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Long Game 73: The Forgotten Coup


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Right, as the remaining public Lantern holder, I feel like I'll get killed tonight. Add to that, I'm not comfortable with the fact that it doesn't seem like the other two have claimed it to anyone. So I'll be doing my usual IKYKing of the elims. Elims, I may or may not protect myself using Line of Forbiddance tonight. Chalk strength isn't much and you know I've got Chalk. 

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2 hours ago, Illwei said:

Okay who got stolen from today it's okay to come forward :P.


I feel drunk but I'm sober, I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm restless, I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything is going to be quite alright
'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is flicking a cigarette
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1 hour ago, TJ Shade said:

Right, as the remaining public Lantern holder, I feel like I'll get killed tonight. Add to that, I'm not comfortable with the fact that it doesn't seem like the other two have claimed it to anyone. So I'll be doing my usual IKYKing of the elims. Elims, I may or may not protect myself using Line of Forbiddance tonight. Chalk strength isn't much and you know I've got Chalk. 

I claimed during the day (or at least I confirmed the defense of 6), but nobody seemed to notice.

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Just now, Araris Valerian said:

I claimed during the day (or at least I confirmed the defense of 6), but nobody seemed to notice.

smh be sliding back under the radar accidentally huh :P.

Edited by Illwei
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15 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I claimed during the day (or at least I confirmed the defense of 6), but nobody seemed to notice.

[OOC: Man, I play one game laidback and all the subtle claims and "you didn't notice!" come out of the woodwork :P ]

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8 hours ago, Illwei said:

mmmm 22 minutes? :P.


@Araris Valerian

Went through your D3 posts, nothing about how much defence we had at all?

Hmm, you’re right. I guess I typed up the post, but never actually sent it. I have a bad habit of doing that. I can confirm the camp defense was 6 last night.

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My first thought: Condensation lied? Burned through the trust for nothing. Probably a bad play [like Super Mario Sunshine rushed release].

All of Condensation's posts. I'm fairly certain that the formatting is going to get ruined.




I probably won't be able to be so active as well - my classes should be pretty intense. And, y'know, I'm trying to post less. But I'll be on as much as I can and if you need to ask me something, I'll likely be able to reply quickly.

I'm already regretting joining this, but I've committed. At least it's not a QF. :P


  On 1/29/2021 at 6:52 AM, Quinn0928 said:

So, my thought is, why don't we leave the Bribes for the Thief? That way they don't have a reason to try to steal from us, because they can use their actions to collect Bribes instead, and we don't lose any kill or defense Items. 

Sounds like a plan.

  On 1/29/2021 at 8:43 AM, STINK said:

how is chalk even made

They mine it then shape it. There's a chalk mine I can hike to in my area.

  On 1/29/2021 at 10:59 AM, Matrim's Dice said:

Alternatively, we each could just ask Alv

Um... hard pass. He is rather good at randomizing, but... no.

I know it was a joke. However, it's still a hard no.

I'm going to go PM everyone! If I already have a PM with you but you want another, go ahead. I won't PM you unless I need to PM you specifically.

Willing to leave Bribes for the Thief [so Bribes low priority for elims?], NAI comments, strongly against the RNG plan [I suppose that there will be elims on both sides of the issue to lessen connections], PMs!

  On 1/29/2021 at 1:30 PM, Illwei said:


Telling me that you're going to spill all the secrets in my PM with you isn't the best way to make PM friends :P.

That's not what I meant!

I'm willing to share basics. For example, so and so and I are talking about Greek mythology. That's all. And it'd really only be if you're getting suspicion.

PM reasons with Illwei, willing to share information in PMs [confessing that they will share info? Telling Illwei that they will be sharing with elims? Also, I did not consent to having my PM with you revealed, Condensation. I do not appreciate it. I name you Dolos, the Betrayer, and strike from you the name of Hestia.]


Um... guys.

  • Non-Rithmatist: You snuck onto the front lines to study the art of Rithmatics, and to hopefully gain that power. You win if all Forgotten are dead. Unlike other roles, you cannot use Rithmatics. If you get a Shadowblaze, you become a Forgotten, and your win condition changes accordingly. Once per cycle, as an action, you may teach a player a random Specialization.

This is the only role that mentions a Shadowblaze. And they become a Forgotten. I'm sort of thinking the Shadowblaze isn't the lifesaver you all are thinking it is.

