talking about his post where he read Books and Ventyl as elim? I saw that just now :P Not sure what there is to respond to?

Edited by Eternum
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9 minutes ago, Eternum said:

Are you talking about his post where he read Books and Ventyl as elim? I saw that just now :P Not sure what there is to respond to?

I think elim!you might have been incentivized to ignore that post and try to propose an alternate lynch. You aren't really near the top of my suspicion list, but I thought it was worth mentioning my thoughts on your vote, especially now that Jester has flipped village.

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6 hours ago, Ookla the Araris Valerian said:

I think elim!you might have been incentivized to ignore that post and try to propose an alternate lynch. You aren't really near the top of my suspicion list, but I thought it was worth mentioning my thoughts on your vote, especially now that Jester has flipped village.

Ah, I get it. Yeah, that looks bad in hindsight, but as I said, I didn't really ignore it. I just didn't see it at all :P

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20 minutes ago, Flyingbooks42 said:

Since there's no counterlynch at all, I don't think I have any chance to survive.

You can still defend yourself or give us your reads.  Or if you are evil, have an evil rp post/reveal.  Those are fun.

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Books summoned everyone to vote at 3-2-2 Experience-Ventyl-Araris and indicated a willingness to vote Ventyl that disappeared after Eternum claimed that Kaladin wasn't the one to remove a vote from Ventyl. They suggested that Ishar's Blade was responsible, which Eternum also claimed was false. Lotus broke a 2-2 tie between Experience and Ventyl D2, but also it would have been really easy for Lotus to stick with the Fura vote when it was 2-2 instead of switching to Ventyl which lead to a largely uncontested vote. Edit oh yeah Devotary said this.

  1. Gears - slightly sus
  2. Somebody - sus for not being super helpful and saying he's village
  3. Araris - village for pushing Ventyl's vote. 
  4. Booksthat quote above points out that books said they would but actually wouldn't vote Ventyl, so possible teammate. Also after they got voted they just kinda gave up, it seems like. Also yeah it feels like my vote is pointless and I'm just jump9ng on a train so maybe I shouldn't and I'll vote sfs again but then again probably not? Also bandwagons aren't super helpful and maybe I should muse about this somewhere other than my reads list
  5. Lotus - slight vill her vote switch helped tip the scales. 
  6. Connie - about the same as before. Kinda trust, but she called her Ventyl vote a poke before, although it stayed there, but seemed a little hedgy.
  7. Vasher - null
  8. Mist - oh look it's me
  9. Vapor - jumps on books train (ooh I want a book train now. like a fancy long library or something) 
  10. Whysper - anything to say granted this cycle hasn't been super talkative or debatey sooo... 
  11. Stink - I'm not exactly sure what I think. Null maybe slight elim yay for you checking the thread? 
  12. Alvron - fishing for blade? Likes ties as usual. Except ties benefit elims more IMO? Oh hey he voted on Ventyl I forgot hehehe. His was later, so maybe less cred but a bit. Slight village. 
  13. Eternum - null.
  14. Fura - village for strongly pushing Ventyl's removal

D1: Lots of V/V interaction. -Gears

I'm assuming this is because of deaths that we know this? 

Granted I should go look at that. And reread stuff. Partly cause I didn't pay the most attention the first time, though I did pay some

Who would I want to vote out next hmmmm if Books is vil I'd be sus of Fura and actually maybe just everyone since not voting is sus and bandwagons are sus. If books is evil then I'd be sus of non-voters who saw the thread . I'd probably wanna get sfs next?

Edited by Ookla the Mistiosa
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A hand slammed on the table.

"And THAT is why Tszen must be part of the traitor's cohort," said Fura. He glared at the surrounding Shin. They were sitting at a large round table, each person nervously cramped next to the other. They'd given up on the mob-like hall. They were better than that.

And enough of them had died or vanished that the group now fit around the table. Sure, only about half of them had been true Shin, but their deaths stung nonetheless. And so far they'd only cut off the head of the infiltrators. There would be more.

