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This episode provided some of the grounding I was craving, so I liked it! 

As far as what is going on...well... I'm pushing against at least one of the popular theories


That Mephistopheles is involved

because frankly, that's kinda silly. And another theory: 



would make a lot of sense on this episode's context but is also pretty silly. 

So I'll have to ponder this a bit more. 

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Okay I loved this episode. I think one of my favorite things about it was 


Seeing the chaos of everyone who was snapped returning. That seemed to be nearly as traumatic as people getting snapped. 

I have enjoyed the sitcom style episodes, but appreciate this episode giving us a bigger picture. Oh, I also loved the


Agent Woo/Darcy, or I should say Dr. Lewis dynamic. They were fun together.


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5 minutes ago, Merlin said:

Is anyone else getting serious Shallan vibes from Wanda? The way she seems to know what's actually happening but is shutting it out and creating new memories and life? Just me?

As near as we can tell, she doesn't have a dissociative disorder. So that's a clear difference. 

But, she is clearly not dealing with recent trauma, so there's that for a similarity. 

It's sometimes easy to forget, but from Wanda's perspective, not a lot of time has passed since Vision's death. For her, Vision died, there was a blip and she went and fought Thanos. I could see people being more concerned with Tony's death and getting the stones back in their places in the timeline and not really checking in on Wanda. Like, she just peaced out and those who should have been her support system didn't bother to look into that. 

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16 minutes ago, Ooklara said:

I could see people being more concerned with Tony's death and getting the stones back in their places in the timeline and not really checking in on Wanda. Like, she just peaced out and those who should have been her support system didn't bother to look into that. 

Half and half. Endgame shows us that at least Clint and Wanda mourned Natasha and Vision together, but after that...well, the three people she was closest to were Clint (who went home), Steve (who put the stones back and stayed in the past) and Vision (who is dead)...

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10 hours ago, Ooklara said:

For her, Vision died, there was a blip and she went and fought Thanos.

Right. From what we got in Episode 4, she had to have went to Westview within a days after the events of Endgame and created( or got trapped in) her reality with Vision alive again

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so much happened in episode 5!!!

With, episode 5, all the pieces are coming together, and its pretty clear wanda will be a major "villain"

Random thoughts:


-why didnt Monica show up on the x-ray? Is she supposed to be an illusion or something

-I fangirled so hard when Wanda left Westview to confront S.W.O.R.D, and her accent!!!!

-the outside reality(dead vision, etc...) seems to be getting to Wanda more and more.

- i thought it was kinda crazy how fast Vision caught on. Its about time though.

-i dont like the picture of Wanda, Hayward is trying to paint.

-is vision alive? Hes gotta be? Right? From the first trailer, we know he at least makes it outside the barrier(he falls onto his knees in a split second clip)

-it hurt to see Wanda start to break down when Vision starts to question her about controlling everyone. 

-i definitely was not expecting xmen's quicksilver to show up. I was lowkey letdown when it wasnt Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

-it really seems like Wanda is controlling everything(and she is) but i cant get over the feeling that someone is silently guiding her


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3 hours ago, Eternal Khol said:

so much happened in episode 5!!!

With, episode 5, all the pieces are coming together, and its pretty clear wanda will be a major "villain"

Random thoughts:


Is it possible to spoiler tag the quotes for the moment? I know it's the release day, but there might be people who wander onto this thread without having seen the episode yet. (Although, given our reactions to run to this thread immediately after watching the episode, I'm not sure how likely that'll be.)


Wandavision is getting better and better with each episode, and I love it. The show is also becoming more meta in some ways. I'll talk more about this in the spoiler section. The drama and acting were top notch, and the theme of the episode was a nice one. The title tied into this episode in some fun and very clever ways as well. And now I have some new theories!

Anyways, onto the good stuff: 


Let's start at the end. The twist. I knew the twist was coming. I had accidentally spoiled myself when clicking a link to a website I usually don't have a problem with. Stupid clickbait. Anyways, knowing this took some of the surprise (and probably disappointment) out of the ending, but it was still awesome, and is fueling even more theories. 

The title of the show makes sense given the episode is entirely about grief and death, something "very special episodes" often address. We also have this being a very special episode because this is the first confirmed crossover with the X-Men material, even if it's just actors playing crossover roles. But yes, this is a special moment on a very special episode. 