As an elim, one would assume they understand the importance of the Shadowblaze. Overstating initial incomprehension? Deliberate misleading? 

  On 1/29/2021 at 3:50 PM, Kasimir said:

[OOC: As I've been reminded, I'm Keeper of King's Laws. Sart may not be King, but here you go :P ]

Ah. Thank you for the clarification. That's my bad.

Once corrected, they promptly reverse their opinion. Sensible. The ploy failed.


I didn't really have anything to say. I mean, people don't seem to be fans of fluff... and my suspicions aren't nearly fully developed yet. I've got most all of the rule clarifications I need, and I can chat with people in PMs. So this has become irrelevant, really.

Feels no need to talk. This is a change from Condensation's typical chatter. They also abandoned my PM with them very early on. This should have been a warning sign.


Can I get a TL;DR? I don't really feel like reading 3, maybe 3.5 pages right now.

If someone won't give one, I'll always read it later... but getting one would be nice.

Has not been keeping up. Could be genuine, could be overstating.



Read through it all. I only have one question... what's tinfoiling?

Probably genuine confusion. Always good to ask questions and seem less knowledgeable.

  On 1/31/2021 at 4:11 PM, Quinn0928 said:

That's when you come up with really outlandish complex impossible theories or give in to ultimate paranoia etc. 

So basically me in MR46, if you remember that XD

Ah. Wow, I need to use that word a lot more. :P

I need to go listen to Weird Al Yankovic.


  On 1/31/2021 at 4:15 PM, Quinn0928 said:

@Sart can we get a VC? jk jk I know it's Night. What time does the cycle end?

24 hours after it started. So you can go look at the time it started to find out.


  On 1/31/2021 at 4:19 PM, Quinn0928 said:

Okay, I just wasn't sure 'cause original rollover was at like... 7pm my time and then last night it was at 9pm. So I was wondering whether it'd go back to what it was before.

I don't think it will.

Time will not return.


  On 1/31/2021 at 10:11 PM, Illwei said:


Ah yes, Archie and yours truly, Conner.

Points out name misspelling.

  On 2/1/2021 at 8:28 AM, Ventyl said:

I would just like to say I think @Condensation is thief due to some interesting things in PMs, such as them taking a Spring-powered crowd and then reacting very interestingly when I told them it was thiefy. 

Hmm? Please go back to ignoring me.

Not sure how to feel about that fact that all y'all seem to be leaving me off of your reads list.

Interesting reaction to being accused of Thiefhood. Sliding under the radar. [Again, warning signs.]

  On 2/1/2021 at 8:46 PM, Matrim's Dice said:

Hey I marked you down as a solid Mild Elim :P 

Though activity generally equals a place on a reads list.

That's true. I haven't been very active.

Except in PMs.

Activity = more to read. Condensation, I feel offended that you weren't active in our PM. I could have had more data!


I'm not really suspicious of Archer. Can I get a vote count, @Sart?

Condensation is trying for the Archer link. Do they know that Archer's the non-Rithmatist? 


See, but I don't think Archer's being suspicious! Illwei because I'm more suspicious of them than Archer.

Reinforcing Archer/Condensation [If Condensation knew that Archer was the NR, then Devotary is an elim], implies V!Illwei

  On 2/2/2021 at 11:46 AM, Ventyl said:

You forgot the comma after Illwei :P

And I agree, I think Illwei has done a lot more questionable things than Archer. Maybe that’s just gut, but Idk.

Would you like to be added?

Mat, you can think what you want.

I don't know how to react to Ventyl's concurrence [that could just be a confused villager] since elims shouldn't tie themselves together.

  On 2/2/2021 at 11:49 AM, Ventyl said:

Perhaps. :P

I'm adding you. :)



I'd be down for not killing Connie :P.

No one wants to die.


Sure, I'll jump on the Mat train. Leave me alone! :P

A random vote on a person for no reason. One of the first warning signs. 

On 2/2/2021 at 6:28 PM, Illwei said:


connie, where did this come from?

Well, it was more of a joke. I was honestly planning to remove it in a little bit, but I'll remove it now. Mat.

I didn't have any reasoning other than "Hey, there's a train on Mat!" and "Mat keeps saying I'm sus!"

Then the prompt retraction. Warning signs abound.

