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Long Game 73: The Forgotten Coup


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1 minute ago, Ashbringer said:

Thief!me would be doing something similarly chaotic but also probably want the Shadowblaze as a confirmable neutral role.

Well, Theif!you would want the Shadowblaze because it counts twice for the Valuable Item count. Thus furthering your win-con. 

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What happened? Since when was Danex an X candidate? I wasn't online for the last hour, but what

Illwei voted Danex for being quiet. [First vote is usually the least suspicious. Ash leapt at Danex as an alternate to Gears and Matrim. Then Bubbles obeyed the will of the random tagger. Matrim voted out of... self-pres? Quinn voted Matrim because of that last post. Ventyl stabbed Danex because inactive > flip-flops. Devotary voted Matrim out of fear of the sudden train.

I don't like this at all. Problem: It all seems reasonable except for Ventyl. Noted: Bubbles, Quinn.

13 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Well...I’m a bit annoyed. @Gears I feel betrayed. I thought you were going for Revocation. :P

I changed my mind after learning of the 3+ people going for it. 

Who contributed to Defense? We need to account for you now so we don't waste Chalk.

Edited by Gears
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1 minute ago, Quinn0928 said:

Well, Theif!you would want the Shadowblaze because it counts twice for the Valuable Item count. Thus furthering your win-con. 

why are we- why is this a discussion topic rn?

2 minutes ago, Gears said:

Quinn voted Matrim because of that last post

This honestly feels the most suspicious to me. I don't think that Matrim is an Elim, but the last post of his is something that an Elim could also do, easily. so.

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1 minute ago, Illwei said:

why are we- why is this a discussion topic rn?

I don't know!!! Ash brought it up first XD

1 minute ago, Illwei said:

This honestly feels the most suspicious to me. I don't think that Matrim is an Elim, but the last post of his is something that an Elim could also do, easily. so.

I know that : P but his earlier posts feeling elim to me was the reason I voted him then, and his last couple of posts feeling extremely village to me seemed reason enough to unvote him.

1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

If Mat had used the bucket of acid, wouldn’t we only be at 1 for the strength of the chalklings right now?

Bucket of Acid affects Defense, not Chalkling Strength.

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... hmm. The Strength is 2, started as 1, went up because we killed a Rithmatist.

Acid should boost the Defense, not lower the Strength. And we won't find that out until TJ and Quinn get back with Lantern results tomorrow.

Speaking of which, if either of you lose your lanterns, call it out ASAP.

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Rules Clarification Time:

2 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

If someone uses an item that affects the strength of the chalklings, is that shown in the writeup?

Nope. Acid and Lines of Warding contribute to the Defense of the Camp, and does not affect the Strength of the Chalklings. Unless you have a Lantern, you will not know how much Defense the Camp has each night.


Can I grab and immediately use an item?

No. You have to wait until the following turn. So, you can grab a crab during the Day, and use the Crab at night, but you can't immediately Grab and Use a Crab during the same Day


How many actions do we get per Cycle?

You get two actions. One for the Day Turn, and One for the Night Turn


Does a Specialized Line of Forbiddance block a Line of Vigor?

Yes it does. Note that if you are targeting someone else with your Line of Forbiddance, you can still be blocked though, and that would leave your target defenseless.

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Hmm, thoughts on the vote later. It seems like the plan for defense is my RNG plan. I think both 1/4 and 1/5 are comfortable numbers to use for this, so each person could probably choose which one they want to personally use, with the lower number if you have an action you’d otherwise prefer to take. Just be sure to honor your result or we could get overrun.

I see @Alvron wants that gun in the supply pronto :D.

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[OOC: That awkward moment when you know what analysis needs to be done but you're kind of way too tired and invested in the idea of the quiet RPful game to go ham on it >>]

Duncan hadn't liked the shifts in the voting at the court martial. He held his cup of water and grimaced. Always look at the patterns in the votes, Matt had told him, once. Duncan'd figured Matt knew what he was doing. He'd always seemed assured, and prepared. Just what Duncan had never been.

And then there was Wyatt. There had always been Wyatt.