Vision's breakdown was the peak of the show's acting for me, and it was a brilliant scene. We all know that Vision leaves the bubble at some point, but we don't know how or why just yet. I guess he decides that he can't trust Wanda and needs to see what's happening on his own. 

The meta nature of the show is something I've enjoyed in all of its episodes, but here it made me metaphorically raise my eyebrow - how do Darcy and Woo know that Wanda kicked Thanos' butt? There were few eye-witnesses (if any), none of which were associated with SHIELD or SWORD at the time, and no cameras (as far as we know). It felt like it was the show saying "we know you know Wanda's strong, so we're going to acknowledge this right here and now." I don't have a major problem with this, but it is toeing the line IMO, and I'll keep an eye on it in the future. Yes, Darcy and Woo are our audience surrogates, but that doesn't mean they watched the movies, if that makes sense. On the bright (read: consistent) side, we have Wanda's shady relationship with law enforcement brought back up. Because even if we know she is (or was) a good guy, it makes an eerie amount of sense. Wanda was directly involved with Hydra, directly involved with the creation of Ultron and then went on to help him, was directly involved in the Lagos incident (not her fault), violated house arrest, and then went onto become a fugitive. And then she finds out Vision's body was taken by Not-SHIELD? Yeah, I can see neither side being so willing to play ball. 

Speaking of SWORD and Monica, it looks like she's getting her powers soon! 

Onto theories:

This one isn't mine, but it looks like people who gain their powers by Infinity Stones seem to become supercharged, if that makes sense. This isn't new - Vision was so powerful that the writers of Civil War basically had to sideline him, and Captain Marvel is all but Superman. Wanda's powers getting stronger is both narratively consistent, post-dictable, and fits the pattern. So yeah, reality-warping Wanda here we come! And with X-Men's Quicksilver here, I'm sure mutants are going to follow. 

Last week on a separate forum I theorized that Wanda may be the villain of the show. Now I'm all but certain this will be the case. 

I'm also jumping on the "Agnes is Agatha Harkness" train, and I think she is/was trying to help Wanda cope with her grief before things went bad. However, with the reveal that Wanda stole Vision's body, I think he's supposed to be the "missing person" mentioned in the previous episode. 

Lastly, Wanda didn't bring anyone back from the dead. She's pulling an "Into the Spider-Verse" and bringing people from one universe over to hers. So Pietro is her brother...from the X-Men universe and she dragged him into the MCU. These actions will see their ramifications in the Doctor Strange sequel. 



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Hoo-ray for more good episodes! 

The beginning kinda irked me for preference reasons (saccharine cutesy kids crem dung needs to be rationed out wisely, imo, and the beginning was just concentrated... THAT.  In the long run, I do think it was the right choice to get the episide where it was at and it's nice to know we probably won't see THAT for the rest of the series, but I digress).


It's interesting to note that Vision, Billy and Tommy are fairly autonomous. This means their actions can be considered significant. 

Wanda is probably not the inciting incident. Someone told her where they were keeping Vision's body and set her loose to do what she is doing.

Edit to add new "theory"


I think Dormammu is involved, probably indirectly... through Mordo?

Think about it like this: Chinese censors wouldn't allow the release of something with the depiction of the Devil in their country. That means Mephisto, though it would make sense in an adaptation sense, could not be the one behind the scenes. 

So who would make sense to take his place? 

Dormammu all ready kinda does some mephistoish things in the MCU AND he all ready is involved with multiple dimensions as he wants his Dark Dimension to consume the multiverse. 

As far as his deal with Strange, 1) the destruction of the infinity stones might have weakened that agreement and 2) causing a sort of confluence of multiple dimensions might change things enough that the "Earth" he promised never to return to no longer exists on a fundamentally mystical level. 


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My reaction at the end of this episode was to just scream “What?!?” Ugh. I am loving this show. But tonight’s episode is the first one where I am mad I have to wait a week to see what happens next. 

One question I have thinking about the show this week is why is there even a broadcast signal at all? I still can’t decide if this is all Wanda’s doing or not. (My heart wants to say no.) But she clearly doesn’t want outside intervention, but then there is a signal to the outside that is clearly letting people see what is going on. 