  On 2/2/2021 at 7:13 PM, Matrim's Dice said:


@Condensationsave me by voting Illwei thanks

All right. Illwei.

Saves Matrim. I don't know why they would do this if they were planning on killing them later. Maybe go for conf!vil = conf!right bias concerning Condensation?

  On 2/2/2021 at 7:18 PM, Matrim's Dice said:

Ninja'd by connies vote

  1. thanks
  2. illwei/connie NOT e/e

You're welcome. The other one was a joke vote, I still think we should keep you around.

Plus your PM's been more active than Illwei's.

  On 2/2/2021 at 7:22 PM, Illwei said:

btw kinda bothering me how disconnected connie's been.

Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I've been worrying over auditioning for our school's musical, I decided not to. So I can probably be more active? If I haven't been active, yell at me. Or PM me, I'm really active on PMs. They're where I can go point by point.

Matrim is probably right about Illwei/Condensation relationship. And Illwei, I concur.

  On 2/2/2021 at 7:30 PM, Illwei said:

Doesn't have to do with activity, has to do with how little you seem to care about the outcome here

Oh. Also understandable. Sorry. I do care about the village winning, it's just not coming through because of my preoccupation.

Illwei with the good points yet again. Condensation has been about as disconnected as me



I forgot to grab something. That's my bad.

Hey, will someone remind me to follow the thread, please? I keep forgetting.

What were they doing instead? Possibilities: Failing to take from the Supply [unlikely, why lie?], drawing a Line [Vote manip? The removal on Illwei is still unaccounted for. This is the most viable since nothing else actually helps much.], using an Item [none of these do much to help. As such, the LoS is the most likely option]. Alternatively, they genuinely forgot, but I find that unlikely.

On 2/2/2021 at 9:51 PM, Mist said:

Hey Connie follow the thread.

Like... in the future. You're hilarious.




Quinn!!! :(

I'm glad we didn't exe Illwei, the thread would've died.

Okay, we need to get the Ornate Clock tonight. The Lantern would be good too.

I'm thinking I'll take a piece of Chalk or a Bribe.

Saying obvious "villager" things. The wish for a Bribe is a reversal of an earlier opinion.

  On 2/3/2021 at 10:12 PM, Illwei said:

Theoretically if you thought that town needs that clock, the more people to go for it the more likely town will get it

That's true. But what about the Lantern? That's important too.

Trying to lure people away from the Clock?

  On 2/3/2021 at 11:11 PM, Araris Valerian said:

Not really. We have a couple claimed already. I would say the only less important thing in the supply right now is the Bribe.

All right. That does make sense.

Bowing to authority, allowing opinions to change, etc.

  On 2/4/2021 at 5:08 AM, Kasimir said:

[OOC: Tired and my arm aches :( No RP. Connie

Edited to add: Would be interesting to know what Gears has been seeing via LoM. And if Ventyl was responsible for vote manipulation on Illwei. ]

Why? About the vote, I mean.

Reasoning is a reasonable expectation.

  On 2/4/2021 at 11:50 AM, TJ Shade said:

Condensation Their initial vote on Mat, which they claimed as joke didn't feel like that to me. Only once Illwei called them out did they tell it was a joke, in a less than convincing way. 

This one?


Sure, I'll jump on the Mat train. Leave me alone! :P

That seems like a joke to  me. You just couldn't see my face.

Condensation does not react well to vote pressure. 

  On 2/5/2021 at 0:37 AM, StrikerEZ said:

I mean, the crabs are a thing too...and they tell you every single item someone has. It's not like we'd be completely at a loss for information.

*raises hand*

Yes, I have one of those! People thought I wasn't being smart or was the thief or something, but I was just being smart! :)

I mean, that was definitely my intention when I grabbed the Crab. :P

Wants to seem good? 


Right... I'm definitely evil. Lynching me would be a good idea because then I could say "I told you so" for the third time.

Honest to the end.


Nope, not me.

Reaction to thief accusation. Still honest.


I think you messed something up there, Illwei. :P

Seriously, though.

Vote formatting

19 hours ago, Tani said:

How do I join this? I want to play tooooooo!

PM me. :)

Edit: We'd also appreciate it if you'd hide your post.

Random invader

 19 hours ago, Illwei said:

Ha! obviously wants people to ignore her bc she's Evil!

