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On 1/17/2021 at 10:21 PM, Lecky Twig said:

"Eh, the ink rubs off after a few days, giving me plenty of time to etch the information onto a wall, or floor, or any convenient surface really. Except don't use a needle to write in the skin, then it stays for longer than a few day; can't reuse the surface if the ink is permanent. I only ever write onto the skin. Make sense?" 

Eryn nodded. “Will need to get mark,” she warned. “Sovereign’s rules. All members of crew marked so.” She lifted her dark hair, revealing a small tattoo on the back of her neck. “Says we are all crew. Family. Loyal. Do not betray; do not harm.”


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10 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Eryn nodded. “Will need to get mark,” she warned. “Sovereign’s rules. All members of crew marked so.” She lifted her dark hair, revealing a small tattoo on the back of her neck. “Says we are all crew. Family. Loyal. Do not betray; do not harm.”

Eryn's words echoed through Drae's head crew, loyal, do not betray, do not harm. If only my old crew didn't harm, I'd be able to afford some rusting paper if they hadn't betrayed me. He rubbed the scar on the underside of his wrist where his ink had been. crew, loyal, do not betray, do not harm. "Yeah, that would be nice." he rasped to himself. 

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21 minutes ago, Lecky Twig said:

Eryn's words echoed through Drae's head crew, loyal, do not betray, do not harm. If only my old crew didn't harm, I'd be able to afford some rusting paper if they hadn't betrayed me. He rubbed the scar on the underside of his wrist where his ink had been. crew, loyal, do not betray, do not harm. "Yeah, that would be nice." he rasped to himself. 

Eryn smiled kindly at Drae. “Sovereign crew loyal. Know this; in your histories this truth.”

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9 hours ago, The Unknown Order said:

Raven raises an eyebrow at the conversation. "As you can see, this is the dining area."

Ladashwy's stomach growled. Candy had not satisfied her hunger.


She needs a Snickers. ;)


9 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Eryn smiled kindly at Drae. “Sovereign crew loyal. Know this; in your histories this truth.”

She really needs to shut up. Basil is going to figure out who she is talking about, and I don't want my new boss thinking we are all insane. We can talk about this when we are alone. 

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38 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

Ladashwy's stomach growled. Candy had not satisfied her hunger.


She really needs to shut up. Basil is going to figure out who she is talking about, and I don't want my new boss thinking we are all insane. We can talk about this when we are alone. 


Eryn wants people to know who the Sovereign is...

Eryn glances over at Ladashwi, then pulled out a small, wrapped bar. There were nuts inside, and pieces of hard toffee and caramel, blended with a sweet, rich bar of creamy chocolate. “Here,” she offered.


It’s a symphony bar.


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2 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Eryn glances over at Ladashwi, then pulled out a small, wrapped bar. There were nuts inside, and pieces of hard toffee and caramel, blended with a sweet, rich bar of creamy chocolate. “Here,” she offered.


Ladashwy took the candy, and ate it. It was really good. "This is the best so far." she announced. 

1 hour ago, Condensation said:

Zola snickered, then schooled her expression. "Sorry. I know the feeling."


Ladashwy shrugged, then broke off a small piece of the candy and gave it to Zola. "It tastes really good. Try it." said Ladashwy.

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1 minute ago, Random Bystander said:

Ladashwy took the candy, and ate it. It was really good. "This is the best so far." she announced. 

Ladashwy shrugged, then broke off a small piece of the candy and gave it to Zola. "It tastes really good. Try it." said Ladashwy.

Zola ate it. "Hmm, that is good! Thank you!"

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45 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"Maybe after the tour." Zola beamed. "Because we need to know about this place to do... whatever the job is."

Just as Raven is about to respond, a runner comes up. "Sir, you're needed in the office." Raven gestures at the the future employees, "Can't you see I'm giving these people a tour?" The runner appears nervous, "Yes sir, but he said it was urgent." Raven is starting to get angry, "Who said it was urgent!?" The runner responds quickly, "Meens sir." Raven's eyes narrow, "Meens, anything he says is urgent can wait at least a day." The runner smiles slightly at the comment, "Meens just returned and said he has information you'll want to know about right away." Raven sighs, "Fine, you, stay here, I'll be right back."