Also Hayword is crap. He doesn’t care about anyone in that town. He is just trying to get Vision’s body back to keep doing whatever crazy experiments they were doing before. Also has SWORD had his body for 5 years? Makes me scared for what they are trying to do.

I just want to add that as someone who hasn’t read any of the Marvel comics, I appreciate learning bits and pieces from this group. But I also appreciate that the show doesn’t rely on me having that knowledge to be good.

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50 minutes ago, Philomath said:

 One question I have thinking about the show this week is why is there even a broadcast signal at all? I still can’t decide if this is all Wanda’s doing or not. (My heart wants to say no.) But she clearly doesn’t want outside intervention, but then there is a signal to the outside that is clearly letting people see what is going on. 

My current working theory? It's how she maintains control while living her perfect life. 

Or it's some other force. 

I liked this episode because I think it really acts as evidence against a lot of the popular theories on the interwebs. 


Agnes is not working for some mysterious force and is as much a victim as everyone else. 

Pietro is MEANT to be MCU Pietro but off. He's not Fox X-men Quicksilver. 

Honestly, a lot of these theories (including my own) may be focused too much on the presumed multi-dimensional ness of Phase 4.

Anyway, I think with that episode we've seen almost all the scenes that have been featured in the trailers! 

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9 hours ago, Orlionra said:

My current working theory? It's how she maintains control while living her perfect life. 

I thought it was interesting in this episode how 


She seems to simultaneously be gaining and losing control of everything. The people are functioning less perfectly as characters. Even outright challenging Wanda. But then she goes and expands the whole thing. 

One thing I think would be an interesting direction for the show to go reminds me of an episode of Star Trek: Voyager. 
Spoiler for the episode


The doctor creates a perfect holodeck world to try and learn what having a real, normal human life is like. His friends see it and they are basically “Nope, too perfect, let’s make this more real for you.” So then he experiences humanity in all its imperfection and challenges and experiences incredible personal tragedy. And grows a lot more for it. I wonder if something similar could happen to Wanda. Despite her trying to control and create a perfect reality, life actually is always messy and hard. Maybe it would help her learn to grieve.


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Man, this show is getting better and better by the second. It’s an incredibly well done cash-grab, and I can’t wait to see more. I’m still holding out that Pietro might be Fox Quicksilver, I would love for his character to be real and interact with the MCU. 

The one gripe I have is Hayward, actually. I get that he’s a bad guy and a jerk and all that, but man, I’m really getting tired of Marvel using the strong white male trope for villains. It’s works well enough for the show, but I can’t help but feel that Hayward is pretty flat and uninteresting. Hopefully we’ll get some more characterization that establishes him as something more!

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15 minutes ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

The one gripe I have is Hayward, actually. I get that he’s a bad guy and a jerk and all that, but man, I’m really getting tired of Marvel using the strong white male trope for villains. It’s works well enough for the show, but I can’t help but feel that Hayward is pretty flat and uninteresting. Hopefully we’ll get some more characterization that establishes him as something more!

I don't think you'll get anything better than Nick Fury's "we're scared and need to arm up" justification in Avengers. 

I don't think he'll be the "main" villain, if he's a villain. But he is hiding "something" and I don't expect much more development of him. 

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So excited after this episode. 


I was right! I was right! I have never read the comics, so I didn’t know who Agatha Harkness was until this thread. I agreed that Agnes was her, but I thought she’d turn out a villain. Then last week’s Halloween episode tried to throw that off with her conversation with Vision, but I wasn’t buying it. I’m so glad I was right. Ha ha. 

But seriously, what just happened? And what happened to the twins?!?

I can’t wait to see what happens next. 

Do you guys think this will get a season 2 or is this basically a mini series leading into Dr Strange and other phase 4 stuff? I’m glad we have Disney+, but I hope for those who don’t and just like the movies that they won’t be left behind. 

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On 2/20/2021 at 11:41 AM, Enter a username said:

What the heck just happened?

Has been my reaction to basically all of the episodes so far, but for this one...





Okay but


They really just did the office like that :P


From now on I expect any and all Marvel villains to have their own catchy theme song please and thank you. 



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