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7 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

"Scadrial?" He raises his eyebrows. "One, or two?" Or three now that I think of it.

"Era 2. From the looks of things, probably around all of the Wax and Wayne stuff. I am so glad I'm not the only Sanderson fan here." She said that with a grin. "Although, I don't think I'll last long. I am physically weak, and have awful hand eye coordination."

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28 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"Uh..." she pointed to a very old fashioned car going down the road. It was the type of thing you'd expect to see in a museum. "Your theory has been disproved." 


Pretty sure those didn't come around until Shadows of Self...


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4 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"Era 2. From the looks of things, probably around all of the Wax and Wayne stuff. I am so glad I'm not the only Sanderson fan here." She said that with a grin. "Although, I don't think I'll last long. I am physically weak, and have awful hand eye coordination."

"That's where I come in, I'm guessing." 

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Just now, The Unknown Order said:

"That's where I come in, I'm guessing." 

"So... You're saying you have fighting skills?" she said it hopefully. "Hey! Once we figure out what is going on, should we try to change stuff? I want to meet so many people. I will not waste this opportunity."

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6 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"Era 2. From the looks of things, probably around all of the Wax and Wayne stuff. I am so glad I'm not the only Sanderson fan here." She said that with a grin. "Although, I don't think I'll last long. I am physically weak, and have awful hand eye coordination."

"Look, the car doesn't prove anything. We could be somewhere else on earth. That doesn't mean we are on... Did you say scadrial? Like, the book?"

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Just now, HoidWasTaken said:

"Look, the car doesn't prove anything. We could be somewhere else on earth. That doesn't mean we are on... Did you say scadrial? Like, the book?"

"Apparently, now, just to find some filled, identityless nicrosil. And to get to Roshar."

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Just now, HoidWasTaken said:

"Look, the car doesn't prove anything. We could be somewhere else on earth. That doesn't mean we are on... Did you say scadrial? Like, the book?"

"Yay! Another Cosmere nerd!" She grinned. "And yes. As in Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and Bands of Mourning." she paused. "And the unpublished Lost Metal. I saw a freaking coinshot earlier."

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Just now, Random Bystander said:

"Yay! Another Cosmere nerd!" She grinned. "And yes. As in Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and Bands of Mourning." she paused. "And the unpublished Lost Metal. I saw a freaking coinshot earlier."

*starts looking for spikes*

"Maybe we should go to the Village, since they don't have weapons."

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Ok, I have to drop in here, but I'm also going to put in a fun character that's totally not me.

Name: Alex

Background: College student, really tired all the time, got his mission cut short by Covid and didn't get to go back out. Just finished reading Rhythm of War, likes reading the Cosmere but not super deep down the theory hole.

Ability: Soother

Alex sat up. Who was making all that noise?

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3 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"Yay! Another Cosmere nerd!" She grinned. "And yes. As in Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and Bands of Mourning." she paused. "And the unpublished Lost Metal. I saw a freaking coinshot earlier."

Luke laughed, "You can't possibly be serious. Why would we specifically be sent here? Why would you even want to be here- that is, assuming we are on scadrial? No tech, no indoor plumbing, no. We are just somewhere else on earth."

4 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

"Yay! Another Cosmere nerd!" She grinned. "And yes. As in Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and Bands of Mourning." she paused. "And the unpublished Lost Metal. I saw a freaking coinshot earlier."


5 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

"Apparently, now, just to find some filled, identityless nicrosil. And to get to Roshar."

"What? No, we can't get to roshar."

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Just now, HoidWasTaken said:


Luke laughed, "You can't possibly be serious. Why would we specifically be sent here? Why would you even want to be here- that is, assuming we are on scadrial? No tech, no indoor plumbing, no. We are just somewhere else on earth."


"What? No, we can't get to roshar."

"Why not? Just hop on a dead body and float away, Hoid style."

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1 minute ago, HoidWasTaken said:


Luke laughed, "You can't possibly be serious. Why would we specifically be sent here? Why would you even want to be here- that is, assuming we are on scadrial? No tech, no indoor plumbing, no. We are just somewhere else on earth."


"What? No, we can't get to roshar."

"Of course we can!" she paused. "Well, we might not have the same tech, but we also don't have Covid."

3 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

Alex sat up. Who was making all that noise?


I'll add you to the OP. Also, I'm glad your playing an adult... The rest of us are teens. :P


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3 minutes ago, Random Bystander said:

I'll add you to the OP. Also, I'm glad your playing an adult... The rest of us are teens. :P



I figured it'd be fun. I didn't even age myself that much, so now I feel old :P 

"Who are you, what are you all talking about, and what happened to my bed?"

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Just now, The Unknown Order said:

"Is there anywhere on earth where coins fall out of the sky?"

"I don't know- winds can pick up light things like coins. It may have fallen off a roof or something- I don't know! It doesn't prove we were teleported on to a fake planet in a made up book series!"

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Just now, Negative_Null said:

"Who are you, what are you all talking about, and what happened to my bed?"

She turned around. "We are on another world. We dropped into a universe called the Cosmere, and are on a world known as Scadrial." She paused. "I'm Lilliana."

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Name: Adam Everett*

Appearance: Pretty tall (5' 9 1/2") with grey-blue eyes and lightish brown hair, 14 (almost 15) years old

Skills: Fast reader, excellent at math, decent problem-solver, impossible to wear out legs from walking

Weaknesses: Terrible in social situations, easily distracted, Scadrial-induced mental overload, which enhances other weaknesses** and diminishes skills.

Personality: Very curious, loves reading (especially Sanderson) and video games (particularly Legend of Zelda series)

Backstory: Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, was playing with roll of aluminum foil when transported to Scadrial

Investure: Tineye

*Not my real name, obviously

**Except for focus. That was improved somewhat.

Do I have time to join? Nope!  Do I care? Not in the slightest!

Adam walked around a corner. He was on Scadrial. How? Why? This had so many implications! That meant that Nightblood was real and could most likely go back to Earth and-- was that a Coinshot flying around?!? He walked around another corner. If the Cosmere was real and people from Earth could go to it, than things from the Cosmere could most likely go to Earth and the last thing Earth needed after Covid and those riots and the countless disasters was compounders coming to conquer everything or Shards' interference or Hoid and- was that a conversation about Earth? He froze in his tracks. On one hand, he was relieved that he wasn't alone. But on the other, he couldn't actually talk to people!

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1 minute ago, Random Bystander said:

She turned around. "We are on another world. We dropped into a universe called the Cosmere, and are on a world known as Scadrial." She paused. "I'm Lilliana."

"You know what? There is one way to prove this. I am going to walk out of this alley, find someone with a phone, and figure out how to get back to my house."

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Just now, HoidWasTaken said:

"You know what? There is one way to prove this. I am going to walk out of this alley, find someone with a phone, and figure out how to get back to my house."

She started laughing. "You are going to look like an idiot."

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Just now, Random Bystander said:

She started laughing. "You are going to look like an idiot."

2 minutes ago, Enter a username said:

Adam walked around a corner. He was on Scadrial. How? Why? This had so many implications! That meant that Nightblood was real and could most likely go back to Earth and-- was that a Coinshot flying around?!? He walked around another corner. If the Cosmere was real and people from Earth could go to it, than things from the Cosmere could most likely go to Earth and the last thing Earth needed after Covid and those riots and the countless disasters was compounders coming to conquer everything or Shards' interference or Hoid and- was that a conversation about Earth? He froze in his tracks. On one hand, he was relieved that he wasn't alone. But on the other, he couldn't actually talk to people!

Luke grumbled something about not being an idiot before rounding the corner and crashing into someone.


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