Do you want me to roleplay the encounter between Meens and Raven? I know what happens, but do you want to see?


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1 minute ago, The Unknown Order said:

Just as Raven is about to respond, a runner comes up. "Sir, you're needed in the office." Raven gestures at the the future employees, "Can't you see I'm giving these people a tour?" The runner appears nervous, "Yes sir, but he said it was urgent." Raven is starting to get angry, "Who said it was urgent!?" The runner responds quickly, "Meens sir." Raven's eyes narrow, "Meens, anything he says is urgent can wait at least a day." The runner smiles slightly at the comment, "Meens just returned and said he has information you'll want to know about right away." Raven sighs, "Fine, you, stay here, I'll be right back."



Yes. RP it.


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1 minute ago, The Unknown Order said:

Just as Raven is about to respond, a runner comes up. "Sir, you're needed in the office." Raven gestures at the the future employees, "Can't you see I'm giving these people a tour?" The runner appears nervous, "Yes sir, but he said it was urgent." Raven is starting to get angry, "Who said it was urgent!?" The runner responds quickly, "Meens sir." Raven's eyes narrow, "Meens, anything he says is urgent can wait at least a day." The runner smiles slightly at the comment, "Meens just returned and said he has information you'll want to know about right away." Raven sighs, "Fine, you, stay here, I'll be right back."



Sure, I’m curious.

Eryn watched Raven go, her eyes narrowed. “Wait here,” she whispered to her recruits, “and keep the child safe.” 

Silently, she began to follow Raven, tapping her Coppermind to perfectly recall the myriad winding paths and hidden alcoves. As Raven entered the office, she removed her thick coat, hiding it in a crevice. She swung herself into a nearby nook, moving through the cracks in the rock until she could hear the voices.


She’s not called a Hunter for nothing. Now she can listen.


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8 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Eryn watched Raven go, her eyes narrowed. “Wait here,” she whispered to her recruits, “and keep the child safe.” 

Silently, she began to follow Raven, tapping her Coppermind to perfectly recall the myriad winding paths and hidden alcoves. As Raven entered the office, she removed her thick coat, hiding it in a crevice. She swung herself into a nearby nook, moving through the cracks in the rock until she could hear the voices.



I mean... you could take Zola with you. She's small, stealthy... and a Tineye.


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19 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Eryn watched Raven go, her eyes narrowed. “Wait here,” she whispered to her recruits, “and keep the child safe.” 

Silently, she began to follow Raven, tapping her Coppermind to perfectly recall the myriad winding paths and hidden alcoves. As Raven entered the office, she removed her thick coat, hiding it in a crevice. She swung herself into a nearby nook, moving through the cracks in the rock until she could hear the voices.



...She's not going to like what she's going to hear, I don't have the time at the moment. I should do it some time today. 


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"What is it, Meens? I was busy showing some potential employees around."

A smooth voice spoke. "Have you vetted them? We do not want them finding certain things out."

Raven nodded. "Yes, yes, it's just a tour. What do you want to show me?"

Meens moved to a drawer and pulled out three pieces of metal. "I found something while I was away."

Raven folded his arms and tapped his foot. "What do you mean? Metal needles, have you taken up knitting?"

Meens sighed and shook his head, "These can grant Allomantic power, but do you know something interesting I found out while I was away? Someone can use emotional Allomancy to control someone who is spiked by them."

Raven looked closer, interested yet slightly suspicious. "And...?"

Meens smiled. "And I needed a test subject." He grabbed Raven by the shoulder and shoved him to the floor, Soothing all of Raven's emotions to keep him still. "One for the money." He stabbed Raven with one spike. "Two for the show." He places another spike and shoves. Raven gurgles. "Three to get ready, and to go." He stabbed Raven with the final spike. Meens flared his brass and gave Raven some simple orders: "Don't move more than one foot in any direction, don't talk, don't do anything that has any chance of getting me killed, and don't let yourself die. Now, I'll have to deal with the intruders."