Or, y'know, because every time I get noticed (even in past games) I get sussed. Why not... just not post at all? Silber's got it right, guys. :P

  19 hours ago, Illwei said:

she didn't actually seem to care where her vote went is what bothered me :P.

I care, but I knew that I'd be on for most of the rest of the cycle. RPs and all. So I would definitely have time to take it off. Like how Quinn votes as a sort of placeholder.

  19 hours ago, Illwei said:

Sigh. this.

"I'm definitely Evil", "I could say 'I told you so'".

://. There's no emojis here. no " :P " like in the sarcastic messages. :/ and then she didn't come out and say it was a joke.

  18 hours ago, Archer said:

Now here comes the moral dilemma. The rules say no using outside information about a person to judge their gameplay. But Connie has repeatedly stated in games that they don't lie in SE. So I feel okay using that meta to speculate that when they said "I'm definitely evil" they were telling the truth, full stop.

The other ones were jokes. That was sarcasm. And no, I don't count sarcasm as lying.

I keep forgetting that y'all can't see my face. 'Cause I get this weird expression when I'm being sarcastic. It's like... perfectly serious. And I'm not that way regularly. So yes, that was sarcasm, not me saying that I'm an elim.

Bad rebuttals to Illwei's points. Maybe it was sarcasm, maybe not. Not very convincing.


Summary: Condensation was trying to tie herself to Archer. If they knew that Archer is the NR, it implies elim!Devotary. For the future: Note that elim!Condensation tends to be a bit quieter. illweiSuspicion--; 

Vote analysis:

There were 6 people on Condensation: Archer, Striker, Illwei, Kas, TJ, and Devotary. 

The first vote on Condensation was Kas with no reasoning. Next was TJ with valid reasoning about the Mat vote. Illwei votes next because of Condensation's 'confession'. Archer follows suit [if Archer wasn't the NR, I would be very suspicious of them for the Condensation/Archer links and this shoddy vote, may be worth looking into later if elim!Devotary]. Striker votes because makes sense out of targets [fair] without reasoning [they said they were busy]. Devotary votes Condensation to prevent a possible tie. Of those, Kas, Archer, Striker, and Devotary stand out. Since Kas was the first vote and Archer is the NR, they are off the list of evil. I might do a Striker or Devotary ISO [why is that capitalised? It's shorthand for 'isolated', so shouldn't it just be iso, in lowercase?] later, but I'm mildly busy now.

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2 hours ago, Gears said:

My first thought: Condensation lied? Burned through the trust for nothing. Probably a bad play [like Super Mario Sunshine rushed release].

Gears, wahddya mean? i went through connie's posts and showed that Elim!her wouldn't have lied :P.

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Well, isn't that nice.  I take a day off to do other stuff that needed to be done and you all go and kill a Forgotten.  Maybe I should take the next day off too. :P 

Sorry Kas but my notes are horribly behind.  I haven't finished N2 info gathering yet as some real life stuff turned up and had to be dealt with.  I'll get on it as soon as I can.

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Wei grew concerned. It was nearly dawn, and they hadn't organized their defenses yet. That could to lead to trouble, and so he did an early morning check of their perimeter. Everything seemed to be in order, but he still had an uneasy feeling. He glanced over his shoulder, and saw one of the other soldiers standing behind him. He tried turning around, but a gash had opened in his abdomen. The Forgotten slashed at him relentlessly with a knife, killing Wei within a matter of seconds. They briefly glowed white and the blood washed from their clothes. The camp may have been secure, but they had other ways to deal with these pesky Rithmatists, and with the discovery of a gun, hopefully the camp would turn on itself even more.

Illwei has died. They were a Rithmatist.

Camp Supply:

  • 3 Pieces of Chalk
  • 2 Buckets of Acid
  • 2 Bribes
  • 6 Spring-Powered Crabs
  • 1 Map
  • 1 Gun
  • 1 Book of Vigor

Player List:

  Hide contents
  1. @Gears : Servant of the Mad God
  2. Quinn0928 : Nicole Cooper Rithmatist
  3. @Ashbringer : Faleast
  4. @Lotus : Daughter of the Prime forest
  5. @Flyingbooks
  6. @Archer : Evan Wallace
  7. @Burnt Spaghetti : Tia Vuur
  8. @Ventyl : Shimamura Sakura
  9. @The Unknown Order : Atreco Tel
  10. @Araris Valerian : Elysian
  11. @StrikerEZ : Frederick Kerr
  12. @Alvron : Blackbane
  13. @Shard of Reading
  14. @Random Bystander
  15. Illwei Rithmatist
  16. @TJ Shade
  17. Condensation : Connie Forgotten
  18. @Devotary of Spontaneity : Kaniae Moreau
  19. @Kasimir : Duncan Kerr
  20. Matrim's Dice: Joshua Rithmatist
  21. @STINK : Respected Madman
  22. @Mist : Tria Noche
  23. Dannex Rithmatist

This Day will end on February 8th, at 8 PM CST.

