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GM Signups & Discussion Thread


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5 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

Is there a way to like... un-sign-up for a slot? If so, can I be taken off the LG list? I don't think I'll have an LG ready very soon (not that I think the list will get to me very soon but whatever). 

I mean we're not going to force you to run anything, so yes. :P

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41 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

Is there a way to like... un-sign-up for a slot? If so, can I be taken off the LG list? I don't think I'll have an LG ready very soon (not that I think the list will get to me very soon but whatever). 

Also, can I get an MR slot?

You can stay on the list. It will be a very long time before you get to run a game, and you can always pass if it gets to you and your game isn’t quite ready yet. May as well stay on the list so that when you do get around to bring ready to run the game, you don’t have to wait months to run it. :P

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6 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

You can stay on the list. It will be a very long time before you get to run a game, and you can always pass if it gets to you and your game isn’t quite ready yet. May as well stay on the list so that when you do get around to bring ready to run the game, you don’t have to wait months to run it. :P

Mmm that's true lol

Edit: Oh, but it appears I was already taken off : P in that case I'll just wait to sign up again until I think of something.

Edited by Quintessential
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@Quintessential @Lotus I tend to sign up as soon as I come up with a game idea that’s fleshed out enough that I want to run it. Even if the rules aren’t even ready yet. There’s often enough time from when you sign up to when you actually run it that you’ll have plenty of time before you reach the top of the list. And even if you’re busy at the time you hit the top of the list, you can say you’re busy. Then as soon as you’re ready you can say you’re ready and run the next game right away. That’s what I plan to do over the summer. :P

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8 hours ago, The Unknown Order said:

Who's next up to run the quick fix? The MR is down to eight players, so we should probably start talking. 

The current list is:

1. @Young Bard (anonymous game)
2. @The_God_King
3. @Experience Animation
4. @Sart (no pass) (probably not going to run the QF since he's running the LG)
5. @Ashbringer

After that, it'd be Archer and then Matrim.

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13 hours ago, Straw said:

The current list is:

1. @Young Bard (anonymous game)
2. @The_God_King
3. @Experience Animation
4. @Sart (no pass) (probably not going to run the QF since he's running the LG)
5. @Ashbringer

After that, it'd be Archer and then Matrim.

Idk if an anon game is likely, but with the AG just concluding and from what I remember of Bard’s concept I’ll say that it’s probably not happening next... TGK I haven’t seen in a very long time, same with Exp; he did come back recently but I kinda doubt he’d jump back into GMing straightaway. Sart is running the LG, and Ash is busy.

So... I’ll tag @Archer, since the MR just ended today. I technically could take the spot, but I’d much much rather not having signed up for it less than a week ago, and I’d rather run my LG.

(Speaking of which... @Kasimir, any idea when the signups are going up for yours? :ph34r:)

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3 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

(Speaking of which... @Kasimir, any idea when the signups are going up for yours? :ph34r:)

Today or tomorrow, absolute latest Friday, depending on how I juggle the many things on my plate :P I know it's customary (okay, so TJ tells me it hasn't been for a long time but remember my old man brain still thinks I just finished playing LG15 :P ) for the game to be put up on C6, so this is me slightly missing the boat, but this week is a heavy caseload week for me, and I've had a bit more to do than I expected, but everything will be better soon.

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1 hour ago, Ashbringer said:

miiiiiiiiight be able to whip together a Mistborn Ball vote-based game. I have a trick up my sleeve that could help with GMing while being a busybody.

But if anyone else would rather take the spot then please do :P

Me, realising I actually have priority but am marked busy :P

But no, no one in their right mind wants to GM both a LG and a QF at the same time. I certainly already have my work cut out for me, too :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, TJ Shade said:

I've come up with a game, and I'd like to run it. It's like 70% done. 

@Matrim's Dice and @Ashbringer, you guys have the priority. Are you guys running it? If not, I'll take it.

@Archer is ahead of me.

I would rather not run it, but I can. I’ll turn it over to you if you’re fine with running back-to-back QFs, but it’s fine if you don’t want to. I have a game that’s done and am fully able to run it.

Edit: @TJ Shade, if Archer/Ash doesn't show up by tonight, I'll put up the signups. (Or not, if you get to it first :P)

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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On 16/02/2021 at 10:57 PM, Ashbringer said:

miiiiiiiiight be able to whip together a Mistborn Ball vote-based game. I have a trick up my sleeve that could help with GMing while being a busybody.

But if anyone else would rather take the spot then please do :P

I was under the impression that Ashbringer was running the game. If they aren't, I have an I Hate Dragons one I'd like to run. 

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2 minutes ago, Archer said:

I was under the impression that Ashbringer was running the game. If they aren't, I have an I Hate Dragons one I'd like to run. 

I think it's yours, given the last sentence of the post you quoted. Go ahead and PM the committee for approval, see what they say.

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29 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

I mean, I still could run it. I just need to figure out two more roles. But idk.

Jeez, Ash. Make up your mind xD Archer is ready to run his game :P

57 minutes ago, Archer said:

I was under the impression that Ashbringer was running the game. If they aren't, I have an I Hate Dragons one I'd like to run. 

Well in that case, I'd like to take a spot on the QFs list. 

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Whoever does take the QF, please wait to put signups up for a few days until the LG is partway through its signups. We try not to have exactly identical signup weeks, and the LG has priority here, so I'd wait at least till Monday or Tuesday (since the LG should go up by tomorrow). Thanks! :)

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I understand that the timing of the current LG will affect when the new one may begin, but if we were to approximate, what's the best schedule to follow for game starting times? I think having them both start at the same time would probably cause problems, so should the QF try to start before the new LG, or after it? I could post sign-ups Monday and start Thursday or Friday to try to beat the LG, or I could wait to start until say after the LG's first cycle is complete. Given that there's been a few days since the MR ended, I don't see a four day sign-up period as being too out of the question, but I also don't want to rush things. 

Also, anyone interesting in being an IM? I have three minor blackout elements I added to the ruleset that was previously approved that I need to run by someone. 

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1 minute ago, Archer said:


I understand that the timing of the current LG will affect when the new one may begin, but if we were to approximate, what's the best schedule to follow for game starting times? I think having them both start at the same time would probably cause problems, so should the QF try to start before the new LG, or after it? I could post sign-ups Monday and start Thursday or Friday to try to beat the LG, or I could wait to start until say after the LG's first cycle is complete. Given that there's been a few days since the MR ended, I don't see a four day sign-up period as being too out of the question, but I also don't want to rush things. 

Also, anyone interesting in being an IM? I have three minor blackout elements I added to the ruleset that was previously approved that I need to run by someone. 

See El’s post above for the first question.

One of the mods will be your IM, they can approve the blackout elements.

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