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16 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

“Sovereign has many power,” Eryn explained. “But best power is words. He speak, people believe. People follow. Listen. This is best power. Power to steal heart. Own minds. Win souls. Great power this.”

Ladashwy sat, shocked by how rusting profound that statement was. She, being Ladashwy, pulled out a notebook that was filled with inspiring quotes and wrote that down. Wow. And Ganache thinks she can't speak well? That was inspiring!

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20 hours ago, Shard of Thought said:

Raven was now incurably curious. He flipped his cane and unscrewed the metal cap on the bottom of it, handing to the gravely-voiced woman. "Indeed I do."

Marie Pushed the cap lightly into his chest, careful not to hurt him. "There you go." 

Listening to the others speak was amusing; this gang of job-seekers did not fit together. Power to steal hearts, she thought, the phrase touching something deep inside her she wasn't sure she liked it meeting. That power was a different thing entirely from controlling someone's body, though it came from the same base abilities - emotional Allomancy, Connection Compounding, holding massive amounts of Investiture. She knew it, though, just as well as she knew the first; that was how Ruin had ruled his Inquisitors. By taking their hearts, emotions, souls, and overwhelming them with him. 

It had been so simple to live that way. So easy. But Harmony hadn't tried anything of the sort (which she was glad for - she didn't want him messing with her head, she didn't -), and so far Adilie hadn't either. 

Anyone who spoke of the Survivor like this had been altered the same way. Not with the same means, instead with seductive promises and weighty cries, but their thoughts and feelings had been made to change anyway. Marie wanted none of it. 

She shrugged, looking at Zola. "Why wouldn't we keep her? Small children can be useful for many things, even more so if you don't damage them badly." 


Marie why do you write yourself like this you're gonna get yourself muted again soon XD 

No pressure to respond, Star, just figured I wouldn't leave you hanging if you want to finish this one interaction. 


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30 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Marie Pushed the cap lightly into his chest, careful not to hurt him. "There you go." 

Listening to the others speak was amusing; this gang of job-seekers did not fit together. Power to steal hearts, she thought, the phrase touching something deep inside her she wasn't sure she liked it meeting. That power was a different thing entirely from controlling someone's body, though it came from the same base abilities - emotional Allomancy, Connection Compounding, holding massive amounts of Investiture. She knew it, though, just as well as she knew the first; that was how Ruin had ruled his Inquisitors. By taking their hearts, emotions, souls, and overwhelming them with him. 

It had been so simple to live that way. So easy. But Harmony hadn't tried anything of the sort (which she was glad for - she didn't want him messing with her head, she didn't -), and so far Adilie hadn't either. 

Anyone who spoke of the Survivor like this had been altered the same way. Not with the same means, instead with seductive promises and weighty cries, but their thoughts and feelings had been made to change anyway. Marie wanted none of it. 

She shrugged, looking at Zola. "Why wouldn't we keep her? Small children can be useful for many things, even more so if you don't damage them badly." 


Rusting iron on a hillside! Why did Adilie think it was a good idea to let her talk? Why is everything that Marie says so disturbing? "So Zola, why did you decide to enter our carriage?" Ladashwy was trying to distract herself. She REALY wanted one of those truffles... Well, I now see why her nickname is Ganache.

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7 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Rusting iron on a hillside! Why did Adilie think it was a good idea to let her talk? Why is everything that Marie says so disturbing? "So Zola, why did you decide to enter our carriage?" Ladashwy was trying to distract herself. She REALY wanted one of those truffles... Well, I now see why her nickname is Ganache.


Do they have ganache in the north? I’m actually curious... Maybe bitter ganache.


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17 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:



Remember when she entered the tavern way back on page 3? She had originally gone in to get some food... but then forgot within about 2 minutes.

Ladashwy couldn't take it anymore. She was far too hungry. "Could I have one of those?" She pointed to the truffles. They look so good.

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2 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Ladashwy couldn't take it anymore. She was far too hungry. "Could I have one of those?" She pointed to the truffles. They look so good.

Eryn smiled. “You may.” She reaches into her pack, selecting a small sampling of chocolate. A truffle with caramel cream, one with a citron jell, a delicate heart filled with the rich, smooth, ganache her master had named her for. She added a small chocolate covered pretzel spear to the pile. The pointed tip was formed of spun sugar glass that sparkled in the light.

