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Hi there! I just finished Rhythm of War, and with it am all caught up on the cosmere!! I started with Mistborn about 2.5 years ago and made my way through everything else from there. I'm hoping to get more involved in the cosmere community and theorizing now that I don't have to fear spoilers :D I've loved all the books individually, but especially the overall cosmere connections and lore.

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Probably pretty unoriginal, but I'd have to say Hoid as Wit. I love his mystery, his stories, and his wordplay.

Followed closely by Sazed and Navani both for their scholarship and quiet strength. And I find Lift and Lopen hilarious. Lightsong, Wayne, and Nightblood also get honourable mentions.

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8 hours ago, Aon Tia said:

Welcome to the shard! Great to have you here. Which book is your favourite and why?

I *think* I'd say Hero of Ages because I loved watching everything resolve and Mistborn was my introduction to the cosmere so it was pretty intense. Sazed's ascension and all his knowledge coming together for a purpose was epic. Having said that I'm planning to do a cosmere re-read and now that I have everything to compare it to that might change.

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6 hours ago, More Cynical Than Funny said:

Welcome to the Shard! If you could Worldhop to one planet what planet would it be?

Hmmm that's a tough one. Roshar has a lot of the action right now, and an abundance of investiture which would be neat. But I think I'd have to cheat and say Silverlight even though it's not technically it's own planet because a university in the cognitive realm sounds dope.

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Welcome to the Shard! Delighted have you come join us especially if you have gotten caught up in everything it is the perfect time to join :D And yes being able to wade through the wilds of the Cosmere without fear for spoilers is quite an awesome feeling indeed, nicely done!

I totally agree with you too the overall connections between the books is what makes these so amazing! The books are awesome on their own but knowing that they are all part of this larger connects story is just awe-inspiring. Hope you find tons of awesome theory discussions to hop into!

Oh also a tiddly biddley detail because we know corrections make you feel so welcomed :P Lols no biggie but mods prefer if you don't double post. You can tap the plus icon next to Quote on multiple peoples posts to quote them all at once in one mega post! Hope you enjoy the Shard!

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On 14/12/2020 at 5:48 PM, Aon Tia said:

A cosmere re read is a major undertaking! I am planning to do it as well. In fact I have started with TFE!

I'm thinking I'll try publication order this time. I'm going to take a short break to read a few other things though. I'm really excited to read Mistborn again now that I have the whole cosmere context though!

On 14/12/2020 at 10:38 PM, Scout_Fox said:

Oh also a tiddly biddley detail because we know corrections make you feel so welcomed :P Lols no biggie but mods prefer if you don't double post. You can tap the plus icon next to Quote on multiple peoples posts to quote them all at once in one mega post! Hope you enjoy the Shard!

Thank you!! Haha better a little correction up front than wandering around the forum looking like one of the ten fools ;)

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