"I agree with the accusations against Tszen," Izzy said, flipping that chanceslip nonchalantly. Eternum and Hadrian-son-Penrod quickly confirmed they shared the suspicion. Tszen had been highly interactive with The Larkin - the traitor - and that made him a possible infiltrator.

The glances went around the table. Some voiced their agreement. Others nervously rocked in their seats, refusing to cast their vote. But no one objected strongly enough to turn suspicion to another.

Finally the circle came to Tszen themself. They simply shook their head and sighed. "So what's one to do? You're obviously going to kill me no matter what I say."

Fura nodded, but didn't stand. Rarashe-son-Lurdroler, however, did.

"Can we make it unanimous?" he said simply, glaring at the group. None dissented.

"Good," he replied to their silence. He stepped up to the stoic Tszen.

"For what it's worth," he whispered to the doomed one, arm outstretched, "I am related to the Lord Ruler. But probably not how you were thinking."

A Shardblade dropped into Rarashe's waiting hand.

From there, it found Tszen's chest, and their eyes burned.

"Pretty cool, aye?" he continued quieter. "I'll probably have to put it back soon, but...". He paused, fishing a spanreed from where Tszen dropped it.

"Right again," he said louder.

Two down.

* * *

Flyingbooks42 was lynched! They were a member of Szeth's Cohort!

Jezrien's Honorblade has been claimed or redistributed!

* * *

Final Vote Count:

  • Flyingbooks42 (8): Furamirionind, Alvron, Eternum, Ookla the Araris Valerian / Araris Valerian, Condensation, Vapor, Lotus, Ookla the Mistiosa / Mist


PMs are *sighs audibly* still open until the next Day turn! All PMs must be between two players only, and must also include @Ookla Fell From The Sky and @Elandera (but NOT Elbereth - she's requested to keep out of Player PMs). Other than that, go wild. 


The Night Turn will end at 5:00 PM PST on December 19th, in about 24 hours. Get your actions in!


Honorblade List:

  • Jezrien's Honorblade: 
    • Adhesion and Gravitation
  • Chanarach’s Honorblade:
    • Division and Abrasion
  • Vedel’s Honorblade:
    • Abrasion and Progression
  • Pailiah’s Honorblade:
    • Progression and Illumination
  • Shalash’s Honorblade:
    • Illumination and Transformation
  • Battar’s Honorblade: Removed by Battar
    • Transformation and Transportation
  • Kalak’s Honorblade:
    • Transportation and Cohesion
  • Ishar’s Honorblade:
    • Tension and Adhesion
  • Nightblood:
    • Unblockable Roleblock + Kill (4 Stormlight)
    • Unblockable Roleblock + Kill (0 Stormlight, unblockably kills user (single use))


Player List:

  1. @Gears - Roko
  2. Ooklil' the Wei (Illwei) Shin High Council
  3. Quinn0928 - Lin-daughter-Lanari / Rinala Rades Shin High Council and Bearer of Kalak's Honorblade
  4. Ookla's Dice (Matrim's Dice) - Daziron-son-Odium - Battar and Bearer of Battar's Honorblade
  5. Ookla the Disproportionate (Danex) Truthless and Bearer of Kalak's Honorblade
  6. @Somebody from Sel - 
  7. @Ookla the Araris Valerian (Araris Valerian) - Hadrian-son-Penrod
  8. TJ Shade - Galatar Shin High Council and Bearer of Battar's Honorblade
  9. Ookla the Larkin (Ventyl) - The Larkin Szeth, Bearer of Nightblood and Bearer of Paliah's Honorblade
  10. Ookla the Shadowed (Experience) - Shadow Shin High Council and Bearer of Paliah's Honorblade
  11. Ookla the Hypodecadal (Devotary of Spontaneity) - Ganeth-null-Shantis-Mawelar - Vyre and Bearer of Jezrien's Honorblade
  12. Flyingbooks42 - TseznSzeth's Cohort
  13. @Lotus - Sunwalker
  14. @Ookla the Grammatical (Condensation) - Viola-daughter-Condensation
  15. @Ookla who goes DORIYAH!! (Vasher212) - Gunandwaf-son-Warbreaker
  16. @Ookla the Mistiosa (Mist) - 
  17. @Vapor
  18. @Whysper
  19. @STINK
  20. Ookla the Sprinkle (JesterLavorre) - Jes-son-Laal - Shin High Council
  21. @Alvron - Izzy-daughter-Ammi / Izzy Dedyet
  22. @Eternum - 
  23. @Furamirionind 


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Sorry for not being online most of today... been (and still am) finishing my final due tonight.