Steady there, Wyatt had said, gripping his shoulder. Duncan had thought... Duncan had thought they'd been comrades. Had thought Wyatt was on the level. That was the trouble with heroes, Duncan thought, bitterly. They fell from grace, and then you trusted them, even though you should've known better, and now it was broken and nothing Duncan could think of would make it right again.

Matt had died hard, that first night. 

And Kessen... He'd forgotten about Kessen. Forgotten. That was always the bloody problem, wasn't it?

Duncan tried to control his breathing. He set the cup of water down. Hadn't been this dry in a while. He didn't think it agreed with him.

The question was if someone had been trying to save Joshua [OOC: Mat] or the one who had named himself a Forgotten. [OOC: Gears] Or even—he grimaced at the thought, but he would never not doubt, not anymore. Not since Wyatt— his little brother. Or even Frederick.

Not Frederick, Duncan thought, and yet he couldn't bring himself to trust even his brother, and his heart broke all over again. Friends. They had a way of doing that to you.

So many had spoken up that Duncan was certain that the Forgotten lurked among the voices. The question was, where? And who?

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Sakura dug the man’s grave.

It only seemed fitting since she was the one who’d cast the final vote. She was the one who’d chosen not to let fate decide. She was the one who’d damned an innocent man. She was terrible.

Sakura made the man’s grave deep, not just to respect him properly—as was per standard in the West—but to punish herself. She tore into the coarse dirt of the forest of Nebrask. Her shovel jolted her arms each time she plowed it into the soil, and each time she didn’t prepare properly for the shock. Her forehead dripped with sweat, rolling down her face and into her eyes, it gave her an excuse to stop digging. She was grateful and not at the same time. 

When she finished digging the three meter deep hole, her arms were covered in mud. It had started raining at some point. Sakura didn’t remember when though. Nevertheless, she climbed back to the surface, grabbing hold tightly to the rocks that jutted out of the ground so she wouldn’t slip on the wet dirt. In her ascent, she cut her hand against one of the rocks, its sharp edge tearing into her palm. Her blood fell with the rain into the soon-to-be filled grave. 

It only seemed fitting that part of her should be buried with Dan. 

She picked up his cold body. They hadn’t had a casket to put him in, only a thick tattered cloth wrap. It was disheartening to know that, if Sakura was put under the court’s judgment next, she’d meant a similar fate. Buried in land so far from Japan. Away from her lover, Hogetsu. Who’d never find out that her partner had died in a foreign forest, in a war she should’ve never taken part it. 

When she returned to the camp, soaked in mud with blood running down her arm, she received looks of concern, distrust, and some that she couldn’t read. Sakura paid them no heed. She returned to her lodgings after grabbing some kind of stew from the cooks tent. Then, she undressed and toweled herself dry, cleaning and bandaging the wound on her hand as she did so. It would make drawing Rithmatic lines for the next few days a struggle, which only seemed fitting as Dan would no longer draw them at all.

By the time Sakura finished cleaning herself, the stew had gotten cold, reminding her of Dan’s limp form. She gave her thanks and ate quickly, taking no time to treasure its dull taste. When she finished the meal, she set the bowl outside her tent for the cooks to collect the next morning. Leaving the bowl to fill with rainwater, she returned to the warmth of her shelter and sat down at her desk.

Sakura wrote a letter.


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Grace felt sick. They had just killed an innocent man. She knew that there would be more innocent people to die, and that only made it worse. She sighed. How long will this continue? Will I be next? Grace walked towards the door, and went outside. It was raining. It seemed fairly depressing, but that felt appropriate all things considered. She sat in the rain, letting all of her emotions wash away with the water.

Edited by Random Bystander
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Duncan sat in a corner of the mess hall and watched everyone.

Sometimes, the shadows moved, and he found himself startling, his heart stuttering in his chest. Sometimes he thought he saw the ghost of a man among the crowd of gathered Rithmatists and personnel. Wyatt moved among them, sometimes. He gazed over at Duncan, and smiled, eyes Forgotten-black.

