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55 minutes ago, Lecky Twig said:

"So what are you planning to do with them spikes? Just gonna leave them here somewhere, or were you thinking that someone would be here to meet you." Drae said as he looked around the empty church.

Wait, did that shadow just flicker? He natrowed his eyes suspiciously at the window to let the phantom shadow know that he'd been sighted. 

Eryn shook her head, heading toward the front of the temple. She took a small piece of paper and scribbled a symbol on it, then left it at the feet of the Sovereign’s statue.

Then she sat in the pews and waited, watching the priests go about their work. “We wait,” she told Drae. “Someone come. Another servant of Sovereign.” She paused. “Survivor. Should remember here.”


She is waiting for one of the priests to recognize what was on the paper.


Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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42 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Eryn shook her head, heading toward the front of the temple. She took a small piece of paper and scribbled a symbol on it, then left it at the feet of the Sovereign’s statue.

Then she sat in the pews and waited, watching the priests go about their work. “We wait,” she told Drae. “Someone come. Another servant of Sovereign.” She paused. “Survivor. Should remember here.”

Drae reluctantly broke from his staring contest with the window. He grunted and obliged, sitting in one of the pews near Eryn. He folded his hands neatly in his lap waiting in feined patience; but his back was taut and his eyes continued to dart around suspiciously between the priests. 

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10 minutes ago, Lecky Twig said:

Drae reluctantly broke from his staring contest with the window. He grunted and obliged, sitting in one of the pews near Eryn. He folded his hands neatly in his lap waiting in feined patience; but his back was taut and his eyes continued to dart around suspiciously between the priests. 


@Ookla the Stick Do you want to play Eryn’s contact?


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3 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

She snorted and muttered "You don't even know what I am talking about."

"I'm Ladashwy." 


I guess Stick doesn’t, so...

Several priests walked about the temple, some sending odd looks toward Eryn and Drae. She supposed they did make an odd pair. Certainly she, in her heavy coat and mask, stood out. A handful glanced at her ‘petition.’

Eventually, one of the priests approached her. “Are you alright,” he asked with concern, one finger lazily tracing a pattern against the edge of a chair. “Do you need anything?”

Eryn smiled, her gloved hand tracing the same pattern. “Private matter. Talk elsewhere, ja? This one also,” she nodded at Drae, “wants join.”

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I didn't think Raven would be in the Roughs... But I want the plot to move along and I haven't gotten to do enough with Raven. We'll just say my first post with him was set in the past a little bit. *shrug*

Raven strode out of an alcove in the church, eyeing the masked woman and her companion. He was not a priest - they may have been holy men, but their connection to the Survivor was a weak flicker compared to Raven's roaring flame, and besides, Raven had his own sacred duty to perform - but he was well known enough here. Since his acquisition of the mine, he'd been staying around this part of town (in secret, of course, as directed by the Master) and waiting for someone. Kelsier said he'd know them when the time was right and Raven had a feeling about these two. He never ignored such feelings. 

The tall man strode up to the pair. They'd dismissed the priests, but Raven was confident they wouldn't dismiss him. His rich clothing and the knowing gleam in his eye were more than enough to mark him as an important man, a man who it would be... unwise to ignore. 

"Excuse me," he said, "I don't believe I've seen you in town before and it's good to see people worshiping in this holy place. My name is Basil Naseir and I own the mine a few miles away. Is there anything I can do for you?"

@Kingsdaughter613 @Lecky Twig

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On 01/01/2021 at 6:22 PM, AmazingGoob said:

"I don't know, you're the mind-controller here."

"And you're the supposedly insightful voice of Harmony"

Adilie drank the last vial she had on her, compounded her connection to Marie an ordered her to stay within 20 meter of her at all time

"I'm going to the Inn take more vials, I'd never though I'd run out so fast"

@Aon Ene

Edited by mathiau
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4 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Several priests walked about the temple, some sending odd looks toward Eryn and Drae. She supposed they did make an odd pair. Certainly she, in her heavy coat and mask, stood out. A handful glanced at her ‘petition.’

Eventually, one of the priests approached her. “Are you alright,” he asked with concern, one finger lazily tracing a pattern against the edge of a chair. “Do you need anything?”

Eryn smiled, her gloved hand tracing the same pattern. “Private matter. Talk elsewhere, ja? This one also,” she nodded at Drae, “wants join.”