I think it's pretty clear Books and the other elims didn't want there to be any more content that could lead us to any more elims. 

Books lynch also didn't mean anything really. Books had already been "confirmed" elim in enough people's minds the elims clearly knew he had no chance of surviving last cycle, and would have been more than willing to shamelessly bus him.

What we really need to look at now is who directed suspicion away from Books when he was brought up the first 2-3 cycles, and who put suspicion on him.

It's also worth mentioning if I haven't already, I think Devotary was killed for being a neutral. The elims knew she had a kill and intentionally killed her for her ability to kill them. I've asked Chana to let me know if Devotary contacted her asking for her to kill Books, but have yet to get a response. This is making me think that there is some issue possibly with 2 people claiming Chana, one of which being an elim.

All speculation though.

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9 minutes ago, Lotus said:

Huh. I have to admit I didn’t expect Books to be a Elim.

Then again, I didn’t not expect them to be a Elim

You just didn't expect a certain alignment from Books? What do you mean? 

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Notes for Books:
D1 first reads:

Mild village:  Matrim, Quinn
Very mild village: Illwei, stink
Very mild elim: Connie

D1 Second Reads:

Gears: Leaning Village
SfS: Leaning Elim
Araris: No solid read
Lotus: Slight Elim
Alvron: No read given
Connie: No read given

Gives reads on players (See above) Votes for Connie.
Wants everyone to either vote or give reason for not voting. 
Later retraces vote.  Reiterates request for everyone to vote so elims can’t control lynch.
Plenty of discussion about Shaman and rules.  Knows the rules quite well.  Disagrees with Fura about Shaman recalling Blades and giving them to ‘trusted’ villagers as they believe the elims would target trusted players.  Overall, some good villager advice.
Votes for Illwei claiming that the interaction between Connie and Illwei doesn’t seem v/v so one is likely elim.  (Illwei later turned up village)
Removes vote from Illwei.  Doesn’t see Connie as elim anymore but will likely vote for either Connie or Illwei before end of cycle.
Gives second reads on players  (See above)
Removes vote from Lotus and votes for Danex.  Feels Danex has better chance of being lynched and wants vote to matter.
Books doesn’t post again after Voting chaos starts.

Expresses suspicion of Matrim
Votes for Experience
Tags everyone who hasn’t voted and asks for their reads.  (At this stage Ventyl and Araris had two votes and Experience has 3.
Seems disappointed day ends in a tied lynch again and says vote manipulation will likely be involved.

Doesn’t like ties.  Clear sign of evilness!
Votes against the vote against ties and wants a tie in this for the irony.  Maybe not such a bad guy after all.
Several rule talks posts.

Unsure between Connie and Fura lynch.  Trusts Mat so won’t vote Connie but doesn’t get either village or elim read on Fura.  Might be willing to join in Ventyl lynch due to vote manipulations last round..  Doesn’t vote at this stage.
Votes on Lotus though notes it likely won’t make a difference

Votes for SfS.  Wonders how they knew Matrim reads were at least a third wrong.
Removes vote shortly after once SfS explains their reasoning/joke.
Doesn’t vote/post again.

Confused about Fura’s post.
Busy with essay. (Hope it went well.)

Imo, Books played a very solid elim game.  Didn’t really defend anyone except Ventyl and even then was light defense.  Gave good solid advice and rules interpretations/corrections.  Tries to keep everyone voting and with good reasons.
If Ventyl wasn’t dead, would very likely still be alive and considered village.
A very good player.  Keep an eye on Books in future games.

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