Edited by The Unknown Order
Condensation was kind enough to create a new version which was more grammatical.
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4 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

"What is it Meens? I was busy showing some potential employees around." A smooth voice speaks, "Have you vetted them, we do not want them finding certain things out." Raven nods. "Yes, yes, it's just a tour. What do you want to show me?" Meens moves to a drawer and pulls out three pieces of metal, "I found something while I was away." Raven is getting annoyed with Meens, "What is it means, metal needles, have you taken up knitting?" Meens sighs and shakes his head, "These can grant allomantic power, but you know something interesting I found out while I was away? Someone can use emotional allomancy to control someone who is spiked by them." Raven appears interested, but also suspicious, "And...?" Meens smiles, "And I needed a test subject," he grabs Raven by the shoulder. Raven is very suspicious at this point. Meens shoves him to the floor and starts Soothing all of Raven's emotions to keep him still. "One for the money." He stabs Raven with one spike, "Two for the show." He places another spike and shoves. Raven gurgles. "Three to get ready, and to go." He stabs Raven with the final spike. Meens flares, and gives Raven some simple orders: don't move more than one foot in any direction, don't talk, don't do anything that has any chance of getting me killed, don't let yourself die. "Now, I'll have to deal with the intruders.


Um, this is not what I expected to happen. Dang it! We just dealt with an annoying Hemalurgist. ;) 

"So, we are just going to wait here?" Ladashwy sighed. 

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11 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

"What is it Meens? I was busy showing some potential employees around." A smooth voice speaks, "Have you vetted them, we do not want them finding certain things out." Raven nods. "Yes, yes, it's just a tour. What do you want to show me?" Meens moves to a drawer and pulls out three pieces of metal, "I found something while I was away." Raven is getting annoyed with Meens, "What is it means, metal needles, have you taken up knitting?" Meens sighs and shakes his head, "These can grant allomantic power, but you know something interesting I found out while I was away? Someone can use emotional allomancy to control someone who is spiked by them." Raven appears interested, but also suspicious, "And...?" Meens smiles, "And I needed a test subject," he grabs Raven by the shoulder. Raven is very suspicious at this point. Meens shoves him to the floor and starts Soothing all of Raven's emotions to keep him still. "One for the money." He stabs Raven with one spike, "Two for the show." He places another spike and shoves. Raven gurgles. "Three to get ready, and to go." He stabs Raven with the final spike. Meens flares, and gives Raven some simple orders: don't move more than one foot in any direction, don't talk, don't do anything that has any chance of getting me killed, don't let yourself die. "Now, I'll have to deal with the intruders.

Eryn scowled, watching the new man. Quietly she whispered down the details of the event, then stored the memory of the whispers away.

She could kill the man, of course. But then she would not know how he had learned the third art. Someone must have taught him. 

She swallowed a vial of pewter and followed Meens through the halls, unseen in the hidden crevices above.

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Meens calls a runner. When a runner comes over, Meens says, "Send for Mork, Zag, Crag and the rest of the crew." The runner asks, "What about Raven sir?" Meens frowns and makes a mental note to get rid of that one. "Raven is otherwise indisposed, now go." The runner runs off.

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1 minute ago, The Unknown Order said:

Meens calls a runner. When a runner comes over, Meens says, "Send for Mork, Zag, Crag and the rest of the crew." The runner asks, "What about Raven sir?" Meens frowns and makes a mental note to get rid of that one. "Raven is otherwise indisposed, now go." The runner runs off.

Eryn heard the orders, her eyes narrowed.

Then she burned pewter. The power wasn’t hers, of course. It belonged to the Sovereign. His great gift, to share his powers with all if he chose. And his power was grand indeed.

Eryn moved, her body unnaturally lithe and quick. Far quicker than any normal human’s might be. Bones and muscles strengthened to allow her to move at such speeds. Trails of mist floated off the edge of her form.

She released her burn as she neared her companions. “Hurry.” She warned. “Must go. Man come; hurt Raven. Send for other men. Thinks plans attack. Leave now.”


So I realized that I accidentally gave Eryn something much more dangerous than I intended. I thought Nicrosil worked like most metal minds. Turns out... NOPE! It works like a Coppermind. Which means the control I put in place for it can’t be used.

Any ideas for an alternate limiter? I’m thinking she doesn’t instinctively carry much pewter, so that could be an issue. And she’s not a very practiced allomancer. She also doesn’t like fighting much, and prefers to avoid it. Like now.

Current plan: avoid being in situations where Eryn has to fight.


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