1 hour ago, Shard of Thought said:

Raven strode out of an alcove in the church, eyeing the masked woman and her companion. He was not a priest - they may have been holy men, but their connection to the Survivor was a weak flicker compared to Raven's roaring flame, and besides, Raven had his own sacred duty to perform - but he was well known enough here. Since his acquisition of the mine, he'd been staying around this part of town (in secret, of course, as directed by the Master) and waiting for someone. Kelsier said he'd know them when the time was right and Raven had a feeling about these two. He never ignored such feelings. 

The tall man strode up to the pair. They'd dismissed the priests, but Raven was confident they wouldn't dismiss him. His rich clothing and the knowing gleam in his eye were more than enough to mark him as an important man, a man who it would be... unwise to ignore. 

"Excuse me," he said, "I don't believe I've seen you in town before and it's good to see people worshiping in this holy place. My name is Basil Naseir and I own the mine a few miles away. Is there anything I can do for you?"

@Kingsdaughter613 @Lecky Twig


You forgot about me... why wasn't Ladashwy invited to the meeting OR noticed by Raven? 

Ladashwy sat in the pew behind her companions. She thought that that was probably why she was being ignored. When she heard about the private meeting she almost panicked, but then remembered that she was a tin-eye. Even if she was forgotten, she could still eavesdrop. She let out a sigh of relief.

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3 hours ago, mathiau said:

"And you're the supposedly insightful voice of Harmony"

Adilie drank the last vial she had on her, compounded her connection to Marie an ordered her to stay within 30 meter of her at all time

"I'm going to the Inn take more vials, I'd never though I'd run out so fast"

@Aon Ene


Side note, mine's the one without the space. I feel bad for the random Sharder who keeps getting tags meant for me :P I should message them... 

I'm the worst at visualizing distances, so I'm gonna use this, which I'm told by the internet is about that long: 



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On 1/1/2021 at 0:55 PM, mathiau said:

"And you're the supposedly insightful voice of Harmony"

Adilie drank the last vial she had on her, compounded her connection to Marie an ordered her to stay within 20 meter of her at all time

"I'm going to the Inn take more vials, I'd never though I'd run out so fast"

@Aon Ene

"Yes, yes. Supposedly I am. However, I'm always the controllee and not the controller, when these sort of situations happen."

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1 minute ago, AmazingGoob said:

"Yes, yes. Supposedly I am. However, I'm always the controllee and not the controller, when these sort of situations happen."


I don't understand what he means, Adilie was asking for an advice not for him to do it. And she's not controlling him


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1 minute ago, mathiau said:



Yeah, but he's saying that how is he supposed to give advice when he has no experience allomantically controlling spiked things since he's the spiked thing in that situation. 


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8 minutes ago, AmazingGoob said:

"Yes, yes. Supposedly I am. However, I'm always the controllee and not the controller, when these sort of situations happen."

"I thought you'd have more experience than me on how far is 20m, anyway I got to go to the Inn get my other vials, you're coming?"

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On 1/1/2021 at 3:55 PM, Shard of Thought said:

Raven strode out of an alcove in the church, eyeing the masked woman and her companion. He was not a priest - they may have been holy men, but their connection to the Survivor was a weak flicker compared to Raven's roaring flame, and besides, Raven had his own sacred duty to perform - but he was well known enough here. Since his acquisition of the mine, he'd been staying around this part of town (in secret, of course, as directed by the Master) and waiting for someone. Kelsier said he'd know them when the time was right and Raven had a feeling about these two. He never ignored such feelings. 

The tall man strode up to the pair. They'd dismissed the priests, but Raven was confident they wouldn't dismiss him. His rich clothing and the knowing gleam in his eye were more than enough to mark him as an important man, a man who it would be... unwise to ignore. 

"Excuse me," he said, "I don't believe I've seen you in town before and it's good to see people worshiping in this holy place. My name is Basil Naseir and I own the mine a few miles away. Is there anything I can do for you?"

@Kingsdaughter613 @Lecky Twig


Shabbos is over, so I’m back. Sorry about that.

The priest nodded. “We can meet in the back room. I’ll go there now, and you can follow in a little while.”

Eryn nodded. “Good.” She sat a moment longer, noting as the scholar entered the church and settled a few rows behind her. A smart woman; she would do well.

Eryn was about ready to follow the priest when an unknown man approached her and Drae. “You come to us,” she said blankly. “Is you who wants, not I.”

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The tall man sat down, resting his hands on his cane and looking about. This was a pretty church; it had grown to be one of his favorites during his short time here. "I came here because I believe I would find someone special. My mine is an important investment and I need some help with it. Managing it. Defending it. Are you and your companion interested?"

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