Duncan wanted to forget it all. To move on. He wanted to be old Duncan again, not the Duncan who was locked tight in a corner of his brain. Not the Duncan who couldn't seem to forget that last stand on Nebrask, when he'd expected to be killed. Not to have survived. Not to have been shattered and forced to live with the scars.

He just didn't know how and he was so tired.

He checked the quartermaster's log—everyone who had taken something from the camp supplies had been recorded in the log. As far as Duncan could tell, there was an immediate mystery. The quartermaster had logged five pieces of chalk remaining in the camp supplies. But at the same time, three people had been logged as removing chalk: himself, Sakura, and Atreco. The way Duncan saw it, he thought the numbers didn't make sense, unless there was a thief who had stolen from Faleast. Unless Faleast was lying, which Duncan wouldn't have completely ruled out as impossible. [OOC: Line of Revocation doesn't make the numbers come right. Likely thief action if Ash is truthful. Puts Ash as softclaiming Rithmatist.]

Everyone lied, after all.

Seven pieces of chalk in the logs. Take out three and the only way they could've ended up with five, in Duncan's reckoning, was if Dan's chalk had been returned to the supplies by the quartermaster. Duncan thought he knew what the thief had in mind, too. It wasn't half a bad plan, even if he wouldn't have done it himself.

He scribbled down:


Daughter of the Prime Forest - ostensibly did nothing [OOC: Lotus]
Tia Vuur [OOC: Burnt]
Frederick Kerr - ostensibly went for a Book, lost. [OOC: Striker]
Shard of Reading
Random Bystander
Illwei - ostensibly went for a Book, lost
Joshua - ostensibly laid down a Bucket of Acid [OOC: Mat]
Respected Madman [OOC: STINK]

He wasn't sure what to make of it, but excluding those who hadn't been on the quartermaster's logs and getting to see what everyone had claimed to be doing seemed helpful. He supposed the Forgotten would be doing it anyway so there was no reason not to. If their thief had done anything, he would be most likely lurking among the names that Duncan had written. Duncan didn't care though: he just thought it was useful to get some idea of who was doing what, especially once the Forgotten began to employ chalk lines in earnest. 

[OOC: Don't say Santa Kas does zero analysis at all. Worth tracking just to spot activity patterns across Turns. You're welcome. Going back to chilling.]

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7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

He checked the quartermaster's log—everyone who had taken something from the camp supplies had been recorded in the log. As far as Duncan could tell, there was an immediate mystery. The quartermaster had logged five pieces of chalk remaining in the camp supplies. But at the same time, three people had been logged as removing chalk: himself, Sakura, and Atreco. The way Duncan saw it, he thought the numbers didn't make sense, unless there was a thief who had stolen from Faleast. Unless Faleast was lying, which Duncan wouldn't have completely ruled out as impossible. [OOC: Line of Revocation doesn't make the numbers come right. Likely thief action if Ash is truthful. Puts Ash as softclaiming Rithmatist.]

Read my earlier post--the fifth Piece of Chalk is from Dannex, who died without using his. When people die their Items go back into the Camp Supply.

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4 minutes ago, Quinn0928 said:

Read my earlier post--the fifth Piece of Chalk is from Dannex, who died without using his. When people die their Items go back into the Camp Supply.

[OOC: Read mine - I clearly agreed and said Line of Revocation doesn't make sense and it's from Dannex :) ]

7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Seven pieces of chalk in the logs. Take out three and the only way they could've ended up with five, in Duncan's reckoning, was if Dan's chalk had been returned to the supplies by the quartermaster. Duncan thought he knew what the thief had in mind, too. It wasn't half a bad plan, even if he wouldn't have done it himself.

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Aight, for defense RNGing you probably shouldn’t use 1/4 odds if we want to save chalk. We don’t need as many successes thanks to my Acid I laid so 1/5 or maybe even 1/6 should suffice, especially since the strength is only 2.

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24 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Aight, for defense RNGing you probably shouldn’t use 1/4 odds if we want to save chalk. We don’t need as many successes thanks to my Acid I laid so 1/5 or maybe even 1/6 should suffice, especially since the strength is only 2.

Right, I was thinking that too. 

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