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2 hours ago, AonEne said:

She shrugged, looking at Zola. "Why wouldn't we keep her? Small children can be useful for many things, even more so if you don't damage them badly."

Adilie kept her face as straight as possible no not give Marie satisfaction, and pondered what whether it'd be more suspicious to have Marie shut up again or to let her continue speak


Adilie have no idea how to "mess with the mind" beyond just the commands, and don't have nearly enough duralumin on her anyway

Edited by mathiau
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1 hour ago, Random Bystander said:

Rusting iron on a hillside! Why did Adilie think it was a good idea to let her talk? Why is everything that Marie says so disturbing? "So Zola, why did you decide to enter our carriage?" Ladashwy was trying to distract herself. She REALY wanted one of those truffles... Well, I now see why her nickname is Ganache.

"Eh. Looked interesting, plus I wanted a place to sit for a bit. Plus, you were right there! It was really convenient."

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18 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"Eh. Looked interesting, plus I wanted a place to sit for a bit. Plus, you were right there! It was really convenient."

"Oh." That logic is actually fairly solid.

59 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Eryn smiled. “You may.” She reaches into her pack, selecting a small sampling of chocolate. A truffle with caramel cream, one with a citron jell, a delicate heart filled with the rich, smooth, ganache her master had named her for. She added a small chocolate covered pretzel spear to the pile. The pointed tip was formed of spun sugar glass that sparkled in the light.

Ladashwy's jaw dropped when she saw everything Eryn was taking out. "Wow. I have only had chocolate once. It is too expensive most of the time."

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1 minute ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Eryn nodded. “Hope you like.”

Ladashwy bit into one, and her eyes widened. What is this?! How is it so good? And I thought the other chocolate was good. "I have no words to describe how delicious this is. This is literally the best thing I have ever tasted in my life." It has some sort of fruity gel inside. It is SOOOO good! 

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2 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

Rusting iron on a hillside! Why did Adilie think it was a good idea to let her talk? Why is everything that Marie says so disturbing? "So Zola, why did you decide to enter our carriage?" Ladashwy was trying to distract herself. She REALY wanted one of those truffles... Well, I now see why her nickname is Ganache.

Lol I love how she keeps going back and forth between "this woman is interesting and funny" and "this woman is horrible why is she here" :P 

1 hour ago, mathiau said:

Adilie have no idea how to "mess with the mind" beyond just the commands, and don't have nearly enough duralumin on her anyway

I figured, I don't expect you to (though if you ever want to I can work with that). 

Augh you're making me long for chocolate with lemon gel in it... 


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1 minute ago, Random Bystander said:



Yay, potential ally in murder and mayhem!!! Ahem, I mean 'in repurposing natural resources and spreading Ruin's glory". (I will probably also steal my own line at some point, I like this...) 


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7 minutes ago, AonEne said:



Heheh. You’ve discovered my evil plan! I’m going to recruit everyone to >redacted< using chocolate truffles! Join the Dark Side; we have chocolate!


14 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Ladashwy bit into one, and her eyes widened. What is this?! How is it so good? And I thought the other chocolate was good. "I have no words to describe how delicious this is. This is literally the best thing I have ever tasted in my life." It has some sort of fruity gel inside. It is SOOOO good! 

“Thank you,” Eryn said. “Maybe make more, if have ingredient. Can make lots good chocolate.”

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4 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:


“Thank you,” Eryn said. “Maybe make more, if have ingredient. Can make lots good chocolate.”

"I think I know where we can find some cacao beans, if we ever decide to go to Elendel. I don't know what else is in this, but it is wonderful." She bit into another. This one was filled with a sweet creamy substance of some sort. "So good."

2 minutes ago, Condensation said:

What is 'Oh' supposed to mean? Whatever, she'll make sense of it eventually.


She didn't know how to respond to that. So she said "Oh".


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12 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"I think I know where we can find some cacao beans, if we ever decide to go to Elendel. I don't know what else is in this, but it is wonderful." She bit into another. This one was filled with a sweet creamy substance of some sort. "So good."


Eryn nodded. “Will need to roast, ground. Ferment first, of course. Then make liquor. Separate cocoa from butter. Much preparation to make good chocolate.” She tan a finger along the lower rim of her mask, thinking. “Also marble. Good for tempering.”

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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