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20 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Gun!  There's a gun!  I see a Gun!  I want the Gun!

I need the Gun!

I'm going for the Gun!  I welcome anyone else who wants to roll the dice with me.

I think I’ll probably go for it with you. :P

Also, someone grabbed the clock. I tried going for it, but didn’t get it. I recommend that whoever did get it, assuming it was a villager, doesn’t claim it. And that they hoard it for awhile. Keep it for a rainy day. Things might get really bad before we need it, so best not to use it too soon.

And if the elims ended up with it...well, we should try and figure that out. :P

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Camp Strength was just 2 by the way. I was one of the guys who drew the Line of Warding and I've got another player claiming to have drawn a Line of Warding. Anyone else who didn't claim to me protected the camp? 

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6 minutes ago, TJ Shade said:

Camp Strength was just 2 by the way. I was one of the guys who drew the Line of Warding and I've got another player claiming to have drawn a Line of Warding. Anyone else who didn't claim to me protected the camp? 

Nope, I completely forgot to take an action. 

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Counter proposal: if you got the clock, shoot me a PM and use it tonight. I'd hate for it to be hoarded then stolen. I'll confirm someone says they'll do it, then no one will need to draw lines. The advantage of this is it's unlikely they will be roleblocked. As a request though, please, no one deny you have the clock. Let's keep it ambiguous. 

Illwei was an interesting choice. I'd started calling them strong village in my reads, but it provides us more info than killing a random low poster would. Now I'm paranoid it was a setup to make Ventyl look good. If anyone re reading the thread sees someone shifted to supporting Illwei in the last two rounds, call it out. Striker comes to mind, if I'm remembering things right. 

I'll probably grab the acid. It's about time I helped defend the camp. The gun would be an unfortunate thing for converted!me to have in my possession. 

Last night I taught someone a specialization. 

Edit: I am suspicious of anyone who 'forgets to take an action'. It's a good cover for using chalk in nefarious ways. So save yourself the suspicion and taaaake your acccctions

Edited by Archer
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19 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Also, someone grabbed the clock. I tried going for it, but didn’t get it. I recommend that whoever did get it, assuming it was a villager, doesn’t claim it. And that they hoard it for awhile. Keep it for a rainy day. Things might get really bad before we need it, so best not to use it too soon.

Striker you liar. I scanned you with a Line of Making. You grabbed the Ornate Clock. 

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57 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Gun!  There's a gun!  I see a Gun!  I want the Gun!

I need the Gun!

I'm going for the Gun!  I welcome anyone else who wants to roll the dice with me.

Have it, I'd rather try to get some more chalk.

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17 minutes ago, Gears said:

Striker you liar. I scanned you with a Line of Making. You grabbed the Ornate Clock. 

The rules just say that the specialized line of making tells you what action the target took, so it might not show whether the action was successful.

Edited by Flyingbooks
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Gears. You have been chosen. by rng

Hey Connie follow the thread. yes I know you're/she's dead. I was just rereading a thing and saw that. =P

I'm glad we didn't accidentally do it again, where we didn't grab stuff. also yay we have even more stuff again woot.

Also guyyyys be careful don't get too many people killed going for the gun. please. pretty pretty please?

also i'm tempted to go full chaotic but ill stick with rng for now. also yalld probably want a warning when i sign up. so not this game. (dun dun dun)

oooh someones got...waaaait...trying to keep a secret...hmmmmmm...id be sus of maybe both of you. striker was prolly trying to keep it a secret maybe? maybe he told archer? hmmmmm i like correcting of the mistake buuuuut also then striker could be rbed so yeaaah.

also matching the defense. that makes me nervous. it was fine, but what if someone was rbed. or stuff like that. so i dont like that much. so maybe discuss it a little more in thread next time

yaaaay burnt! yayayayay

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